Gavin Fowler


Un psicólogo cognitivo entusiasta se topa con un descubrimiento increíble: una forma de comunicarse con el otro lado. Sin embargo, su alegría es de corta duración, ya que su hija corre un peligro potencialmente grave y cuando todas las pistas se enfrían, él toma el asunto en sus propias manos para descubrir la verdad.
RSC Live: Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida swear they will always be true to one another. But in the seventh year of the siege of Troy, their innocence is tested and exposed to the savage corrupting influence of war with tragic consequences.
There's more to this local delicacy than it seems.
Echo goes looking for her one-time lover and comrade-in-arms, only to fall into a passionate relationship with his son. But sexual abandon triggers the unravelling of a trauma she has long buried for the sake of her children, which now threatens to tear their lives apart. Can eros bring a healing of trauma, or merely its repetition?
Neville Rumble
Jack Nolan
Neville Rumble is a man who struggles to fit into society but see it more as the world's problem than his own. His life takes a very strange turn when he meets Lucy Springer at a people skills training course.