Virginia Wood


Ransom for Alice!
Mrs. Purcell
In 1890s Seattle, a deputy marshal and his female partner set out to bust up a ring that kidnaps teenage girls and sells them into prostitution.
A Man for Hanging
Ellen Rennell
A mentally and physically scarred monster rampages through the old west, killing and raping as he seeks to meet up with his cohorts in a bank robbery. He is pursued by a vengeful posse who have no thoughts of bringing him back for justice.
La mujer de cemento
Continuación de "Hampa dorada". A Tony Rome, un detective privado de Miami, lo contrata un matón de poca monta cuya novia ha desaparecido. En el curso de la investigación, Rome conoce a una serie de turbios personajes, entre ellos un jefe de la Mafia y una bella alcohólica. La trama se complica aún más cuando el propio Rome es acusado de asesinato.
The Destructors
Foreign agents are after a substance called "laser rubies" that can power a killer laser beam. Government agents are dispatched to protect the rubies and eliminate the foreign agents.
Jennie: Wife/Child
Lulu Belle
The story of a young girl saved from desperation by an older farmer who makes her his wife. The old man cannot fulfill his young bride's desires or keep pace with her youth. What is a girl to do? Naturally, pursue the farmhand.
A Man Called Dagger
Ingrid's Girl
An agent finds himself pitted against a former Nazi who has a plan to become ruler of the world through mind control.
Guía para el hombre casado
Walter Matthau interpreta a un hombre felizmente casado desde hace doce años pero que comienza a sentirse inquieto, especialmente cuando observa a las bellezas que le rodean por todas partes en Los Ángeles. Su mejor amigo es también un hombre casado, pero tiene amantes desde hace doce años y decide aconsejar a su amigo de cómo tener una sin que se entere la esposa.