Manuel Poncelis


National Geographic: Pyramids of Death
They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth and power. But it wasn't the pharaohs that built these pyramids. This is the majestic ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, home to one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. But why, around 750 AD, did the advanced civilization that created Teotihuacán suddenly vanish? The identities of its founders, the language they spoke and even the original name of the city are all unknown. DNA analysis of bodies from Teotihuacán shows they weren't Mayan, Incan or Aztec, but an entirely different civilization. It was assumed to have been a peaceful, utopian society, but the latest discoveries are revealing a much darker scenario. In the depths of Teotihuacán's pyramids, experts have uncovered vault after vault filled with curious human remains.
El fuego de la venganza
School Clerk
México D.F. Un agente del gobierno decepcionado con su vida, acepta a regañadientes un trabajo que consiste en proteger a una niña cuyos padres han recibido amenazas de secuestro. La relación con su pequeña protegida irá creciendo hasta despertar en él un espíritu perdido. Pero cuando la niña es secuestrada, su rabia se desatará contra los responsables.
Hijos del viento
En el marco de la conquista de México por los españoles, Rodrigo, un náufrago español se enamora de Tizcuitl, la joven y bella azteca hija de Nezuhual, rey de Tlacopan, poderoso súbdito del emperador Moctezuma.