Dick Paxton


Hit and Run
A garage owner marries a much younger woman. Trouble begins when he becomes friends with a man who has his eyes on his former-showgirl wife.
Sky Commando
Capt. Frank Willard
Colonel Ed Wyatt is regarded by pilots under his command as being a ruthless disciplinarian. His co-pilot, Lt. Hobson Lee, and Jo McWethy, a war correspondent assigned to the squadron become more friendly than meets Wyatt's approval. When Wyatt's plane is forced down behind enemy lines, he orders his crew to proceed to the American lines with the vital film they have shot, while he remains behind to hold off the enemy.
La novia de acero
John Bowie
En 1852, un audaz leñador llamado Janes Bowie se dirige a Nueva Orleáns para vender un cargamento de madera. Nada más llegar, conoce a Judalon, una bella joven de la que se enamora, a pesar de que es pretendida sin éxito, por casi todos los jóvenes casaderos de la ciudad.
La puerta del infierno
George Nye
Un hombre es injustamente condenado y enviado a cumplir la condena a una de las peores prisiones del territorio.
Here Come the Marines
Projector Salesman
After Slip is drafted into the Marines, the rest of the gang volunteers so they can be with him. Sach discovers that the colonel knew his father and he is promoted. During a drill that he is putting the rest of the gang through, they find a soldier left for dead on the side of the road. Slip discovers a playing card next to the marine and traces it to Jolly Joe Johnson's gambling house. They suspect that the gambling house is cheating and set out to uncover the proof.
Ace Logan (as Richard Paxton)
After killing a man in self defense over a poker game, Wild Bill Elliott turns outlaw in order to escape a lynch mob.
Un rayo de luz
Johnny Biddle (uncredited)
Tras atracar una gasolinera, dos criminales, heridos en el tiroteo, son atendidos por el doctor Brooks, el único médico negro del hospital de la ciudad. Cuando uno de ellos muere, el otro acusa al médico de haberlo matado y provoca una revuelta racista para vengarse de él
Angels' Alley
Henchman 'Jockey'
Slip invites his cousin Jimmy to stay with his family after he is released from prison. However, Jimmy soon gets mixed up with an auto-theft ring.
Sarge Goes to College
A Marine Sergeant, wounded in overseas service, requires an operation, and the Navy psychiatrist recommends to the Captain and Colonel that "Sarge" be given a few weeks rest before hospitalization. Through the Dean of San Juan Junior College, Sarge enters the school on a temporary basis.
Armonías de juventud
Dick - Second Trumpet Player
Un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes forma su propia orquesta y consigue la fama gracias a su participación en el programa radiofónico de Paul Whiteman