Special Effects Makeup Artist
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
Special Effects
Introducing Hellarious: a once-in-a-lifetime feature collection that brings together seven of the most legendary horror comedy shorts ever made. The stories, from some of the world’s best genre filmmakers, feature a hilarious menagerie of zombie wives, amateur satanists, reverse werewolves, cannibal lunch ladies and more -- along with gust-busting gags, gross-outs and gore. Included in Hellarious: Lunch Ladies by Clarissa Jacobson and J.M. Logan, Horrific by Robert Boocheck (ABCs of Death 2), Death Metal by Chris McInroy, Born Again and ‘Til Death by Jason Tostevin and Randall Greenland, Killer Kart by James Feeney, and Bitten by Sarah K. Reimers.
Creature Effects Technical Director
A fight between a woman and her boyfriend takes a sinister turn.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Little Anthony has been accepted into a school that's a cut above the rest.
Creature Design
No mucho después de que John Chambers y su familia llegan a su nuevo hogar en una pequeña ciudad rural de Pensilvania, John comienza a experimentar parálisis del sueño. Acostados allí paralizados, atrapados en su propia pesadilla, los seres de otro mundo visitan a John. Son entidades que existen en las sombras más oscuras de la noche y que solo se pueden ver por el rabillo del ojo. Estos encuentros comienzan a perseguir a John, transformándose en terror total cuando descubre el único propósito de las entidades ... el secuestro de su hijo de siete años. Al final, John descubrirá el horrible secreto de la ciudad, un portal en su tierra, y hará un último intento para salvar a su hijo antes de que las personas de la sombra lo lleven permanentemente a su mundo.
Makeup & Hair
A child is having trouble sleeping in the new house.
Special Effects
The Morgans, a loving yet troubled family, go on vacation with intentions to reconnect with one another. However, when their autistic 10-year-old daughter begins to fixate on a mysterious friend who may or may not be real, and retreats further into her own world, family tensions start to rise to the surface.
Makeup Effects
Evan es un empleado obediente y sobrecargado de trabajo, atrapado en una empresa que le explota, al igual que a su novia Amanda y a su holgazán mejor amigo Tim. El frágil mundo de Evan termina de desmoronarse cuando su jefe, Ted, le concede su ansiado ascenso a su némesis en la empresa, Max. Pero todo eso no será nada comparado con el secreto que está a punto de descubrir, que pondrá su vida y la de sus compañeros en peligro.
Special Effects
Seven festival-winning shorts. Seven horrifying and hilarious tales of people trapped in their own special hells. The perfect Halloween movie.
Special Effects
A Texas goat rancher must defend his double-wide trailer from a mysterious predator.
Makeup Effects
Desesperada por un alejarse de la gran ciudad, Emma se va a la cabaña familiar en lo más profundo de las colinas de Arkansas. Mientras se instala en para merecidos días de descanso, se da cuenta de que algo se esconde en la oscuridad circundante. Cuando la luna llena se eleva, un hombre lobo sediento de sangre emerge de las sombras, matando a todos a su paso y dejando al descubierto un submundo siniestro que Emma no sabía que existiera. Lanzado en una lucha por su vida y su alma, Emma tendrá que escapar de estas criaturas antes de que sea demasiado tarde
Makeup Effects
Deep in the woods outside the Northern California town of Willits lies a remote cabin. Here Brock waits impatiently for his friend to complete a drug deal, urging him to get there before dark, for his own safety. As night draws closer, he grows more desperate, fearing a repeat attack from alien abductors.
Special Effects
Gigantescas máquinas alienígenas esclavizan y se alimentan de la humanidad, unos pocos sobrevivientes forman una milicia armada que será la última resistencia contra la extinción total.
The Wicker demon has awakened and for one unlucky group of kids, a roadtrip is about to turn very wrong. They find themselves seperated, alone and terrified as they battle a ruthless, flesh eating creature. Who among them will survive, trapped within the Eyes of the Woods?
Special Effects
While on a mission to locate three missing soldiers, a team of reconnaissance marines encounter a blood-spattered Iraqi stumbling through the desert. After following the distraught man into the depths of an insurgent cave, the marines make a horrifying discovery bringing them face-to-face with an ancient evil.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Un grupo de refugiados se enfrenta a una especie de invasión de extraterrestres, todo dentro de un supermercado.
Creature Design
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, two sisters are about to experience the dark and sinister world of Terror Toons.
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, two sisters are about to experience the dark and sinister world of Terror Toons.
A soldier who was long thought dead in World War 2, returns to modern day New York to combat monsters, who are now the power elite, running the city.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Cuando Thomas Dagget, un joven a punto de convertirse en sacerdote, se ve acosado por desconcertantes y horribles visiones, abandona la iglesia antes de ser ordenado. Años más tarde, trabajando como detective de homicidios, se le asigna un oscuro caso de asesinato en el que aparecen pistas de carácter religioso. La autopsia del cuerpo de la víctima revela su naturaleza no terrenal.
Prosthetic Designer
An angel was cast out of heaven and dispatched to Earth 1400 years ago. The angel was made a slave of the devil and was sent forth to terrorize mankind. To rid the world of this evil threat a "device" was erected to imprison the angel. Now the "device" is about to open. The Ceremony must be performed to keep the angel imprisoned or evil will rule the Earth.