It is the night of March 25, 1949. A full moon hangs over Estonia. Endless rows of cattle cars are waiting to transport thousands of Estonian families, asleep in their homes, to Siberia. The Stalinist regime is ready to treat people like animals.
Telmans' Mother
Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis spreads rapidly, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?
Habiendo sido llamado de emergencia, un inspector de la Policía llega a un hotel pero no encuentra crimen alguno; no obstante percibe que algunas cosas son un tanto extrañas. De todos modos sus intenciones son las de marcharse por donde vino, sin embargo un alud altera sus planes y le obliga a permanecer en el hotel. Unas horas más tarde el inspector encuentra el cadáver de uno de los huéspedes. Todos los que habitan en ese hotel pasan a ser sospechosos.