Rasmus Kaljujärv

Rasmus Kaljujärv

Nacimiento : 1981-03-28,


Rasmus Kaljujärv (born 28 March 1981) is an Estonian actor. Kaljujärv started his movie career in 2003 and has played in over 10 films and television series. His father Hannes Kaljujärv is also a well-known Estonian actor.


Rasmus Kaljujärv
Rasmus Kaljujärv
Rasmus Kaljujärv


The Limits of Consent
Suited Man
Anna, a high-tech pick-up artist who helps awkward men to seduce lonely women in high-class bars on cold evenings in Tallinn. She can play the game of sex and love like a professional, she knows just what to say to manipulate anyone into doing what she wants (or consenting to what she wants). But Anna's own love life is far from perfect and she cannot see that she is being manipulated, too.
En el apogeo de la Guerra Fría, un soldado con problemas forma un triángulo amoroso prohibido con un atrevido piloto de combate y su compañera, en medio del peligroso entorno de una base de la fuerza aérea soviética.
FRESH BLOOD: With the Best Intentions
(segment "Karl and Carla")
Five fresh short films on the theme "With the best intentions" from even fresher Estonian directors.
Karl and Carla
Karl and Carla is set in an ironic dystopia from the near future, where adult relationships and interactions are regulated and controlled by the government’s ‘Happiness Institute’.
Entre cubiertas
En el bosque nevado y aislado de Estonia, Martí vive su vida a través de la rutina. Atormentado por su mal juicio pasado, se ha vuelto distante y sin vida. Kalev, un viejo comerciante local y amigo de Marti, intenta convencer a Marti de que deje atrás el pasado y siga adelante. Debido a un evento inesperado y la capacidad de persuasión de Kalev, Martí se encuentra al borde de un nuevo comienzo. Después de su viaje de rutina a la tienda, Marti encuentra a una joven, Irene, en la puerta de su casa. Martí, aunque vacilante, la invita a entrar a tomar un té. Martí no tarda mucho en darse cuenta de que Irene no es quien dice ser. Dividido entre el pasado y el presente, Martí se encuentra en un callejón sin salida. Mientras tanto, Kalev está alarmado por dos hombres estacionados fuera de su tienda y está seguro de sus malas intenciones. Martí, al conocer la siniestra trama en marcha, finalmente tendrá que reconciliarse consigo mismo o sufrir las consecuencias.
The Days That Confused
Finales de los años 90 en una pequeña ciudad de Estonia. Allar es ya casi un treintañero que se pasa los días con sus amigos emborrachándose, acosando a las chicas y conduciendo de forma peligrosa. Pero un accidente le hará ver la vida de otra manera.
A short documentary about Tour d'ÖÖ - an Estonian cycling event.
Ash and Money
Film is based on "Unified Estonia" which was a fictitious political movement created by NO99 Theatre and a large portion of the public treated as a real political force. Its convention, held for more than 7200 people, was one of the largest theatre events in modern European theatre history.
The Rise And Fall Of Estonia
The Rise and Fall of Estonia is a production by directors Tiit Ojasoo and Ene-Liis Semper. Together they have created large-scale shows already before. "Ruja", a rock-opera, and "Unified Estonia", a convention of a fictitious political movement for 7200 viewers, were not only completely sold out, but also theatre events, which won the major theatre prizes in Estonia. "The Rise and Fall of Estonia" is not a rock-opera. It's not a punk statement. It's a symphony. And it's about Estonia. Together with actors from NO99 they've created over the years four productions, which more or less deal with Estonia and its state of mind.
NO75 Unified Estonia Assembly
NO75 Unified Estonia was a fictious political movement created by Theatre NO99 that a large portion of the public treated as a real political force. It lasted 44 days, during which various political technologies were introduced. The project ended with Unified Estonia movement assembly, with more than 7500 people attending. It was one of the largest theatre events in contemporary Europe.
December Heat
The young country of Estonia is dancing to the jazzy tune of the 1920's when on December 1, 1924, the capital Tallinn is overrun by members of the Comintern in an attempt to stage a Communist coup. The film follows the fates of a young soldier called Tanel and his wife, a telephone operator named Anna, amidst the ensuing chaos which determines whether the country remains independent or becomes a minor province in the Communist Empire.
I Was Here
Seventeen-year-old Rass is growing up in an Estonian suburb. In the absence of a solid home life his family becomes a group of youngsters who are verging on being thieves. Drugs are an inseparable part of their lives, and when Rass agrees to distribute them, he gets tangled up in the narcotics trade. Small amounts suddenly become two-kilo packages that the mafia, to the misfortune of all involved, has not been paid for, and is ready to collect on by force…
Second Coming
Thomas Adamson
After the furious battle Thomas doesn't bury his twin brother, hoping for his resurrection - the second coming.
Fed Up!
Kaminsky is a long-distance driver disappointed both in life and other people. His last duty as a drives takes him to Estonia where he decides to fulfill an old promise. By chance, Kaminsky meets an Estonian cellist Stella on his road. Her career in Germany has ended already before it ever started. Kaminsky's trailer truck is being steadily followed by a catafalque where an Estonian beginner bank robber Wolf is chasing his eluded prey. Undertaker Manfred with dark past tries to lead Wolf closer to God. In Estonia, everyone's wishes will come true, even if not exactly the way they ...
Men at Arms
Drunk German Knight
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.
Nombres en mármol
Basada en la novela de 1935 'Names in Marble', es un drama histórico sobre la Guerra de Liberación (1918-1920) que trajo a Estonia su primer periodo de independencia de Rusia. Narra el camino que siguieron, a lo largo de 14 meses, un grupo de compañeros de clase en medio de los acontecimientos decisivos de la historia de Estonia. Henn Ahas es uno de esos jóvenes, un estudiante de origen humilde enamorado de Marta, una joven perteneciente a una familia acaudalada.