Garner Simmons


A Simple Adventure Story: Sam Peckinpah, Mexico and The Wild Bunch
A documentary crew returns to the shooting locations of Sam Peckinpah's legendary western to reflect on the film and the way it impacted their lives.
Passion & Poetry: The Ballad of Sam Peckinpah
The life and times of maverick filmmaker Sam Peckinpah (1925 - 1984)
Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade
An account of the life and work of American film director Sam Peckinpah (1925-84), a tortured artist whose genius and inner demons changed the Western genre forever.
Miracle Landing
Cracks are noticed in the ceiling of an aircraft. They widen & a large portion of the fuselage tears off & an emergency landing attempted. Based on actual events.
Rare Breed
A real-life story of a kidnapped horse in Italy, and a young girl's quest to retrieve it.
Quiero la cabeza de Alfredo García
Hacienda Guard (uncredited)
La acción gira en torno a la obsesión de un potentado terrateniente mejicano obsesionado por acabar con el hombre que ha dejado embarazada a su hija. No vacilará en ofrecer una generosa recompensa a quien le entregue la cabeza de quien ha mancillado el honor de su hija, cabeza que se convertirá en el centro de una amarga disputa a lo largo de toda la película.