Ganjirô Nakamura II

Ganjirô Nakamura II

Nacimiento : 1902-02-17, Osaka, Japan

Muerte : 1983-04-13


Nakamura Ganjirō II was a Japanese kabuki and film actor. He appeared in more than 70 films between 1941 and 1980, directed by notable filmmakers such as Yasujirō Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi, Akira Kurosawa, and Mikio Naruse.


Ganjirô Nakamura II


The Rape
Yahagi Michiko is accosted and raped walking home one evening. From there she maneuvers the logistics of the police, hospital, and criminal justice system while balancing her home life including romantic relationships.
Tokugawa Ichizoku no Houkai
Kenji Mizoguchi, la vida de un director
Película que repasa la vida y obra del realizador japonés Kenji Mizoguchi, utilizando para ello fragmentos de sus películas, entrevistas y otro tipo de información.
Akumyo: Notorious Dragon
About small time gangster Asakichis chaotic life in the 1930s. His gambling addiction means that he must not continue working in the family business. Instead He supports himself on arranging cockfights. He becomes ex-geisha Okinus patron and lover, and goes directly into disfavor with the Yakuza.
Koto—The Lake of Tears
A touching story following young shamisen string maker, Saku. Beautiful Saku moves to Lake Yogo, known for its production of quality shamisen strings, only to find her peaceful life turned upside down when a master musician takes personal interest in her.
The River Yokobori
Taka, the daughter of Naniwa-ya, a longtime Osaka store owner, married Kichisaburo Kawashima-ya, the son of a kimono wholesaler. Her husband just tried to play with her like a sweet candy, but Taka fell in love with him. One day, the father-in-law suddenly dies, and the Kawashima-ya family fortune is rapidly changing. However, the depravity of Kichisaburo does not subside...
The Pornographers
Elderly Executive
Subu makes pornographic films. He sees nothing wrong with it. They are an aid to a repressed society, and he uses the money to support his landlady, Haru, and her family. From time to time, Haru shares her bed with Subu, though she believes her dead husband, reincarnated as a carp, disapproves. Director Shohei Imamura has always delighted in the kinky exploits of lowlifes, and in this 1966 classic, he finds subversive humor in the bizarre dynamics of Haru, her Oedipal son, and her daughter, the true object of her pornographer-boyfriend’s obsession. Imamura’s comic treatment of such taboos as voyeurism and incest sparked controversy when the film was released, but The Pornographers has outlasted its critics, and now seems frankly ahead of its time.
El más allá
Publisher (segment "Chawan no naka")
Filme basado en cuatro historias del escritor Lafcadio Hearn. "Pelo negro": un samurái no soporta a su mujer y la abandona por una princesa. Años después vuelve a casa para realizar un terrible descubrimiento. "La mujer en la nieve": dos leñadores se refugian de una tormenta de nieve en lo que parece ser un cobertizo abandonado. "Hoichi": el fantasma de un samurái le pide a un músico ciego que toque una balada en la tumba de su señor. "En la taza de té": un samurái se asusta ante la visión de un hombre reflejado en su taza de té.
Shinobi no Mono 4: Siege
Ieyasu Tokugawa
[Period covered: 1614-1615] 4th film in the shinobi no mono series Tokugawa Ieyasu is now the ruler of all Japan. But one last loose thread must be tied up before his domination is complete -- the destruction of the Toyotomi clan, now beseiged in Osaka castle. Ieyasu's ninja are the only ones who can penetrate the fortress, but unfortunately for Ieyasu, Kirigakure Saizo (Ichikawa) and the other Toyotomi ninja can just as easily get out. As armies of samurai maneuver for battle, the fate of the nation will be decided by a desperate struggle in the dark!
Hot Spring Doctress
A light comedy with Ayako Wakao charming her patients.
Bamboo Doll of Echizen
Un joven artesano de bambú se casa con una prostituta, pero es incapaz de consumar el matrimonio porque la imagen de su difunto padre, que la había visitado durante los últimos cinco años, se interpone entre ellos.
Sentimental Mobsters
A young man who followed his father's wishes and became a travel actor causes a big commotion with his fellow members of the Gurentai group during their travel destination! Innocent to cute girls and reckless to bad guys! Exciting entertainment!
The Third Will
La venganza de un actor
Sansai Dobe
Mientras representa una obra de kabuki haciendo un tour con su compañía teatral, un actor descubre a los tres hombres que empujaron al suicidio a sus padres veinte años atrás. Planeará una tranquila venganza. (FILMAFFINITY)
La gran muralla
Hsu Fu
In 221 BC, Qin Shihuangdi conquered the rest of China. Qin's great accomplishments and also his serious faults are showed in this film. Qin adopted autocratic dictatorship and led a luxurious life: abolition of feudalism and the centralization of power in the form of a now-hereditary bureaucracy loyal to himself; burning books and burying scholars; the construction of a sumptuous palace for his concubines and also the Great Wall.
