Michel Romanoff

Michel Romanoff

Nacimiento : 1924-05-04, Paris, France

Muerte : 2008-09-22


Prince Michael Feodorovich Romanoff (4 May 1924 – 22 September 2008) was a French filmmaker. A descendant of the Russian Emperors, he was a great nephew of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II. Prince Michael Feodorovich was born in Paris, the only son of Prince Feodor Alexandrovich of Russia and his wife Princess Irina Pavlovna Paley. He descended from the Romanovs through both his father and his mother. Through his father he was a grandson of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia and his wife Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia. His mother was a daughter of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia and his second wife Princess Olga Valerianovna Paley, Countess of Hohenfelsen. Prince Michael Feodorovich was called in France Michel Romanoff de Russie (his civil name in his French identity papers). He was brought up in Paris and Biarritz. As a child he learned to speak French, English and Russian. In his later years he learned Spanish and Catalan. After the separation of his parents in 1932, Prince Michael Feodorovich went to live with his mother in Neuilly where he attended the École du Montcel school. Following the outbreak of World War II his family moved back to Biarritz. He served in the French infantry between 1945 and 1946 and accompanied the army of General Leclerc into Germany. For sometime he worked for the Societé des Parfums of Lucien Lelong, who had been married to his aunt Princess Natalie Paley. In 1949, Prince Michael Feodorovich moved into the film industry working as an assistant director, later becoming a director of production. He worked, among others, with René Clair, Julien Duvivier and Henri-Georges Clouzot. Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida and Marlon Brando were some of the well-known actors who appeared in his films. In the 1950s the prince had an affair with actress Annabella (1907–1996), after the latter had divorced the American actor Tyrone Power. Their love affair lasted ten years, and despite their age difference the French actress would have liked to marry the prince. They later split, but Michael Feodorovich remained very attached to Annabella until her death. After retiring from the industry in 1985 he spent his retirement living between Biarritz and Neuilly. After his second marriage he brought a house in L'Escala on the Costa Brava. Prince Michael Feodorovich joined the Romanov Family Association on its creation in 1979. ... Source: Article "Prince Michael Feodorovich of Russia" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Michel Romanoff


Le travail d'un cinéaste : Julien Duvivier, 1896-1967
Las señoritas de Rochefort
Assistant Director
Dos hermanas, ambas profesoras de música ( Deneuve y Dorléac), viven en la pequeña población de Rochefort y sueñan con encontrar un gran amor. Homenaje a los grandes musicales de la época dorada de Hollywood.
The Burning Court
A group of people visit a weird old man who is a student of the black arts. The man lives in an ancient, cursed castle. Soon people in the group start being killed off.
Assistant Director
Fanny (Leslie Caron), una atractiva muchacha, es abandonada por Marius, un joven marinero deseoso de conocer mundo que ignora que ella está embarazada. La chica, empujada por las circunstancias, acaba casándose con un hombre cuarenta años mayor que ella. Algunos Años después, Marius regresa. Se basa en la obra homónima de Broadway, que, a su vez, se inspira en la última parte de una trilogía de Marcel Pagnol. Obtuvo 5 nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo mejor película, aunque no se llevó ningún premio.
Long Live the Duke!
A Belgian village is struck by repeated flooding, all this because they lack a new sewer. But the Ministry delays in providing the funding needed to build it. To alert public opinion, the villagers decide to do something. This "something" will be a play describing the life of their saint patron. Trouble follows, partly fueled by the short-tempered mayor.
Assistant Director
Mike Ribble es uno de los pocos trapecistas que ha conseguido hacer el triple salto mortal. Sin embargo, tras sufrir un accidente con el trapecio, se vio obligado a trabajar como tramoyista en el circo. Tino, el hijo del gran trapecista Orsini, lo busca para que le enseñe a ejecutar el triple salto. Desgraciadamente, entre los dos se interpone Lola, cuyo único afán es triunfar en el circo sirviéndose de su belleza.
Las diabólicas
Assistant Director
El director de un colegio, el señor Delasalle, convive con su esposa y su amante, la profesora Horner. Pero las dos mujeres, cansadas de sufrir la constante tiranía y malos tratos del hombre que comparten, deciden que esa situación no puede continuar.
On Trial
Assistant Director
Hijo del gran fiscal Andergast, Etzel quiere revisar el caso Maurizius, cuya condenación se basó en suposiciones. Ese caso permitió a su padre, 18 años antes, comenzar una gran carrera, pero Etzel quiere tener la conciencia limpia.
El retorno de Don Camilo
First Assistant Director
Continuación de "Don Camilo", comedia de Julien Duvivier protagonizada por Fernandel y Gino Cervi, y que contaba el enfrentamiento entre el cura Don Camilo y el alcalde comunista Peppone, a partir de la novela de Giovanni Guareschi. Su éxito fue tal que dio origen a una saga. En "El regreso de don Camilo", el sacerdote es alejado del pueblo por orden del obispo. Eso lo aprovecha Peppone para hacer algunos negocios por su cuenta, pero con tan mala fortuna que puede provocar una inundación en el pueblo.
El salario del miedo
Assistant Director
La tensión entre cuatro trabajadores de una compañía petrolífera estallará durante un peligroso viaje durante el cual transportan nitroglicerina.
Jack, el negro
Assistant Director
"Jack el Negro" es un barco cuyo capitán es un contrabandista que, harto de ser perseguido por la marina española, está deseando dejar su oficio. Un día, el barco recoge a un grupo de refugiados políticos cuyo navío ha naufragado. Entre los pasajeros está la bella Ingrid, que se enamora del capitán.