Ben Cooper, an old farmer, falls in love with the young blond hitchhiker Mari Lou. She falls in love with Ben Coopers money. But, will he have enough to make her happy?
Cap'n Cobb
Davy Crockett y su compinche Georgie compiten contra el jactancioso Mike Fink ("King of the River") en una carrera en barco a Nueva Orleans. Más tarde, Davy y Georgie, aliados de Fink, luchan contra un grupo de piratas fluviales que intentan hacerse pasar por nativos americanos.
Cuando el recién ordenado ministro William Macklin se muda a la ciudad del oeste donde fue asesinado su padre años antes, trata de reconstruir la vieja iglesia, pero el propietario del salón Marty Callahan y una banda de forajidos intentan socavar sus esfuerzos.
Riverboat Captain
En 1820, Big Eli (Burt Lancaster) y su hijo deciden abandonar Kentucky para empezar una nueva vida en Texas. Antes de llegar a su destino, se detienen en el pueblo, donde vive el hermano mayor de Eli, y surgen entonces ciertas dificultades. A pesar de ser un gran cazador, Eli no encuentra oportunidades. Además tiene un altercado con el sheriff, que lo encierra en prisión.
Tod Grinnel
John Stewart trata de establecer la ley y el orden en su pequeña localidad de Arizona, sin hacer uso de la violencia. Sin embargo, su vecino Wick Campbell no es de la misma opinión, y desea contratar los servicios de un pistolero.
Amiel "Pop" Pruty
Un joven estudiante de leyes pacifista es nombrado sheriff de Oklahoma, lo que le obliga a enfrentarse al pistolero más buscado del momento. Paralelamente, discurre la historia de amor entre él y su amiga Kattie.
Jim Martin
Después de haber sido espía durante la Guerra Civil americana (1861-1865), un tipo llamado Travis se dirige a Arizona, donde tiene previsto cometer un robo con la ayuda de un viejo conocido. Sin embargo, ciertas circunstancias inesperadas lo animan a abandonar su proyecto y comenzar una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Plunkett, the Station agent
El comandante Matt Stewart y un grupo de soldados confederados roban a los soldados de la Unión un cargamento de oro. Después se enteran de que la guerra ha terminado y deciden llevar el oro hacia el Sur. Pero son capturados, aunque Matt consigue salvarse cuando va a ser ahorcado y escapa con el botín. (FILMAFFINITY)
Skeeter Davis
Five people have a part of a map leading to Billy the Kid's treasure. When one of them is killed, Rocky Lane has a plan to find the killer.
Pay Lankershim
Owen Merritt (Randolph Scoth) es un hombre de pocas palabras, extraordinaria puntería y principios firmes, que ha de tragarse su orgullo cuando la mujer a la que ama se casa con otro por dinero. Pero cuando el marido, celoso, jura destrozar el rancho de Merrit, éste tendrá que defenderse.
Doc Mason
The Three Stooges travel West where they become heroes by nabbing a gang of would-be robbers.
Town Loafer
Blind Pete Horne knows the location of the Lost Spanish Silver Lode, but is knifed before he can tell anyone. His seeing eye dog, Duke, brings Rex Allen and Gabriel Horne to Pete's lifeless body. They set out to find the killer and run into trouble near Silver City, Arizona, when they rescue Katie McIntosh from a gang that is chasing her buckboard.
Sam 'Bigmouth' Smedley
An elderly man leaves Wyoming to visit his daughter in a small Massachusetts town because, even though she didn't say so, he believes she needs his help. When he gets there he discovers that his daughter, a lawyer, is under great stress because of her biggest client, an old geezer who is the wealthiest and most powerful man in town. The girl's father decides to make the old man "disappear" by performing a rain dance he learned from an Indian chief back in Wyoming--and lo and behold it starts to rain and the old man does indeed disappear. The local sheriff, however, suspects foul play and arrests the girl's father.
Mr. Herman Shimelplatzer
Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) es un hombre afable, cariñoso y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. Su único problema es que va a todas partes acompañado por un imaginario conejo gigante al que llama Harvey. La familia de Elwood no sabe qué hacer y opta por llevarlo a un psiquiátrico.
Mr. Edwards
Newlyweds Joe and Anne Palooka are delayed in their honeymoon plans by the helpful Humphrey Pennyworth and by considerably-less-helpful manager, Knobby Walsh.
Alonzo K. Roogle
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
Doc Vinson
A lawman takes on gangsters attempting to steal property wanted for a railroad.
Hawley (as old Timer)
Linda Marlow llega a un pueblo del Oeste, donde se hace pasar por cantante de ópera y causa una contienda entre dos hermanos.
