The movie Tra directed by Le Hoang belongs to the psychological-emotional genre, exploiting a marital issue that is still extremely "painful" at the present time: Adultery. The film stars a cast of talented actors: Viet Huong, Meritorious Artist Truong Minh Quoc Thai and rookie Doan Trinh.
Two poor sisters (played by top list models My Duyen and Bang Lang), living in a slum area in Ho Chi Minh City, have found a malicious way to get money, usually by acting disabled. At one scene, they manage to trick a guy and put him to sleep and stole all his belongings, which included money. The sisters decided to go out to this fancy restaurant, and soon, met a young owner. The younger sister eventually fall in love with the young owner, even though the two sisters decided to kidnap him for ransom. However, in the end of the movie, karma happened to one of the sisters.
Gai Nhay ("Bar Girls") is the story of how the other half lives, with a twist. Southeast Asia being known for the multitude of bar girls ready to be "borrowed" for a (usually quite cheap) price, the life these girls live--and the motivations and tribulations that lead them to it--are usually hidden to their oblivious clientéle.
Road movie set in post-war Vietnam. In 1981, six years after the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam, Tan, a young former Vietcong officer, goes to take the ashes of his dead comrade, Thai, to his family in a remote area. On the overcrowded train out of Ho Chi Min City, he meets Mien, a former female soldier and witness to Thai's death. During the journey, Tan gets separated from Mien and his rucksack containing the ashes. He gives chase on a moped taxi.
Año 2035. Tras el azote de un virus que asola la Tierra matando a millones de personas, los supervivientes se refugian en comunidades subterráneas, húmedas y frías. El prisionero James Cole se ofrece 'voluntario' para viajar al pasado y conseguir una muestra del virus, gracias a la cual los científicos podrán elaborar un remedio. Durante el viaje conoce a una bella psiquiatra y un excepcional enfermo mental. Cole tratará de encontrar al 'Ejército de los Doce Monos', un grupo radical vinculado a la enfermedad.