Eberhard Kirchberg

Nacimiento : 1950-01-01, Leipzig, Germany


Somos jóvenes. Somos fuertes
En agosto de 1992,en el barrio de Lichtenhagen de la ciudad alemana de Rostock, fue incendiado un refugio para asilados vietnamitas. El director alemán de origen afgano Burhan Qurbani revisa los hechos en esta película.
Tres vidas III: Un momento oscuro
Marcus Kreil
Frank Molesch, un asesino convicto, aprovecha la oportunidad para huir y se esconde en el bosque. Sin embargo, el asilamiento y la certeza de que es buscado por la policía, lo trastornan y el miedo comienza a agobiarlo. La policía utiliza todos su recursos para encontrarlo; al final, es un detective enfermo quien más se acerca a la verdad.
Tres vidas II: No me sigas
En algún lugar del bosque de Turingia –una región mítica, objeto de leyendas y supersticiones– se esconde un violador. La psicóloga policía Johanna viaja a Turingia y se queda con su amiga Vera. Cuando las dos se dan cuenta de que diez años atrás, estuvieron enamoradas del mismo hombre (sin encontrarse) los recuerdos y sentimientos encontrados salen a relucir.
Tres vidas I: Algo mejor que la muerte
Johannes hace el servicio comunitario como enfermero de un hospital en el Bosque de Turingia (Alemania). Lo que él quiere, en realidad, es solicitar una beca para estudiar medicina en Los Ángeles, pero le falta estímulo para ponerse a preparar el examen. Un día, mientras está de guardia en el hospital, se escapa un delincuente sexual. La policía organiza una búsqueda masiva por la zona. Johannes conoce casualmente a Ana, una joven bosnia que trabaja como camarera en un hotel cercano. Ella le propone que se vayan juntos a Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida, pero su situación, inesperadamente, se complica.
Alle Alle
Good bye, Lenin!
Dr. Wagner
Berlín, octubre de 1989. Unos días antes de la caída del Muro, la madre de Alex, una mujer orgullosa de sus ideas comunistas, entra en coma. Cuando despierta ocho meses después, su hijo hará lo posible y lo imposible para que no se entere de que está viviendo en una Alemania reunificada y capitalista. Su objetivo es convertir el apartamento familiar en una isla anclada en el pasado, una especie de museo del socialismo en el que su madre viva cómodamente creyendo que nada ha cambiado.
Die Polizistin is a documentary by Andreas Dresen about the life of a young police woman who is faced with the difficulties between her responsibilities at work and her personal responsibilities.
Farssmann oder Zu Fuß in die Sackgasse
He could have had women, he could have climbed the ladder of his accountancy career, and he could have stood on the podium next to the highest in the land. If only he had wanted to! But Farssmann, shaken by divorce and unwilling to better himself, wants to remain what he is: an ordinary bookkeeper like you and me. And so the dollar deal with Mr. Osbar from Utah (USA) is not the first time he comes into conflict with the very palpable unreality of a country called the German Democratic Republic.
Tanz auf der Kippe
The tragic love story between 17 year-old Gerat Lauter, who is in search of the truth, and his much older teacher Claudia, as it becomes a criminal case with state complicity in the chaotic GDR autumn of 1989.
Hilde, das Dienstmädchen
In 1938, a young woman leaves Germany to search for her love, Erich, in Reichenburg, Bohemia. Erich is secretly fighting the fascists, so Hilde ends up becoming a housemaid in the home of a German joiner in order to carry on their relationship. The joiner's son notices the passionate love shared between Hilde and Erich. To him, the young lady embodies the feminine ideal. When Hilde receives news of Erich's death, she descends into an uninhibited lifestyle in an attempt to forget.
Mein Vater ist ein Dieb
When the ten-year-old Til and two of his friends are caught in heavy rains, they escape into a barn. They are not alone in there, however. A man whom they do not recognize is obviously stealing crop from the barn. When the friends investigate the matter, Tim discovers the terrible fact that the thief is his own father. Since he wants to keep his discovery a secret by all means, he sets his friends on the wrong track. Although Til is embarrassed and would like to know the reason for the thievery, he does not have the guts to take his father to task. Eventually, he breaks the secret to the coachman Paul. In the meantime, however, his friends have also found out about Til′s father and the case is revealed.
Der Mann und sein Name
Based on a story by Anna Seghers.
Solo für Martina
Salz und Brot und gute Laune
Rainer Gößwein
Die Heimkehr des Joachim Ott
Ich zwing dich zu leben
Germany at the end of World War II: Teacher Grübler lives in a small village in the Ore Mountains together with his 15-year old son Wolfgang. At school, the dutiful Grübler, a member of the NSDAP, teaches his pupils to volunteer for military service, but when his own son volunteers for the Waffen SS, he is nevertheless shocked and fears for his boy′s life. But Wolfgang starts to hate his father for his doubts: He thinks his father is a coward. In his desperation, Grübler chains and kidnaps his son to hide him in a dugout in the forest until the end of the war. In their shelter, father and son are fighting bitterly but when the Nazis who still believe in the "Endsieg" discover their hideout, Grübler sacrifices his life to save Wolfgang.
Mama, I’m Alive
In a Russian POW camp, four Germans determined to end WWII agree to pose as Red Army soldiers. Are they patriots or traitors, heroes or opportunists? Although they go to the frontlines, their new Russian comrades are initially unsure whether to trust them. Three of them then accept a mission behind German lines, but they are unprepared to fire upon their countrymen and it ends up costing the life of a Russian soldier. In the meantime, the fourth man has fallen in love with Russian radio operator Svetlana. After being criticized by the other Russians, he too agrees to participate in the mission..