Loco John
20 years ago, 3 men robbed a stage and hid $30,000. They were caught and sent to prison by Marshal Steve Autry. 20 years later, the men bust out of prison and return to the ghost town where they stashed their treasure searching. Steve's grandson picks up where Steve left off to foil the plans of the outlaws.
Pop Lint
Texas, año 1878. Jim, Lorn y Wahoo son asaltantes de diligencias. Huyendo de sus perseguidores, se separan durante algún tiempo, pero Jim y Wahoo no consiguen dar con su amigo. En un intento por encontrarle se alistan en los rangers, donde les admiten sin preguntarles por su pasado. Pero ya no son los mismos...
Saltlick Joe
Wallace Beery, in his final film, plays a bandit in this period drama set in Colonial America.
Bill 'Pops' Lacy
Hank Wilson is a driver for a truck for a big transportation company which is in financial straits. He is in love with Doris Lacy, a waitress at the truck-stop where the company has its truck fleet serviced. Frequent accidents near the place leads the company to hire a private detective to investigate, and when the detective is murdered Hank is arrested as a suspect. The insurance company that covers the fleet has him released and he is sent back to work with instructions to investigate the accidents on his own. The trail leads to the uncle of Doris, and one of the part-owners of the company.
Capt. Cobb
Un pintor arruinado y abatido por haber perdido la inspiración conoce, un frío día de invierno, a una chiquilla en Central Park vestida de un modo anticuado. A partir de ese momento se suceden otros encuentros, con la particularidad de que en breves intervalos de tiempo la chica se va convirtiendo en una bellísima joven, de la cual el pintor se enamora. Pero Jennie esconde un secreto.
Hank Billings
Bob Hope es un nervioso dentista que se convierte en pistolero cuando se casa con Calamity Jane (Jane Russell), una mujer aficionada a crear problemas y que en realidad trabaja para el gobierno. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jim Hedge
Cuando las luces de un local se apagan, un hombre es asesinado con la pistola de Larry Evans. Pero alguien piensa que es inocente y le oculta de la ley, para luego investigar por su cuenta el crimen.
Capt. Bjorn
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
Acusado de asesinato, Nick Buckley debe encontrar al único hombre que le puede ayudar, mientras una jauría de perros sigue su rastro.
Sheriff Luke Akers
While on vacation, a criminal psychologist investigates a murder during a typhoid epidemic.
Shaggy Hartley (aka "Prof. Davis")
A medicine show pitchman investigates a small town murder in Arizona.
Pa Forrester
Los Baxter son un matrimonio de granjeros que tienen un hijo de once años. Mientras que él es un hombre bueno y trabajador que trata cariñosamente a su hijo, ella es una mujer fria y distante que impone a su familia una estricta disciplina y no permite que nada altere las normas. Un día, yendo de caza, el padre mata a una gacela que acababa de parir y le regala a su hijo el cervatillo, que se convertirá en su compañero de juegos.
Marshall Thompson stars in this MGM drama about a young soldier's devotion to a horse he rescues during WWII. (Not to be confused with "Adventures of Gallant Bess", another film released two years later.)
Henry Pecket
Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
Old Tom
An eccentric wealthy man is murdered, and the police set out to find his killer.
Card Game Spectator (uncredited)
Mientras Rocklin se debate entre el amor de dos mujeres, intentará averiguar por qué se produjo el asesinato del propietario del rancho que lo contrató para trabajar en el Oeste.
Buffalo Burns
El Sheriff Bat Masterson limpia con dureza Dodge City. Solo permite el prostíbulo de la bella Dora, de la que está enamorado. Los problemas surgen cuando a la ciudad llega el pistolero King Kennedy quien pide a Dora que convenza al Sheriff para que le ayude en su carrera de periodista
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cuando su hermano mayor se va a la guerra, el entrañable Homer Macauley se queda al cuidado de su madre y de su hermano pequeño. El chico trabaja en la oficina de telégrafos del pueblo y, de cuando en cuando, la familia recibe noticias de la guerra.
Mr. Smith
A gold-digger hopes to land a rich husband in Trinidad, but gets mixed up with a beach boy and voodoo.
Elmer Frawley
A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. A.C. delivers the policy, without noticing the difference, to Terry at a party at the Frolics Club, a cheap joint wedged between a burlesque house and a flop house hotel. Three characters, an elderly hat-check "girl" known as Mother Hodges; Avery Jamieson, a broken-down actor; and bartender Harry Gargan are named beneficiaries. When the company discovers the error, A.C. is sent to get back the policy and, pending that, don't let Terry make any test flights.
Gas Station Attendant
Un pillo y corredor de apuestas de Nueva York, llamado Lucky Jordan, cuenta un montón de mentiras para librarse del ejército, de ahí que las fuerzas armadas le tengan bajo vigilancia. Sin embargo, cuando una banda de espías extranjeros se inmiscuyen en los negocios de una vieja amiga a la que Jordan quiere como a una madre, este hombre reconsiderará su actitud ante la vida...
Terry McCabe
Mientras el Ranger Don Stuart se enfrenta a un peligroso incendio en un bosque, descubre que ha sido provocado. Sus sospechas recaen sobre una persona, pero no consigue encontrar ninguna prueba que lo vincule con el escenario del crimen.
In the shanty town called the Cabbage Patch, Mrs. Wiggs scrabbles for survival with her brood of children and hopes for the return of her husband, who left many years before.
Wyatt Earp limpia Tombstone y se enfrenta a los Clanton en O.K. Corral.
Scissor Grinder
Un matón llamado Raven (Cuervo en inglés) es contratado para que cometa un asesinato. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que su vida está en peligro, ya que alguien pretende tenderle una trampa.
Barry Kane es un trabajador en una fábrica de aviones, y se ve obligado a escapar a lo largo de los Estados Unidos cuando se ve acusado injustamente de provocar un incendio que mata a su mejor amigo.
Sam 'Store-Teeth' Morrison
James Cagney es un piloto que se enrola en la fuerza aérea canadiense durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Station Watchman
Young intern Jeff Burton, impulsively offers a lift to an odd-looking gentlemen. It soon turns out that Jeff's passenger is an inventor has just escaped from a shady sanitarium, where he has been held prisoner by Nazi spies.
Midas Plant Night-Watchman
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Abilene Fight Spectator (uncredited)
1866. Recién terminada la guerra civil (1861-1865), dos antiguos combatientes vagan por Texas en busca de dinero, comida o trabajo. Pero lo único que encuentran son problemas. Primero se convierten en profesionales del boxeo, luego presencian el asalto a una diligencia, consiguen arrebatar el dinero a los ladrones y horas después están frente a un grupo de hombres que quieren ahorcarlos.
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
Sexton at cemetery
Elinor Bentley Fairchild's previous three grooms-to-be have either died or been maimed. Her aunt hires Lucky Downing to become engaged to her for a month to break the curse. But Lucky becomes a target of what appears to be the ghost of one of the former fiances.
Crabapple Jones
As he looks over the dusty, deserted remains of the western "boom town" of Panamint, grizzled old prospector Chuckawalla Bill Redfield (Ruggles) recalls the town's glory days. Looming large in Chuckawalla's reminiscences is the day that young and apparently mild-mannerd minister Philip Pharo (Phillip Terry) rode into town. In his own gentle but forceful fashion, Pharo managed to bring the town's lawless element into line, mollify the local bluenoses, and win the heart of likeable dance-hall girl Mary Mallory (Ellen Drew).
Eli Potter
Two big city lawyers are handed an important case but then find it requires them to deal with the oddball and very shrewd characters in a small town.
Railroad Official
Los hermanos Marx se dirigen al Oeste a hacer fortuna. Allí adquieren una propiedad de una mina sin valor pero cuyo terreno es muy codiciado por una compañía de ferrocarriles... Otra divertidísima comedia de los hermanos Marx con inolvidables gags entre los que destaca la delirante escena inicial del timo mutuo en la estación.
"Smokey" Moseby
A courageous doctor braves a fierce blizzard in the Canadian wilderness to save a remote community from a deadly epidemic. He has come North to visit and ends up stealing a wife from her husband. When the epidemic hits, he and the wife begin their arduous journey.
Pa McKinley
With the army after him and his partner deserting, Reb decides that a change of scenery would be nice so he heads for Wyoming with Dave.
Judge Todd
A henpecked husband and his bossy wife are due for a surprise when the wife's former boyfriend unexpectedly turns up. Comedy.
Jim Holden, a young doctor practicing in Alaska, eagerly awaits the arrival of his new nurse, Anne Webster. All of his previous left within a few weeks by the rigors of the Alaskan winter....
'Pop' Graybeard (Uncredited)
Maisie becomes attached to a dirt-poor farmer and his family as they try to make ends meet joining hundreds of others digging for gold in a previously panned-out ghost town.
