Noreen Stone


Brenda Starr
Fearless reporter Brenda Starr needs a big scoop if she wishes to retain her lofty status within the world of journalism, so she ventures deep into the Amazon to investigate a story involving a mad scientist's plot to blow the planet to smithereens. Her investigation pits her against a collection of dastardly villains and the myriad dangers of the jungle.
Brenda Starr
Fearless reporter Brenda Starr needs a big scoop if she wishes to retain her lofty status within the world of journalism, so she ventures deep into the Amazon to investigate a story involving a mad scientist's plot to blow the planet to smithereens. Her investigation pits her against a collection of dastardly villains and the myriad dangers of the jungle.
Tricks of the Trade
After her picture perfect husband is murdered in a prostitute's apartment, Beverly Hills homemaker Catherine is devastated. But she doesn't spend too long mourning, because she's soon on a mission to put her husband's killer behind bars. To do so, she forms an unlikely partnership with Marla, the Hollywood hooker who serviced the deceased. Under Marla's guidance, the pair navigate the seedier side of Los Angeles to put this mystery to rest.
El secreto de Amy
A principios de la década de 1900, Amy Medford decidió cambiar su vida. Confundida por la muerte de su hijo, que nació sordo y luego fue internado en una institución, decepcionada por la falta de atención de su marido, un acaudalado empresario, pretende, de hecho, ahora dedicarse a los niños discapacitados. Logra su primer objetivo cuando logra ser contratada como maestra en una escuela para sordos y ciegos .