Charuprakash Ghosh

Charuprakash Ghosh

Nacimiento : 1912-12-31, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


Charuprakash Ghosh was an Indian Bengali actor, known for 'The Holy Man' (1965), 'Aparajito' (1956) and 'The Expedition' (1962) and Cannes Jury Prize winning film 'Kharij' (1982).


Charuprakash Ghosh


A pre-teenager servant boy dies of carbon monoxide poisoning on a cold winter night. He was employed by a young working Calcutta couple with a small boy of their own. Taking money from a neighbor's friendly daughter, he slipped away to watch a movie on a cold winter night. Finding his usual sleeping corner below the stairs too cold, he bolts himself inside the kitchen, where a fire was burning. The next morning we witness a powerful discovery scene like on the morning after Macbeth's murder. The door is forced open and we see the commotion in the apartment block which is the stage of the drama. Who is responsible?
The Switch (Baksa Badal)
A hilarious romantic-comedy where two people have their luggage exchanged during a train journey. One of them (Soumitra Chatterjee) is a psychiatrist, and he develops a keen interest in knowing the other party (Aparna Sen). His experience as a psychiatrist helps him to understand the happy-go-lucky and pampered Aparna Sen and woo her love.
Swapna Niye
Swapna Niye is a 1966 Indian Bengali film, directed by Purnendu Patri.
El santo (Mahapurush)
Birinchi Baba
La llegada de un Hombre Santo y su ayudante a la casa de una familia adinerada pondrá de manifiesto los fanatismos religiosos de la sociedad local, pero también suscitará en algunos la sospecha de que el venerado personaje no sea más que un impostor. Emitida en cines en programa doble junto a Kapurush (El Cobarde).
Chaya Surya
Ghetu, a young woman with a dark complexion, is always compared to her beautiful sister (Sharmila Tagore). Her life changes for the worse after her lover dies and she has to face society's disdain.
Un taxista tiene que afrontar grandes dificultades para vivir de su trabajo en las zonas rurales de Bengala.
Aparajito (El invencible)
Relata la juventud de Apu en Benarés, su deseo de independizarse y estudiar en Calcuta para poder llevar una vida diferente a la que han conocido sus padres. Segundo film de la "Trilogía de Apu".