Inna Zelentsova


Without Sun
“Without the Sun” is the first name that Gorky himself gave to his play and which most closely matches its essence. For this work is not about the "day" and its people, but about the indestructible, passionate desire of people from darkness to light, to the sun. "
We're from Jazz
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to another trying to gain fame.
Adult Son
Yuliya Vrevskaya
The film is based on a true dramatic story of the fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Countess Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya, one of the first Petersburg beauties. The events of the movie take place during the Russian-Turkish war for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Turkish yoke. An early widowed baroness, having left Petersburg, and having invested all her money in organizing a volunteer sanitary detachment, she becomes a sister of mercy on the front of the Bulgarian war with the Ottoman Empire of 1878.
Hopelessly Lost
Soviet adventure comedy film based on Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Autumn Weddings
A poetic story about the first love of the village girl Natasha, loyal to the memory of the deceased fiancé. In peacetime, the heroine's fiancé blew up on a land mine that remained on the collective farm field since the war, and her life turned into a nightmare. But sooner or later, dreams end and the world opens again. Pregnant Natasha goes to the institutions, seeking to be signed with the father of the unborn child who died tragically. At the end, after long ordeals, she comes to the conclusion that writing in the marriage book will not change anything in her life.
Andrei Rublev
A comienzos del siglo XV, el monje pintor Andrei Rublev acude junto con sus compañeros a Moscú para pintar los frescos de la catedral de la Asunción del Kremlin. Fuera del aislamiento de su celda, Rublev comenzará a percatarse de las torturas, crimenes y matanzas que tienen aterrorizado al pueblo ruso... La biografía del pintor ruso Andrei Rublev -Andrei Rubliov-, famoso por sus iconos, sirve de base para hacer un minucioso retrato de la vida social, política y artística en la Rusia de principios del siglo XV.
La infancia de Iván
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) Frente Oriental. Iván, un niño ruso de 12 años, cuyos padres murieron durante la invasión nazi, trabaja espiando a los alemanes.
The Magpie
Aneta, the serf actress of Knyaz Skalinsky, amazes with her beauty and talented performance of Shchepin. After the performance, a frank conversation ensues between them. The interlocutor learns that Skalinsky, pursuing the actress for a long time, gave her lover — a young actor of the troupe — to the soldiers for twenty-five years. After much deliberation, Shchepin decides to help the girl, but is too late...
Also People
Based on an excerpt from the novel by L.N.Tolstoy "War and Peace." The war of 1812. The defeated Napoleonic army is retreating. Three Russian soldiers settled in a snowy forest near a fire: a young (Zaletayev), an elderly and a middle-aged one. Zaletayev fantasizes — as if he had captured Napoleon. The soldiers laugh good-naturedly at him. After dinner, they fall asleep... Two Frenchmen go to the clearing — an officer and a soldier. Russian soldiers wake up and, seeing that the officer is barely standing on his feet from cold and hunger, take him to the colonel. The French soldier sits down to the fire. The Russians give him porridge and vodka. The soldier, encouraged, sings a french song. Zaletayev echoes him. A tired Frenchman falls asleep on Zaletayev’s shoulder. The soldiers carefully shelter him. “Also people,” an elderly soldier says with a sigh.
On the Count's Ruins
The film takes place during the civil war. Tolya Dergach, having lost his parents, falls under the influence of bandits looking for hidden treasure in the ruins of the estate. The boy, of course, will understand his new friends — and together with old friends will help the security officers to neutralize criminals.