La segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) también llegó a Kenia, país situado entre el imperio colonial británico y las colonias alemanas. En Manieka, un puñado de soldados inleses protegía la frontera de posibles ataques alemanes. En aquel clima infernal, lejos de la metrópoli, al anochecer, todos charlan y sienten nostalgia de su patria. Cuando llega el mayor Combes, el nuevo delegado del gobierno, la situación mejora, sobre todo, porque cerca acampa una caravana de árabes dirigida por Zi, una hermosísima princesa mitad árabe mitad francesa.
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
La joven Eleanor y sus padres van de caza mayor acompañados por el novio de ella, adentrándose en la peligrosa jungla africana. Ben Bey, un despótico jefe de la zona, quiere añadirla a su harén de 100 mujeres, pero Tarzán, que se ha enamorado de Eleanor, intentará mantenerla alejada de los problemas ante la cobardía de su novio.
Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.