Mario Kenyon


Black Circle
Executive Producer
Dos hermanas se reencuentran después de un tiempo. Una de ellas revela el secreto que hay detrás de su éxito: escuchar un antiguo disco de hipnosis antes de dormirse, y le aconseja a la otra que la imite.
Co-Executive Producer
Lalo es un adolescente de catorce años que, desde un enfoque ingenuo, se involucra en el mundo subterráneo de la mafia del robo de gas mientras intenta ganar dinero para comprarle un regalo a Ana y ganarse su corazón.
BRUTAL centers on Trevor (Morgan Benoit), abducted from his backyard at the age of fifteen by an unseen alien presence. Forced into nearly two decades of no-holds-barred fights against other abductees inside an unearthly mixed martial arts arena, Trevor has evolved from an innocent boy into a brutal fighting machine. Derek, (Jeff Hatch) an ambulance chasing lawyer, is the latest lab-rat abductee forced to fight Trevor. As the two men exchange ever-increasing beating over the course of weeks and months, the brutality of their existence and the true nature of their humanity is slowly revealed. With elements of THE TWILIGHT ZONE and THE PRISONER, BRUTAL explores through science fiction, allegory and psychological drama, man’s violent nature and our propensity to commit unthinkable acts of violence against each other. Yet through this prism of brutality our capacity to love one another, even in the worst of circumstances is celebrated.