The capital of Estonia is occupied by Germans. Three local boys plan to blow up the cinema where the German soldiers often spend time at. However, their plans will change when they accidentally meet a mysterious stranger. A complicated and dangerous game begins where the rules are not set by the schoolkids.
Joonas and Tiidrik are two men from the island of Saaremaa who recklessly escape from the German prison during the First World War. Yet, there are no peaceful times in their home country neither.
Von Risbieter Sen.
Son tiempos difíciles en medio de revueltas campesinas. Para asegurar su existencia, un monasterio comienza la búsqueda de unas reliquias de la Santa Brígida de Suecia. Un noble se compromete a encontarlas si a cambio se le concede a la hermosa Agnes como recompensa. Pero ella se enamora de un apuesto aventurero. El monasterio debe ahora jugar a dos bandas...
Joosep Saar
Martin Puri is an elderly fisherman who is told to retire because of his old age. When a group of people has to be saved from a boat in an autumn storm, Martin understands that one cannot act against the sea but together with it.