The Fencing Master
Danpei Ichikawa
The Fencing Master tells the story of a man trying to survive as the only world he knows is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Danpei Ichikawa lives for swordfighting – he was once a renowned kabuki swordfight choreographer, and as the Chairman of the New National Theatre Company, he wants nothing more than to choreograph the swordfights for the modern plays put on by the company.
170 Leagues to Edo
Sukezaemon Tsukagoshi
Ghost Story: Crying in the Night Lantern
Kaidan directed by Katsuhiko Tasaka.
Amor bajo el crucifijo
Sen no Rikyū
La historia básica de "Amor bajo el crucifijo" es sobre Ogin, hija de un maestro del té, ambos cristianos en el Japón feudal. Ogin se enamora de un príncipe feudal, también cristiano que ya está casado, y eso crea problemas. Además, cuando el Shogun prohíbe el cristianismo, la situación empeora.
The Broken Commandment
Buddha priest
Ushimatsu's father told him never to reveal his lower-caste heritage; years later, he now contemplates confiding in an activist fighting against such discrimination.
The Temple of Wild Geese
Nangaku Kishimoto
Satoko is a mistress by trade or fate: when her master, the silkscreen artist of the Kohoan Temple in Kyoto, dies, she is given to the temple's lascivious head priest Kikuchi. She is drawn to a melancholy young acolyte, Jinen, who has observed the profligacy of his cruel master and Satoko's utter dependence on the man. Jinen is both fascinated and disturbed by Satoko's interest in him; he is similarly caught between loathing of Kikuchi and of the dark circumstances of his birth and his own moral weakness. The story unfolds in a dreamlike manner—a flashback inspired by a now-infamous image on a silkscreen in the souvenir shop at the so-called Temple of the Wild Geese.
Bad Reputation Returns
Boss of Matsushima
An Indian prince leaves his world of comfort and riches behind to wander and meditate for six years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Siddartha (Cojoin Hong) turns his back on the old religion when people are starving needlessly and holy rituals include human sacrifices. During his meditations, he is tempted by erotic dancing women, demons, and the evil machinations of his criminal cousin. Devastate to attain the spiritual perfection and become the Buddha. He travels to convert followers by his kindness and wisdom, gaining a multitude of believers when he stops an elephant from crushing a local priest. Buddha of course goes on to become one of the great religious leaders of the world.
El final del verano
Kohayagawa Manbei
La familia Kohayagawa se prepara para casar a la joven Noriko, la hija pequeña, mientras que su hermana Akiko, viuda y con dos hijos, recibe una propuesta de matrimonio de un hombre con una buena posición económica. El viejo patriarca Banpei se comporta, sin embargo, de forma curiosa: decide ir a visitar a su antigua amante, Tsune, actitud que su hija Fumiko le reprocha. El viudo Banpei sufre un repentino ataque pero recobra la salud y su hija renuncia a juzgarle.
Triangle Moods
Ayako Wakao portrays a downtown rice ball shop girl whose heart is set on her business. Involved in her life are three young men—stage actor Goro, businessman Kokichi and Sanpei Pachinko.
A Lustful Man
Fascinated with women from an early age, Yonosuke had his first sexual encounter at the age of seven. From that day on, he recklessly and forwardly pursues women, feeding his fascination and experience. As Yonosuke's salacious behavior brings much cause for shame to the family, his father eventually breaks relations with him. Expelled from the family, 19-year-old Yonosuke embarks on a pilgrimage of lust, traveling far and wide to acquaint himself with women of all walks.
Lord Tadanao
Tokugawa Ieyasu
What Price Love?
Shozaburo Shirokoya
Set in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), this tragic love story takes its cue from a celebrated historical case tried by magistrate Tadasuke Ooka, whose shrewd legal decisions became the stuff of legend. Okuma Shirokoya, the daughter of a lumber merchant in Edo (today’s Tokyo), embarked on an affair and was executed after conspiring with her maid to murder her husband. (Source:
Ghost Story: Depth of Kasane
Follows the murder of a money-lending masseur by an impoverished samurai. The slain masseur's daughter will also fall victim to his curse, so that she can become empowered as an agent of her father's vengeance.
The Demon of Mount Oe
A demon-faced monster seeking revenge appears in the forms of a gigantic ox and a huge spider! The young Genji warrior protects the Fujiwara Clan and the beautiful lady in tragic love! A grand visual epic told with mesmerizing extravagance!
Kikuji is the scion of an Osaka merchant family whose traditional power is matrilineal. Instructed by his overbearing mother and grandmother to give them an heiress for the family business, he stands by helplessly as his wife is thrown out of the house for producing a son. Driven to a life of dissipation - his mistresses also fail to produce daughters - in the end he is just too tired to care.
