Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, three junior high schoolers, are magically transported to the mystical land of Cephiro, where they become Magic Knights in the service of Princess Emeraude in this fantasy-filled anime feature. Under the spell of an evil high priest, Cephiro is materializing in the same dimension as Tokyo, and now only this specially selected trio can save Cephiro, Tokyo and the world from complete destruction. This is the movie version of the previously-released 3-episode OVA, with additional footage.
Mirai Ozora, vive en Tokio del año 2045. Obsesionada con sus hobbies, ir de compras y ser modelo, nunca se esperaría que su hermano mayor Hiroshi fuera un brillante inventor de ZIC, la mayor empresa tecnológica del mundo. Todo comienza cuando Hiroshi inventa la "unidad-Mol" un traje,el cual dota al usuario de habilidades que superan las leyes de la fisica. Volar, super velocidad y fuerza, invulnerabilidad y todo posible gracias al poder del traje, el único inconveniente es que sólo se activa por un límite de tiempo de 666 segundos.
After the death of her mother Katsumi wants nothing more to do with this horrible place known as Tokyo. Forced into staying an infuriated Katsumi returns to AMP HQ where chief Rally Cheyenne pleads with her to stay and join the team. However, her pleading falls on deaf ears as Katsumi exclaims that she wants nothing more to do with them, leaving to find another way home. Meanwhile the Demons taking over Tokyo begin their final move against humanity and the AMP. They realize that the key to opening their demon world lies within Katsumi. Her unwanted abilities mean everything to them and without her their plan would fail. The stage is set once again on the destroyed Tokyo Bay Bridge. Will Katsumi choose her destiny and defend her new found friend or will she fall to the weakness and despair within her?