Mario Knezović


Dancing on the Grave
"Dancing on the Grave" shows an unusual family. The characters are at the mercy of each other. Lucana (25) competes with her brother Stjepko (30) to win their mother's affection. Lucana has no chance of winning because she cannot change what's between her legs.
A family that fled war-stricken Bosnia 30 years ago lives on a farm in Croatia. As a storm rages outside, they find a stranger hiding in their barn. The woman is convinced that he is a refugee and wants to help him, but her xenophobic husband opposes the idea. Their 10-year-old son finds himself torn between the kindness of a good Samaritan and cruelty.
Safe Place
A traumatic event – a sudden suicide attempt – opens a gap in the everyday life of a family of three. Their lives change fundamentally, as if they've been pulled into a war invisible to everyone else. The plot is limited to the most acute, a short period of time and a situation that boils down to the most important thing – to save a loved one. The film was based on the personal experience of the director, who also plays the leading role.
Radio Freedom
An idealistic ham radio operator is trapped in a besieged town and struggles to survive the madness around him.
The dawn
Worker 3
En un futuro cercano, la sociedad ha experimentado un giro político drástico. Mientras sus vecinos escapan del radicalismo, Matija y su familia se debaten sobre si deben huir del que siempre ha sido su hogar. Quizá, la única forma de lidiar con el trauma y el mal sea enfrentarlos de frente.
Sympathy for the Devil
In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.
Slobodan Perak
Slobodan meets his father Nenad for the first time in twenty-five years to discuss signing over the deed of the house, which Nenad wants to leave him. Their relationship has been strained ever since Nenad left Croatia during the war in the nineties.
Take Me Somewhere Nice
A teen raised in the Netherlands by her single mother travels to their native Bosnia to visit the father who left them, as he’s been admitted to a rural hospital. Joined by her cousin and his best friend, they hit the road.
Dios es mujer y se llama Petrunya
The Boss
Cada mes de enero tiene lugar el mismo festival en un pequeño pueblo de Macedonia: uno de los sacerdotes de mayor rango eclesiástico lanza una cruz al agua que un grupo de hombres ha de buscar. Se dice que aquel que la encuentre tendrá para siempre buena suerte en la vida y prosperidad. Sin embargo, este año es una mujer, Petrunija (Zorica Nusheva) quien tiene la suerte de encontrarla. Dado que vive en una sociedad basada en antiguos códigos morales y sociales, la comunidad de hombres se siente con el derecho de estar enfurecidos. ¿Cómo es posible que una mujer se haya atrevido a hacer lo mismo que ellos, teniendo éxito en el proceso? Sin embargo, Petrunija se siente la legítima ganadora del concurso y no está dispuesta a devolver la cruz bajo ningún concepto.
In 1994, a young family of Bosnian refugees find themselves in a little Dutch village after receiving their residence permit. Absurd situations occur as they attempt to turn this new world into their home.
The Chicken
As a present for her 6th birthday, Selma gets a live chicken. When she realises the animal is going to be killed to feed the family, she decides to save it and set it free, unaware of the high stakes such action will lead to.
Halima's Path
In order to recover the body of her son lost during the war in Bosnia, a grieving, but strong-willed Muslim woman, Halima, must track down her estranged niece, who we find carries a mysterious connection to him.
Cirkus Columbia
Bosnia y Herzegovina, 1991. Tras la caída de los comunistas, Divko Buntić, que ha vivido exiliado en Alemania durante los últimos veinte años, vuelve al pueblo en el que creció, con el propósito de reclamar la propiedad de su casa familiar, conduciendo un ostentoso Mercedes y acompañado por su joven novia; por Bonny, su gato negro de la suerte; y con los bolsillos llenos de dinero.