Cuando una mujer sube la escalera
Keiko acaba de ver morir a su esposo y tiene que valerse por sí misma. Se convierte en patrona del bar Lilac en Tokio. Además de pagar su apartamento, se siente obligada a ayudar económicamente a su hermano, en paro y enfermo de polio. Yuri, una joven señorita de compañía que trabajaba con Keiko, se marcha tras seducir a Minobe, uno de los más ricos clientes de esta última. Sin embargo, Keiko se opone rotundamente a relacionarse con ricos patronos e insultar la memoria de su esposo, a diferencia de numerosas geishas.
A Woman's Testament
The first story concerns an attractive young woman who works in a Tokyo nightclub. Her plan for a solid financial future has a double whammy. In the second story, a beautiful young woman is employed by an unscrupulous real estate agent to convince male clients to invest in worthless property. The last story is about a widowed geisha who has no real financial worries and who falls in love with a forger.
Enchanted Princess
Once upon a time, Okuro (Ayako Wakao), a young female racoon, lived poorly with her drunken father. One day after they disguised themselves as parasols, they were wrongly brought to the Racoon Palace, where the young racoon princess (also Ayako Wakao) made a mess of her arranged marriage with the beautiful racoon prince (Raizô Ichikawa). Pretty princess ran away. In order not to spoil the promising marriage, people tried to make use of resemblances between Okuro and the princess. Before long, Okuro and the Prince fell in love with each other...
La hierba errante
Komajuro Arashi
Remake de un film mudo dirigido por el propio Ozu en el año 1934. Narra la historia de un grupo de actores ambulantes que van a parar a una pequeña población de provincias. Allí el actor principal se reencuentra con una antigua amante y con un hijo ilegítimo.
The Three Treasures
Emperor Keikō
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's stepbrother, and conspires to have Ouso die on a dangerous mission he has contrived. But Ouso prevails in the mission and returns to his father's castle under a new name, Prince Yamato Takeru. Otomo plots to have the Prince sent into even greater danger, but Otomo is unaware that the gods have favored the Prince and the outcome is far from what any of them expected.
Odd Obsession
Kenji Kenmochi
A middle-aged husband of a younger woman finds her youth intimidating to the point that he cannot become aroused. His solution involves the introduction of his daughter's lover to his wife.
Gambler and the Princess
Tan'an Ogisu
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Travels of Lord Mito
Mitsukuni 'Kômon' Mito
Lord Mito Mitsukuni, the vice-shogun of the whole country, left the family estate and went on a trip to various provinces with his students Sukesaburo Sasaki and Kakunoshin Atsumi. At an inn in Sunagawa, Mitsukuni exposed and punished an evil judge who had fallen in love with a townsman's wife. However, on the night he stayed at Nihonmatsu Castle, Mitsukuni found out that this incident was a performance organized especially for him…
The Gay Masquerade
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.
Ambush at Iga Pass
Musume no boken
Tayama Dosen
Adaptación de la novela de Yukio Mishima "El pabellón de oro", a través de diálogos y flashbacks controlados se cuenta la historia de un novicio budista que llegará a destruir lo que más ama: el pabellón.
Summer Clouds
A war widow with a young boy manages a farm with her bossy mother-in-law. When a reporter comes to interview her, the two begin an affair. He turns out to be married and won't leave his wife. Her older brother tries to marry off his children and hang on to/ extend his farm through an advantageous marriage in the face of threatened land confiscation and the desire of his children to get comfortable urban jobs instead of the backbreaking work in the paddy fields under parental control.
The Shop Curtain
Based on the novel by Toyoko Yamazaki.
Princess Tsuki
Los bajos fondos ( Donzoko )
Rokubei (Osugi's husband)
En un barrio miserable e insalubre del Tokio feudal, hay un albergue, regentado por Robukei y su mujer, en el que se puede encontrar alojamiento por poco dinero. Allí conviven gentes de todos los estratos sociales, que ahora pertenecen al bajo proletariado: un antiguo policía, un viejo artesano, un actor fracasado, un ladrón, una prostituta: todos ellos conforman el paisaje cotidiano de la miseria.
Floating Vessel
Floating Vessel (源氏物語 浮舟 , Ukifune) is a 1957 color Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. Drawn from parts of the famous Genji monogatari by Lady Murasaki.
An Osaka Story
A poor peasant, after years of scraping, becomes a rich and powerful Osaka merchant. Mizoguchi Kenji's final project; he died before completing it and directing duties turned over to Yoshimura Kozaburo.
Revenge of Jorurizaka 1: Attack at Onibushi Pass