Two seriously injured patients are brought to the hospital at almost the same time: truck driver Honza Linhart, who had an accident, and a young woman found unconscious in a forest by a man picking mushrooms. The woman is identified as Katerina Marková, the divorced mother of a young girl. Major Kalas (Rudolf Hrusínský) suspects that she is a victim of mugging since a bloodstained small ax has been found near the site of the crime and, according to witnesses, Ms Marková was missing her watch and a bracelet, from which a gemstone has also been discovered. Linhart has lost his only kidney in the accident; in order to live a normal life again, he will need a kidney transplant from the mugged woman if she dies.
El título "Todos mis buenos compatriotas" no está exento de ironía, ya que esta historia épica de la vida de un pueblo checo, poco después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se concentra en las actividades de un grupo de amigos a los que no se les puede reprochar ponerse del lado de un político corrupto régimen para el avance material. ¿Son estos los "buenos compatriotas" del título o se refiere al resto de la aldea que desprecian a esta pequeña figura de autoridad con desprecio silencioso?