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Saint Omer, el pueblo contra Laurence Coly
Location Assistant
Tribunal de Saint Omer. La joven novelista Rama asiste al juicio de Laurence Coly, una joven acusada de matar a su hija de 15 meses al abandonarla a la subida de la marea en una playa del norte de Francia. Pero a medida que avanza el juicio, las palabras de la acusada y los testimonios de los testigos harán tambalear las convicciones de Rama y pondrán en duda el propio juicio.
The African Child
La chasseresse
In Kouroussa, his native village, little Baba lives happily, between Madou, his father, a gifted mechanic, Kouda, his sweet mother, and his gang of pals. Kouroussa is a wonderful place where Baba learns about life. But like all little boys Baba grows and now he is old enough to continue his studies in Conakry. He must say farewell to his village and cross all Guinea to the capital city of Guinea to live with his uncle.
La chasseresse
An African mother will do just about anything to protect her child. Bilaly is a simple peasant who is blind. He wants to “know” a woman before he dies, but try as his mother might, she cannot find someone to oblige. She finally gets an idea – an idea that completely stuns the village.