Anthony Cinco


Showdown in Manila
Los detectives privados Nick y Charlie viven y trabajan en Manila. Una investigación de asesinato les lleva a un campamento en la jungla donde está una organización terrorista. Como no confían en la policía, deciden formar un grupo para atraparlos por su cuenta.
Above the Clouds
A 15-year-old boy goes on a hiking trip with his estranged grandfather, and overcomes the grief of losing his parents on a mountain above the clouds.
Luhod sa Harapan
Friend of Kitty Mora
Carlo, an irascible taxi driver, is having a bad day. His sister Nicole carries a torch for him. One night, from a deep slumber, he finds her lying beside him. This gets him livid beyond belief. To make matters worse, gay housemate Rolly is likewise pining for his affection. And he's losing his patience fast.
Operación Rogue
En lo profundo de las selvas del Sudeste de Asia, una organización terrorista ha robado materiales para crear una bomba química peligrosa. Corresponde al capitán Max Randall y su equipo de marines para detenerlos. Pero cuando el equipo de Randall matar al hijo del líder terrorista, el grupo responde al secuestrar a la hija del general Wallace. Corresponde a Randall a salvarla y detener el ataque terrorista.
Circus hijinks surround the barangay of Sta. Maria in the midst of an international murder sensation. Swanie, Sta. Maria’s barangay chair and a distant relative of the killer, tries to gain political points by staging a wake for the criminal-turned-celebrity. Meanwhile in faraway Manila, Joanna, Swanie’s runaway son, navigates his way through labyrinthine bureaucracy, to give a neighbor a proper burial. With these two unrelated deaths, estranged mother and son each bury the dead long shelved in their hearts. Amidst these unspoken family burials, the neighborhoods’ penchant for funeral fiestas, gossip and secrets, bizarre social events and the sheer mix of scandal and inebriation complete the picture of dying the Pinoy way.