Hiromi Wada


Una vida sencilla
Visiting Singer
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado de criada durante más de 60 años para la familia Leung. Ahora, el único miembro de la familia que sigue viviendo en Hong Kong es Roger, y Tao sigue trabajando para él. Sin embargo, un día Tao sufre un derrame cerebral. Una vez está en el hospital, le anuncia a Roger su intención de abandonar su trabajo e instalarse en una residencia para ancianos. Roger intenta disuadirla, pero ella tiene la idea muy clara, así que él empieza a buscar una residencia buena donde pueda vivir, y al final encuentra una habitación para Tao en un centro dirigido por un amigo suyo. Poco a poco, al cuidar de Tao, Roger se da cuenta de lo importante que Tao es para él.
Pandora's Booth
Au Yeung Ching - 00s
Fai is a 39-year old lighting electrician. Married with a 3-year old daughter, Fai is no longer in love with his wife who seems more capable and more the head of the family. 20 years ago, Fai just got into university and was dating Ming Mei, a banker's daughter who lived on Mid-Levels. A landslide took Ming Mei's life and afterwards Fai married Ming Mei's roommate. One stormy day a mystery old phone booth appears on the road where Fai is working. To his surprise, Fai dials through to Ming Mei from 20 years ago. Soon today's Fai is calling Ming Mei every stormy day and his younger self feels threatened by the strange caller. Realising his fault, Fai sets out to contact himself from 20 years ago to clear up the misunderstanding and maybe even save Ming Mei from the landslide and change the course of his eventual unhappy marriage.