Hannes Bruun


Behind the Headlines
Two years after the Panama Papers scandal, two investigative journalists at Germany’s largest newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, are ready with a series of new revelations while researchin the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galicia and a mysterious arms dealer linked to the Iranian nuclear missile programme. When a secret video gets leaked to them in 2019, the journalists have the opportunity to uncover a new scandal, today known as ‘Ibiza-Gate’, involving the Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache.
Del inconveniente de haber nacido
Elli es una androide y vive con un hombre al que llama padre. Es capaz de rememorar vacaciones y cualquier otra cosa que él programe para que ella recuerde. Durante el día se dejan llevar por el verano y por la noche él la lleva a la cama. Diseñada para asemejarse a uno de sus recuerdos, realmente parece estar viva, a veces incluso parece soñar, y sin embargo no deja de ser un robot, un contenedor para unos recuerdos que lo son todo para él y nada para ella. Esta es la historia de una máquina y de los fantasmas que todos llevamos en nuestro interior.
My Brother’s Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot
For teenage twins Robert and Elena, a weekend can seem endless yet still fly by. Time almost stands still while discussing philosophy, lying in a blissful cornfield near a remote gas station. They are in their own little world, a twin world of twin games and twin love. A confined world where emotions rise, where pressure mounts into rage… The turmoil of adolescence.
Closing Time
3 a.m., Zhongzheng Street, Taipei. The traffic roars constantly through the metropolis. Bordered by a multi-lane street and overlooked by a big freeway lies “Little Plates with Rice”, a late-night eatery where Mr. Kuo and his wife, Mrs. Lin, cook for the night owls. For the taxi drivers, the shop owners, the tattoo artist next door, for families and young lovers and even for the street dog still waiting for his owner’s return, this eatery is a refuge, a promise of a warm bowl of rice. One morning, riding back from the market, Mr. Kuo takes a different exit on the highway and goes to the sea.
House Without Roof
Alan, Jan and Liya, born in Kurdistan, raised in Stuttgart, want to grant their deceased mother her final wish: to be buried beside her husband, who died in the war, in their home village in Kurdistan. The clan objects, but the three set out anyway. A risky journey to a homeland wracked by strife.
A finely-woven tapestry, unifying things that are incommensurate. What is it about? Something that we all know, but which resonates differently with each of us, that cannot be put into words. You could call it our inner hum.
The Policeman’s Wife
El film alemán gira en torno a la violencia y el amor que rodea a una joven familia que se traslada a un pequeño pueblo. A Uwe, policía de profesión, le ofrecen un puesto con un sueldo mayor en un poblado al oeste de Alemania, lo que animará al agente, su mujer Christine Perkinger, y su hija de 4 años, Clara, a mudarse. Sin embargo, en el nuevo hogar todo son dificultades. La adaptación es complicada, los conflictos familiares crecen. Christine nota que su esposo ha cambiado, el trabajo le desborda y le echa de menos. ¿Qué es lo que ha ocurrido para que su familia feliz acabe tan desestructurada?