Stephen Lance


Torch Song
Conceptions of gender are shattered by the shifting understandings of genetics presented in this layered family drama. Meet Aiden, a teenager who has Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic condition where an extra X chromosome is present. The boy, through ritual and magical chants, banishes adolescence and becomes a man on his own terms – torn by and between the shortcomings of his mother and father.
The Second
La imagen pública de un aclamado autor se ve amenazada cuando su mejor amiga y musa revela un oscuro secreto de su primera novela, desencadenando una historia de sexo, mentiras y traición.
The Second
La imagen pública de un aclamado autor se ve amenazada cuando su mejor amiga y musa revela un oscuro secreto de su primera novela, desencadenando una historia de sexo, mentiras y traición.
My Mistress
My Mistress nos lleva a algo que comienza como una aventura amorosa y extrañamente inocente entre un vulnerable adolescente y una amante sadomaso francesa, que pronto se convertirá en algo peligroso; en una historia de amor provocativa y poco convencional.
My Mistress
My Mistress nos lleva a algo que comienza como una aventura amorosa y extrañamente inocente entre un vulnerable adolescente y una amante sadomaso francesa, que pronto se convertirá en algo peligroso; en una historia de amor provocativa y poco convencional.
Dog With Electric Collar
A dog. An electric collar. And plenty to bark at... Sparks will fly!
Lena, a teenager with Downs Syndrome, is fascinated by sex and all the mystery that surrounds it - fertility, desire, and the mechanics of childbirth. When she steals a sex book from a mobile library, her mother forces her to take it back in an embarrassing family spectacle that only strengthens her daughter's rebellious and irrepressible desire.
Lena, a teenager with Downs Syndrome, is fascinated by sex and all the mystery that surrounds it - fertility, desire, and the mechanics of childbirth. When she steals a sex book from a mobile library, her mother forces her to take it back in an embarrassing family spectacle that only strengthens her daughter's rebellious and irrepressible desire.