Gilbert es un chico del pequeño pueblo de Endora atrapado allí por las obligaciones familiares. Tras el suicidio de su padre, debe hacerse cargo de su hermano menor, que es deficiente, de sus dos hermanas y de una madre obesa que pesa más de 200 kilos. Su aburrida vida transcurre entre el colmado donde trabaja, su familia y la relación que mantiene con una mujer casada. La llegada al pueblo de una joven optimista llamada Becky cambiará su rutina.
This is the story of Lenell Geter, an engineer who was accused and convicted of armed robbery. Because he had such faith in the system, he thought that he would eventually be released. But he was in jail for 18 months until a lawyer from the NAACP was brought to assist in his case.
The third and final evangelical cinema collaboration between Rev. Estus Pirkle and directors Ron and June Ormond depicts the glory of Heaven - with a clear warning for what awaits sinners.