Marthe Bernard

Marthe Bernard


Marthe Bernard


Little Orphans
The wedding of their youngest sister, Janet, brings Gwen and Kay home to St. John’s, Newfoundland. While Janet struggles to hide her family’s dysfunction, Kay can’t help but create chaos wherever she goes and Gwen finds herself paralyzed by a past secret. The complicated web of relationships between the sisters, their Aunt Maureen, their absent mother, and Kay’s young daughter Billie, is only illuminated by the wedding. Gwen’s attempts to get Kay to take responsibility for her daughter highlights her own abandonment of her ex, Tom, leading them all to a not-so-perfect storm of a reception.
Closet Monster
Un adolescente creativo y determinado está desesperado por escapar de su ciudad natal y de los acechadores recuerdos de su turbulenta infancia.
Maudie, el color de la vida
Maud Dowley (Sally Hawkins) es una mujer alegre de Nueva Escocia que sueña con independizarse de su protectora familia. Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) es un huraño pescador local que busca asistenta. Tras ver su anuncio, Maudie no tarda en mudarse a casa de Everett para encargarse de las tareas del hogar. Pero lo que comienza siendo una difícil convivencia entre dos polos opuestos poco a poco irá transformándose en una historia de amor... Basada en hechos reales, la película cuenta la historia de la pintora canadiense Maud Lewis, de su relación con el que se convirtió en su inseparable compañero de vida Everett Lewis, y de cómo sus sencillas pinturas llegaron a ser vistas y reconocidas por todos los rincones del país convirtiéndola en una de las artistas folk más representativas de Canadá.
Beat Down
Beat Down is an irreverent comedy about wrestling, family and following your dreams no matter how painful that can sometimes be. Fran Whiteway (Marthe Bernard, Republic of Doyle) is eighteen and a real firecracker. More than anything, Fran dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. Her single-father Whitey (Robb Wells, Trailer Park Boys) is a former-pro, aka White Lightning, with broken dreams of his own and is dead set against Fran wrestling. Fran is determined though and when Whitey's old rival Dark Thunder (Tony Nappo, Saw II) comes to town, she runs away to join his tour. Whitey is devastated and while he tries to get his daughter back, Fran learns the ropes of the wrestling game and of life itself.