Samuel Darby
Because of a bad investment, Captain and Mrs. Peabody are evicted from their home. Mrs. Peabody finds lodging at a retirement home, but as only single women are allowed, the Captain has to make other arrangements. However, after witnessing their tearful goodbye, the home's residents vote to allow the couple to move in together. The Captain is a reluctant lodger, uncomfortable at being surrounded by so much femininity, and bristles when his pals start referring to him as "Old Lady". The time has come for Captain Peabody to reassert his manhood!
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Mr. Waddell
Desde que era un niño, Thomas Alba Edison (Mickey Rooney) empezó a realizar sus primeros experimentos químicos en el sótano de su casa. Además, tuvo que ejercer múltiples oficios antes de poder registrar su primera patente. Queda para el recuerdo la escena de la operación de la madre, en que el joven Edison idea un sistema de juego de luces con espejos para iluminar el improvisado quirófano.
Ben Mattling
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
Newspaper-reading skeptic
Behind-the-scenes promotional featurette to publicize the epic outdoor adventure Northwest Passage filmed on location in Idaho.
An elderly woman turns sheriff to clear her granddaughter of murder charges.
Story of a lawyer, gangster and a floozy.
'Cap' Finch
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Smokestack Smiley
El abuelo de un muchacho adoptado llega a la casa de la familia y decide que no es adecuada para educar a su nieto.
Lem the Mailman
Football scout for the Chicago Packers Rusty Walker signs Harry Lynn, a legendary broken-field runner. Harry won't leave his home town without his girlfriend Maizie Williams. He gets tangled up with gamblers and Rusty's girl Evelyn Corey makes a play for him.
Mr. Quill
A paroled convict's efforts to improve conditions at a boys' reform school alarm the school's corrupt warden, who has been embezzling funds from the institution. He hatches a plan to derail the reformed convict's efforts and have him sent back to prison, and part of that scheme involves cracking down hard on the reform school's inmates.
Station Agent (Uncredited)
Wisecracking showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself trapped in a Wyoming town when her new employer closes the show prematurely. She meets ranch foreman Charles "Slim" Martin when he accuses her of lifting his wallet and ends up being hired as a maid for ranch owners Cliff and Sybil, who are attempting to mend their rocky marriage after Sybil's infidelity with a cowboy.
Curdleface (uncredited)
Made just before America would be forced into the Second World War, this short subject is a brief dramatized history of American democracy. It targets a perceived threat to democracy from board room and soapbox fascists who advocated a government based upon contemporaneous European models.
H.L. (Pop) Daniels
A temporary laborer who helps bring down a mob-sponsored employment racket
Sam Whitmore
Dr. Bartley Morgan covers up his profitable illegalities with the respectable veneer of a posh, highly profitable private practice, he runs with his nurse Margaret Hopkins. The FBI agent Robert Anders has to catch on to Morgan's illicit activities.
Smedley (uncredited)
Walen plays Dan Sparling, a convicted embezzler who becomes editor of his prison newspaper. After serving out his sentence, he sets up an independent newspaper devoted to attacking corruption in public life, encountering various difficulties due to his being an ex-con and opposition from the incumbent administration.
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
Charley (uncredited)
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Postman (uncredited)
La banda de McCord (Bogart) roba el dinero que lleva la diligencia para pagar a los indios por la compra de sus tierras, pero el proscrito Jim Kincaid (Cagney), alias "el chico de Oklahoma", roba a su vez a McCord el dinero. Más tarde, McCord se hace con el control de los salones de juego en la nueva ciudad. Cuando el padre de Kincaid decide presentarse a la elecciones para la alcaldía de la nueva ciudad, McCord incita a multitud para lincharlo, ya que sabe que si gana su negocio se vendría abajo.
Grandpa Burton
This 40-minute short, produced for MacFadden Publications, is basically a plug for the selling power of ads placed in the pages of "Liberty Magazine," a MacFadden publication.
Henry - Baggage Man
Ellen is a free spirited young woman in love with Doug. Sadly he must leave America for a two year job in Belgium. Ellen and Doug decide to spend their last weekend together in a tourist cabin at a rural lake. Her family is shocked that a young unmarried woman would engage in such amoral activity. The comic plot develops as Ellen argues her case for women's freedom and independence, trying to win over her mother, grandmother, and other dubious relatives.
Jimmy Barzek
En los Alpes, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos estafadores profesionales se conocen durante un espectáculo burlesco. Tras el estallido de la guerra, vuelven a encontrarse en Francia, pero ella va acompañada por un odioso barón, que se dedica al tráfico de armas y que cree que ella es una exiliada rusa.
