Thomas van der Ree


Herman Kills!
The downtrodden alcoholic Herman needs professional help, and he never gets it. He decides that he should go to jail so that he will be taken care of there. He kills a local criminal but when he then tries to confess to the police, nobody believes him. Herman goes in search of a second victim. How far will he have to go to end up in jail?
Herman Kills!
The downtrodden alcoholic Herman needs professional help, and he never gets it. He decides that he should go to jail so that he will be taken care of there. He kills a local criminal but when he then tries to confess to the police, nobody believes him. Herman goes in search of a second victim. How far will he have to go to end up in jail?
In 1948, Albert Gemmeker, the former commander of the Dutch concentration camp Westerbork, finds himself in an interrogation room opposite a man unknown to him. It soon turns out that Gemmeker's interrogator has a personal reason to force him to confess about his war past and the transportation of 80.000 Jews to the extermination camps.
El banquero de la resistencia
En la Amsterdam ocupada por los nazis, los hermanos banqueros Walraven y Gijs van Hall enfrentan su mayor desafío cuando deciden ayudar a financiar la resistencia holandesa.
Riphagen, el carnicero holandés
Amsterdam, Países Bajos, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Andries Riphagen, un poderoso jefe de los bajos fondos, ha hecho su fortuna poniendo sus muchos talentos criminales al servicio de los ocupantes nazis. Pero la larga batalla está a punto de terminar y los luchadores por la libertad, que han sido perseguidos y asesinados durante años, están abandonando sus escondites para cazar sin piedad a los que han colaborado con los asesinos.
A man tries to track down a potential love interest on a crowded train using a smartphone app.
Stand-by Me
Retired Willem is behaving strangely these days. Instead of spending quality time with his long-suffering wife Johanna, he insists on showing her how to use all the electrical appliances around the house. Especially the remote control. A short tragicomedy about enjoying the small things in life.
Stand-by Me
Scenario Writer
Retired Willem is behaving strangely these days. Instead of spending quality time with his long-suffering wife Johanna, he insists on showing her how to use all the electrical appliances around the house. Especially the remote control. A short tragicomedy about enjoying the small things in life.
A Curious Conjunction of Coincidences
Three completely unconnected incidents lead to a explosive climax in the heart of the city of Amsterdam.