Maarja Sild


Poo, Spring and Others
Makeup Artist
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
Truth and Justice
Makeup Artist
Estonia, 1872. El intransigente nuevo propietario de Robber's Rise debe luchar con trabajo duro, su vecina rencorosa y con su propia familia y creencias para transformar la tierra pobre en una floreciente granja de sus sueños.
Love Is Blind
Makeup Artist
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
Makeup Artist
Puhdistus nos introduce en la historia de dos mujeres en dos épocas diferentes, unidas por situaciones de engaño, desesperación y miedo. Aliide ha experimentado los horrores de la era de Stalin y la deportación de los estonios a Siberia, pero tiene que hacer frente a su culpa de oportunismo e incluso homicidio. Una noche de 1992 se encuentra con una joven en el patio de su casa. Zara acaba de escapar de las garras de la mafia rusa que la mantuvo como esclava sexual. Aliide, más tarde, descubre que la chica está relacionada con ella y su pasado. Sobrevivientes ambas, Aliide y Zara se involucran en una aritmética compleja de sospecha y revelación. Poco a poco, va surgiendo un drama familiar trágico de rivalidad, lujuria y pérdidas que se desarrolló durante los peores años de la ocupación soviética a Estonia. (FILMAFFINITY)
I Was Here
Makeup Artist
Seventeen-year-old Rass is growing up in an Estonian suburb. In the absence of a solid home life his family becomes a group of youngsters who are verging on being thieves. Drugs are an inseparable part of their lives, and when Rass agrees to distribute them, he gets tangled up in the narcotics trade. Small amounts suddenly become two-kilo packages that the mafia, to the misfortune of all involved, has not been paid for, and is ready to collect on by force…
Autumn Ball
Makeup Artist
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Alien or: Valdis' Escape in 11 Chapters
Makeup Artist
After being whacked on the head with a shovel, Valdis no longer shows interest in the things that used to make his life worthwhile: alcohol, techno, cars and fights. His friends desperately try to help him regain his memory, but nothing works.
Makeup Artist
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Men at Arms
Makeup Artist
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.