Vera Egito

Vera Egito


Vera Egito


The mythological story of the first woman on Earth, who came before Eve. She is created by God to be Adam’s wife. However, Lilith does not accept a position of inferiority in relation to man, she rebels and goes to the desert. Lilith reappears as Eve’s double, eats the forbidden fruit, takes revenge on Adam, on God, and becomes the first woman to rise up against the ruling patriarchal system.
Camila is passionate about fashion and counterculture, living her days between the clothes of the store she works and the writing of her master's project. At a party she meets Anisha, who lives in a squat in Berlin. Inspired by her, Camila rekindles her dream and begins planning to move to Germany.
All Love Songs
Chico y Ana se mudan a un departamento en São Paulo. Mientras desempacan, Ana encontró una cinta de cassette. Es una cinta mixta que Clarisse le hizo 20 años antes a su esposo Daniel. Aunque separados por el tiempo, ambas historias se cruzarán de una manera única.
The film tells the story of the energetic and pulsating singer Elis Regina since her arrival in Rio de Janeiro at age 19 until her tragic and early death. Despite all the difficulties, success comes fulminant and the life of Elis Regina gained national and international recognition, becoming undoubtedly considered today the greatest Brazilian singer of all time.
Restless Love
Los mejores amigos de São Paulo Julia, Micaela y Diego entran en la treintena completamente desprevenidos por las consideraciones de madurez adulta. Julia ha elegido permanecer ciega a las señales obvias de que su novio actual es un canalla de dos tiempos, pero sus ojos se ven totalmente abiertos cuando descubre que está embarazada de su hijo. Diego es un chico de fiesta con problemas con papá que no puede permanecer fiel a su dulce y confiable novio. Micaela, mientras tanto, está perdiendo el tiempo persiguiendo a una actriz bisexual que ni siquiera reconocerá su intimidad compartida en privado. A medida que estos tres carismáticos pero problemáticos amigos siguen haciendo girar sus ruedas, incluso sus propios lazos familiares elegidos son sometidos a pruebas de resistencia hasta el punto de ruptura.
Restless Love
Los mejores amigos de São Paulo Julia, Micaela y Diego entran en la treintena completamente desprevenidos por las consideraciones de madurez adulta. Julia ha elegido permanecer ciega a las señales obvias de que su novio actual es un canalla de dos tiempos, pero sus ojos se ven totalmente abiertos cuando descubre que está embarazada de su hijo. Diego es un chico de fiesta con problemas con papá que no puede permanecer fiel a su dulce y confiable novio. Micaela, mientras tanto, está perdiendo el tiempo persiguiendo a una actriz bisexual que ni siquiera reconocerá su intimidad compartida en privado. A medida que estos tres carismáticos pero problemáticos amigos siguen haciendo girar sus ruedas, incluso sus propios lazos familiares elegidos son sometidos a pruebas de resistencia hasta el punto de ruptura.
Bald Mountain
Un viaje al interior de la mayor mina a cielo abierto de los tiempos modernos. En 1980, los amigos Juliano y Joaquim dejan São Paulo en busca del sueño del oro. Los dos llegan al Estado de Pará como otros miles de hombres, repletos de sueños e ilusiones. Pero la vida en la mina cambia todo. La obsesión por la riqueza y por el poder los destruye. Juliano se convierte en un gangster. Joaquim deja sus valores atrás.
Thiago Pethit: Moon
Video for Thiago Pethit's "Moon."
On January 19, 1982, Lilian lives her first disappointment. She is fifteen and after waiting for a long time, she realises that she has been abandoned. Lilian returns home alone and on her way she understands what pain is. On January 19, 1982, Elis Regina died at the age of 36. And the whole city understands what loss is. That day, Lilian and the city are the same.
On January 19, 1982, Lilian lives her first disappointment. She is fifteen and after waiting for a long time, she realises that she has been abandoned. Lilian returns home alone and on her way she understands what pain is. On January 19, 1982, Elis Regina died at the age of 36. And the whole city understands what loss is. That day, Lilian and the city are the same.
Espalhadas Pelo Ar
On the back staircases of a residential building, girls smoke hidden from their parents. They take off their clothes to prevent being denounced by the smell of smoke. Cora is 30 years old. She lives in the same building as the girls, and is stuck in an unhappy marriage. The woman catches the girls smoking. From then on, she begins her path towards freedom.
Espalhadas Pelo Ar
On the back staircases of a residential building, girls smoke hidden from their parents. They take off their clothes to prevent being denounced by the smell of smoke. Cora is 30 years old. She lives in the same building as the girls, and is stuck in an unhappy marriage. The woman catches the girls smoking. From then on, she begins her path towards freedom.