Tala Birell

Tala Birell

Nacimiento : 1907-09-10, Bucharest, Romania

Muerte : 1958-02-17


Tala Birell , born Natalie Bierle, was a Romanian/American stage and screen actress. She made her debut in a hit in a Berlin stage production of the operetta "Madame Pompadour" and doubled for Marlene Dietrich in the musical revue, "Es liegt in der luft" (1928).


Tala Birell


Jungle Safari
Dr. Elise Bork
Feature version of the 1945 Universal serial, JUNGLE QUEEN.
Homicide for Three
Rita Brown
While on shore leave to celebrate his first anniversary, Lt. Peter Duluth (Warren Douglas) takes his wife, Iris (Audrey Long), to a Los Angeles hotel but is turned away. When mysterious Colette (Stephanie Bachelor) offers them her suite, the young couple becomes entangled in a murder plot. Aided by two PIs, Peter and Iris find two corpses and are desperate to locate Colette before she becomes the next victim, but the killers are one step ahead.
Women in the Night
Yvette Aubert
During WW2 six allied nations women at Shanghai University are arrested by the Germans accused of killing a German officer and forced to entertain the Japanese.
Pasión inmortal
Princess Valerie Hohenfels
Desoyendo los consejos de su familia y amigos, Clara Wieck, una prometedora pianista, decide casarse con Robert Schumann, un compositor con muy poco futuro. Tras su matrimonio, Clara deja su carrera como concertista de piano para dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a su marido y a los sietes hijos que ha tenido con él.
Philo Vance's Secret Mission
Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips
Philo Vance is hired to write a true-crime mystery... but when the facts about an unsolved crime are about to be brought out into the open a murder takes place.
Philo Vance's Gamble
Tina Cromwell
One of two Philo Vance mystery movies released by PRC.
Dangerous Millions
Sonia Bardos
Eight strangers meet in Shanghai to stake claims to the fortune of a late shipping magnate, then must evade a murderer in their midst.
Girls of the Big House
Alma Vlasek
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
The Frozen Ghost
Mme. Monet
When a man dies of a heart attack, a stage and radio mentalist believes he has willed him to die because he was angry with the man. Riddled with guilt, the mentalist cancels further shows, breaks off his engagement to his female partner, who can read minds while in a hypnotic trance, and takes refuge in the eerie wax-museum-cum-home of another woman friend.
The Power of the Whistler
Constantina Ivaneska
A woman uses a deck of cards to predict death within 24 hours for a stranger sitting at a bar, then tries to help him remember who he is based on items in his pockets.
Jungle Queen
Dr. Elise Bork
A young girl journeys to Africa to find her father, an explorer who vanished in the jungle.
La señora Parkington
Lady Norah Ebbsworth
Una mujer ambiciosa, que se ha propuesto entrar a toda costa en la alta sociedad, contrae matrimonio con un hombre rico.
Make Your Own Bed
Miss Marie Gruber
A Walter y a Vivian les cuesta conservar la servidumbre. Walter contrata a un detective privado y a su prometida para que trabajen con él, con la excusa de que espías nazis la han tomado con él, por ser fabricante de municiones. Cuando aparezcan los verdaderos espías, empezarán los líos de verdad...
The Monster Maker
Mad scientist injects his enemies with acromegaly virus, causing them to become hideously deformed.
El corazón púrpura
Johanna Hartwig - Berlin News Correspondent
Cuatro meses después del ataque a Pearl Harbor, una escuadrilla aérea estadounidense recibe la orden de bombardear Tokio como represalia. Durante la operación algunos aviones americanos son derribados, y los pilotos supervivientes no ven ninguna posibilidad de ser rescatados.
Women in Bondage
Ruth Bracken
Women in Bondage is a 1943 World War II film about conditions for women under Hitler's regime. The plot involves two women imprisoned for speaking out against the government. It was directed by Steve Sekely and starred Gail Patrick and Nancy Kelly.
Isle of Forgotten Sins
An evil sea captain and the forces of nature threaten two divers' search for a fortune in gold in the South Pacific.
Blonde Russian
Poco antes de Pearl Harbour, el oportunista americano David Jones y su socio Johnny Sparrow están en China para vender petróleo al ejército japonés invasor, sin importarle el sufrimiento de los chinos. Durante un viaje a Shanghai, Jones conoce a la compasiva maestra Carolyn Grant y las chispas no tardan en saltar entre estos personajes de fuerte voluntad. Pero cuando Jones es testigo de una atrocidad japonesa, sus sentimientos hacia sus clientes (y Carolyn) comienzan a cambiar...
One Dangerous Night
Sonia Budenny
Reformed jewel thief the Lone Wolf investigates the murder of a playboy who was blackmailing three socialites.
A siete millas de Alcatraz
Dos prisioneros escapan de la famosa prisión de Alcatraz y se refugian en un faro utilizado por espías nazis. Con su gran honestidad, el farero y su hija se ganan la confianza de los dos fugitivos, quienes sacrificarán su libertad para salvar a la ciudad de San Francisco de un ataque submarino.
Mlle. Josette
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Invisible Enemy
Sandra Kamarov
