Giannis Fertis

Giannis Fertis

Nacimiento : 1938-04-21, Athens, Greece


Giannis Fertis
Giannis Fertis


A Life
Life is a unique event and it only happens to us once. There is no turning back. What would I have done or not done, if I could turn back time? Which of my actions or oversights have I regretted? I wonder, did I live well or did I waste the amount of time given to me? Important people, sculpted over time and standing at the threshold of life, talk, freely at last, about the journey of their life and bestow, as a gift, the precious essence of their life. The almost distilled opinions of these people are dramaturgically included in the fictional part of the documentary. Where the journey of life on Earth unfolds through the narrator's voice, while we follow the course of a child alongside a small wooden boat: from the springs of a river to the mouth of the sea, corresponding to Man's voyage from birth to death.
Σκλάβοι Στα Δεσμά Τους
Κόντες Αλέξανδρος Οφιομάχος
Genteel aristocrats and the terrible impasse erect in front of them their debts, forbidden loves and marriages interests, passions and conflicts.
Όνειρα γλυκά
fantastical human story
Stubborn Elsa
A housewife putting her husbant's cheese in a mouse trap and a razor blade in her son's food.
Υπόγεια διαδρομή
Kostas Kavvadias
The happy face of Leonora
to eftihismeno prosopo tis leonoras
Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων
Fotis Kalatzis
A Middle East allied Force commander, Themis, parachutes in occupied Greece to organize a sabotage in the Meteora region but betrays the Germans and falls into ambush. Before retiring, he calls Fotis, a student who had hidden his house, and urges him to go to Athens and meet an Aristides. Despite the mobilization of the Germans who perform all the hostages they have captured, including his father, Fotis finally arrives in Athens, meets with Aristides and accepts to cooperate with him. With the name of Kostas Alexandrou he catches a room in the Papadima family home, falls in love with their daughter Anna and becomes a "friend" with the German Major Karl Asberg. He accepts the co-operation proposed by Carl - to become his agent - to supposedly trap the guerrillas. But he actually misleads the conquerors about blowing a munitions train. His fate is the same as the fate of every patriot who is sacrificed for his homeland.
Υποβρύχιον Παπανικολής
Vasilis Aslanoglou
Face to Face with Death
Kostas Venetis
Αγάπη Για Πάντα
A spoiled rich girl falls in love with a poor, good-looking but also talented pianist, rejecting a wealthy suitor from her own class. However, a combination of her parents' pressure and a misunderstanding with her beloved leads her to accept the proposal of a wealthy businessman. At the same time, an accident obliges the young pianist to abandon his piano for quite a long time. And although the young girl stands by him in his time of need, she leaves him the moment he recovers. However, on the night of his first concert, she returns to his side, determined to spend their life together.
Το Νυφοπάζαρο
Ένα κορίτσι αλλιώτικο από τα άλλα
Καρδιά που λύγισε από τον πόνο
Ο μεγάλος διχασμός
Η ώρα της δικαιοσύνης
Με Τη Λάμψη Στα Μάτια
During the German occupation, the Nazis plan to execute 30 men in retaliation for the death of a German soldier at the hands of the partisans. Among the men are three brothers (Giorgos Fountas, Anestis Vlachos and Giannis Fertis). The villagers ask the German officer (Zoras Tsapelis) to spare the life of one of the brothers. He accepts on the condition that their father (Lavrentis Dianellos) selects the one to remain alive.
The Hot Month of August
Iason Filippou
A young man, Jason, is on his way home and meets two beautiful women, Hope and Alexis. He falls for Hope, but has sex with Alexis. He doesn't know that Alexis' husband has hired a private detective to trail her, and the man reports back to Alexis' husband about her affair with Jason. The husband kills Alexis but the police suspect Jason. He and Hope have to clear his name and find enough evidence to prove the husband is the killer.
Πονηρός πράκτωρ Καραγκιόζης
The Roundup
One of filmmaker and expatriate writer Adonis Kyrou's best-known quotes translates roughly as "I urge you: Learn to look at 'bad' films, they are so often sublime." The same could be said of Kyrou's own directorial work in Greece before the advent of the 1967 dictatorship forced him to flee to Paris. This confused mess, the first cinematic attempt at portraying the Greek resistance in WWII, caused quite a stink upon release, as much for its surprising style (recalling that of Bertolt Brecht) as for its subject matter. Reaction to its screening as part of the 1966 Cannes Film Festival's International Critic's Week was heated and divisive, proving Kyrou's later statement by rising above its own inherent silliness to achieve a sort of rarefied critical status. It's bad drama that nonetheless succeeds by dint of audacity more than quality (a comment which could apply equally to the work of many exploitation directors like Jean Rollin whom Kyrou later so lovingly profiled).
Στη σκιά μιας άλλης
Alexis Geranis
Adaptación de la tragedia griega "Electra" de Eurípides. Tras una victoriosa campaña en la guerra de Troya regresa a Argos el rey Agamenón. Durante su ausencia su esposa Clitemnestra, madre de Electra y Orestes, se ha enamorado del cruel Egisto, conviertiéndole en su amante, y entre ambos preparan el asesinato del noble monarca...
Αγάπη και θύελλα
Who Is Margarita?
A girl from the province, who works in a fashion house in Athens, goes to Kos to promote her clothes. Residents believe that the daughter of a Greek-American tycoon and she plays the role will lead it to embrace the real son of the alleged father.