Ticket Taker (uncredited)
Johnnie Bradfield acaba de proclamarse campeón mundial de boxeo, y todo el mundo le adora. Su tremenda popularidad se basa en que proviene de una familia humilde y debe luchar en el ring por necesidad, lo cual resulta admirable a ojos de sus seguidores. Sin embargo, una noche de borrachera cuenta a un periodista que esta inocente imagen de sí mismo no es más que un montaje, ya que en realidad es un mujeriego y un bebedor empedernido. Al desvelar el secreto, el manager de Johnnie, fuera de sí, mata al periodista para que la noticia no salga a la luz. Pero al darse cuenta de la crudeza de su crimen decide inculpar al boxeador.
Pop Stebbins
Four bandits swoop down on a California bank and flee with $98,000, leaving a truck as the only clue to their identity. Jane Hartman, bank secretary, recognizes the truck as one on which her brother Charles worked. Fleeing to her brother, she is trapped by the gang, composed of its master-mind, Gibbs, Sidney, a gunman, and Randall, a blackballed airplane pilot. Under threat of bodily harm to her brother, she lures truck-driver Tony Andrews to the hideout, and he is forced to help them in their escape attempt.
Villager #3 (uncredited)
Una médico está bajo el punto de mira de la policía tras la muerte de su marido, un médico que conseguía dinero fácil atendiendo a criminales sin denunciarlos. Tendrá que probar su inocencia o perderá su licencia para ejercer la medicina.
Bum in jail
En 1840, un rico empresario del ferrocarril contrata a un hombre para investigar una ruta por la que cree se están transportando esclavos.
Sheriff "Turkeyneck" Slocum
The further adventures of Twain's most beloved fictional characters of Tom Sawyer and his friend, Huckleberry Finn.
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
Pop (uncredited)
A naive young trumpet player inadvertently becomes involved with bank embezzlers. Comedy.
Benjie Collins
A young man befriends the last surviving Civil War veteran, intending to rob him of $50,000.
Deaf Man (uncredited)
Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.
Elder Massey
Ohio, 1840. Un pastor llega a una pequeña comunidad dispuesto a ofrecer sus servicios espirituales, y encuentra a unas gentes mezquinas e incapaces de aceptar cualquier síntoma de progreso. El hijo del pastor se rebela contra esta situación y marcha a Baltimore para estudiar medicina. Cuando estalla la Guerra Civil Americana, el muchacho se alista en el frente.
Andy Moore (as Clem Bevins)
Johnny desea ganar más dinero para agrandar su granja de pollos. Para ello, juega al hockey, pero unos gangsters se interponen en su camino.
Grandpa Sloane
Taxista en una empresa de Independientes, Joe Benton (Spencer Tracy), está felizmente casado con la linda Anna (Luise Rainer).... pero, su felicidad se ve repentinamente amenazada, cuando ciertos "todopoderosos" pretenden expulsarla del país para acallar un asesinato. Por suerte, Joe y Anna, cuentan con un montón de verdaderos amigos.
Board Member (uncredited)
George y Marion Kerby mueren en un accidente de tráfico, pero regresan al mundo de los vivos como fantasmas y con la intención de vivir la lujosa vida de su amigo Cosmo Topper, presidente de un banco.
Medicine Show Spectator (uncredited)
Mary Beamish, a folksy Ozark girl, yearns for the glitter of show business and for a man. She knows she is anything but gorgeous, but figures her enthusiasm offsets that small deficit.
Smugglers are using a device for controlling airplanes in flight, and newspaper reporters from Chicago are vying for the story. Reporter Elmer Lane is out to scoop rival reporter Betty Harrison, and capture her heart in the process.
Lively June, teen-aged daughter of mystery writer Waldo Everett, who calls her "Angel," becomes involved in intrigue centering on movie star Pauline Kaye and her companion Stivers. Reporter Nick Moore, once sweet on Pauline, is convinced that her sudden disappearance is a publicity stunt, which is true -- until gangster Bat Regan decides to get involved.
Monte Christo (Actor Friend)
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
Edna's grandfather is a conductor of a small orchestra that gives concerts in the park every Sunday. Because of lack of audience the city officials want to cancel these concerts. To stop this from happening, Judy and Edna gather a crowd the following Sunday; and to keep its attention, they themselves perform with the orchestra. Edna sings an aria and Judy sings 'Americana'.
Mr. Hudson
The Phantom Rider helps Mary Grayson thwart a plot to steal her land.
Gila Bend
Comedia musical en la cual un cowboy (Bing Crosby) regresa a su tierra después de algunos años, enamorándose de una rica ranchera (Frances Farmer).
Doc Wiggin
Una familia residente en una granja de Maine acoge a una mujer joven, sin saber que tiene un secreto oculto que a nadie ha querido contar.