Jochen Hauer


Sucedió el 20 de Julio
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel
Minuciosa recreación -en formato casi docudrama- del atentado fallido contra Adolf Hitler en julio de 1944, operación planificada por parte de algunos oficiales del ejército alemán liderados por el coronel Claus Stauffenberg. En el año 2008 se volvió a recrear la historia en "Valkyrie" (Valkiria), con Tom Cruise.
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Mr. Stöger
Little Country Court
Gustav Berger
An overzealous usher caught between the fronts of two other litigants against ever-girlfriends. - Humor comedy Viennese provenance with a starring role for Hans Moser.
I Was Jack Mortimer
Doering, a taxi-driver
The jealous star conductor Montemayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer, sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic.