Simeon Vladov


Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express
Waiter #2
Terrorists hold a group of people hostage during a Millenium Eve party aboard the Orient Express. Only an action movie star and a gymnast can save them.
The Order
Ukrainian Cop
Narra la historia de Rudy Cafmeyer -Jean-Claude Van Damme-, un tipo acostumbrado a vivir en la línea de peligro, ya sea blanqueando dinero en Bruselas o robando artefactos privados a las mafias rusas. Su padre, un eminente arqueólogo le explica que ha descubierto un manuscrito antiguo, el único capítulo perdido de un libro sagrado que perteneció a una de las sectas más misteriosas de Israel, la orden de la unidad divina.
Project: Human Weapon
MC-130 Soldier
Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...