Jeffrey Clavering is hired in London by The Great Eastern Oil Corporation to go to Paris to prevent unscrupulous industrialist Nikolai Kamarov from gaining control of their oil fields and turning them over to a foreign power.
La fiera de mi niña
Mrs. Lehman
David Huxley (Cary Grant) es un paleontólogo tímido y despistado que está a punto de acabar la laboriosa reconstrucción del esqueleto de un brontosaurio, al que sólo le falta una clavícula intercostal. También está a punto de casarse con su anodina secretaria. En un partido de golf con el abogado de una solterona millonaria, potencial mecenas del museo para el que trabaja, Huxley conoce a Susan Vance (Katharine Hepburn), una joven adinerada y caprichosa que hará lo posible para que no culmine ninguno de sus dos proyectos: se dedicará a manipular a Huxley para seducirlo con un estilo muy peculiar: le abolla el coche, le desgarra el smoking, esconde su ropa, le rompe las gafas y por si fuera poco, lo embauca para que cuide a un joven leopardo llamado "Baby".
As Good as Married
Princess Cherry Bouladoff
When a boss proposes marriage to his secretary, she discovers that the arrangement is solely for tax purposes.
She's Dangerous
Stephanie Duval
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
White Legion
Dr. Sterne
In the early 1900s, as the Panama Canal is being built, a group of doctors try to discover a cure for yellow fever, a disease that is decimating the workers constructing the canal.
The Lone Wolf Returns
Liane Mallison
Once a jewel thief always a jewel thief? Yes and no. Yes if you consider the fact that Michael Lanyard also known as the Lone Wolf once retired from the "trade" but relapses back into his old habits when he is tempted by the emerald pendant of beautiful socialite Marcia Stewart. The trouble (?) is that he falls for the belle and he soon gets more interested in getting the girl than the jewels that adorn her. What he wants now is to return the pendant but a rival gang interfere and force him to take part in a big-time caper.
Crimen y castigo
Antonya Raskolnikov
Considerado un estudiante prometedor de la mente criminal, la carrera como criminólogo de Roderick Raskolnikov (Peter Lorre) se ve puesta en peligro por la implacable pobreza de su familia. Con su madre, hermana y novia Sonya (Marian Marsh) muriéndose de hambre poco a poco, vende el reloj de su padre a la maliciosa dueña de una casa de empeños (la Sra. Patrick Campbell). Después de volver para robarla y asesinarla, Raskolnikov, seguro de que puede escapar a la detención, se ofrece voluntario para ayudar al inspector de Policía Porfiry (Edward Arnold) a resolver el crimen.
Spring Tonic
Betty Ingals walks out on her fiancé in search of adventure. She gets more than she bargained for when she stumbles upon a gang of bootleggers.
Air Hawks
Renee Dupont
A small, independent air delivery service is menaced by a mad scientist with a death ray machine that blows up planes in mid-flight.
Let's Live Tonight
Nick Kerry (Tullio Carminati) is a rich rounder who holds tremendous fascination over women......mainly because he is rich and has his own yacht. At Monte Carlo one evening he romances Kay Routledge (Lilian Harvey), a romantic young and gullible American girl. She takes the dilettante seriously and when he sails away on his yacht, she is heartbroken. But the memory of her haunts him, and brings him back from India and the arms of another woman,Countess Margot de Legere (Tala Birell),only to find Kay now engaged to his friend. Oh, what's a rich guy to do?
El capitán odia el mar
Gerta Klangi
El periodista alcóhólico Steve Bramley se marcha en un crucero de placer para descansar, con la esperanza de dejar de beber y escribir un libro. A bordo también viajan Schulte, un amigo de Steve, detective privado que espera atrapar a un criminal que lleva una fortuna en bonos robados. Steve empieza a beber y a observar a los viajeros, algunos de los cuales no son lo que aparentan...
Let's Fall in Love
Hedwig Forsell
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Countess Sandra Lubeska
A doctor searches for the cure for nagana, the sleeping sickness caused by the tsetse fly.
The Doomed Battalion
Maria Di Mai
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
My Cousin From Warsaw
Meine Kusine aus Warschau (My Cousin From Warsaw) was based on a stage play by Louis Verneuil. It's a romantic farce, with the heroine posing as her own cousin to carry on two amours at once.
The Boudoir Diplomat
The ambassador of the Kingdom of Luvaria orders Baron Belmar, his attaché, to win the interest of Mona, wife of the war minister, who opposes a treaty the ambassador very much wants signed. However, his mission is complicated by the fact that Helene, the ambassador's wife, is extremely jealous of every woman he meets, for she was responsible for getting him his appointment as attaché. Belmar, nevertheless, is in love with Greta, who will not marry him until he is proven worthy of her trust. After many narrow escapes from exposure of the personal intrigue, he manages to sway the attentions of Mona, who persuades the war minister to sign the treaty, thus gaining Belmar an appointment as ambassador to Peru and Greta as his wife.
The Love Storm
Eileen Kell
This is the German-language version of the British film The Love Storm (1931).
The act of Andreas Harmer
Othmars Valentin's Gattin