Townsman (uncredited)
En una pequeña ciudad del estado de Tennessee se juzga a un profesor por enseñar a sus alumnos la teoría de la evolución de las especies. El darwinismo se enfrenta a una burda y fundamentalista teoría del creacionismo en una explosiva batalla judicial entre el abogado defensor Henry Drummond (Tracy) y el líder ultraconservador Matthew Harrison Brady (March). Basada en hechos reales.
Speakeasy Patron (uncredited)
Época de la Ley Seca (1920-1933). Joe y Jerry son dos músicos del montón que se ven obligados a huir después de ser testigos de un ajuste de cuentas entre dos bandas rivales. Como no encuentran trabajo y la mafia los persigue, deciden vestirse de mujeres y tocar en una orquesta femenina. Joe para conquistar a Sugar Kane, la cantante del grupo, finge ser un magnate impotente; mientras tanto, Jerry es cortejado por un millonario que quiere casarse con él.
Man (uncredited)
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Office Door Sign Painter (uncredited)
Middle-aged middle-manager Jim Fry, with the same company for fifteen years, is in a comfortable rut. But life becomes less predictable when he doesn't receive an invitation to an important luncheon being held by the new company president. Convinced that he's about to lose his job, Jim begins to mull over his limited prospects when his wife confirms that she's pregnant.
Barney Waters
Phil, a part-time truck driver and singer who wears his pants far too high, meets a feisty platinum blonde who challenges him to a drag race through Griffith Park. When he is caught and loses his license, he meets up with the sketchy Frank Wooster who offers him a job singing in his new nightclub. When Phil discovers that his new job also includes drug running, he must fight to save his friends and himself.
Comedy Waiter #1
La turbulenta vida y carrera profesional del actor de vodevil y estrella de terror del cine mudo Lon Chaney (1883-1930), el hombre de las mil caras; portador de muchas desgracias personales que ni siquiera su gran éxito pudo mitigar.
Lead Bum (uncredited)
Un extraterrestre que procede de un planeta en crisis llega a la Tierra, pero necesita beber sangre de sus habitantes para sobrevivir. El alienígena en cuestión protege sus ojos con gafas negras, que solo se quita para asesinar a sus víctimas. Además, tiene la suerte de que una enfermera le proporcione frecuentes transfusiones; sin embargo, acaba llegando a la conclusión de que este planeta no es un lugar apacible para vivir...
Argumentative Husband in Speakeasy (uncredited)
Pete Kelly es un trompetista que toca con su banda de jazz, conocida como "Pete Kelly y sus Big Seven", en un local de Kansas City. Un día aparece por allí Frank McCarg, un mafioso que le exige ser su manager a cambio del 25% de las ganancias y de que su novia Rose cante en el grupo. Tras negarse, Frank asesina a uno de los amigos de Pete, por lo que esté decidirá aceptar sus condiciones, esperando tener en el futuro la oportunidad de vengarse de él...
Waiter with Flaming Kabob (uncredited)
Pete y Freddie oyen sin intención la charla de un arqueólogo del El Cairo, acerca de descubrir una momia legendaria y deciden viajar a donde el arqueólogo, pero cuando llegan donde él, lo encuentran asesinado. La momia también desaparece comenzando así una serie de intrigas, entre ellas la aparición de un medallón con supuestos poderes.
Prop Man
Harry y Willie son timados por un hombre llamado Gorman.Deciden seguir su rastro hasta Hollywood, donde, sin ellos saberlo, ha tomado la identidad de un director de cine extranjero. Los muchachos terminan como dobles de acrobacias en la película que Gorman está filmando, mientras él intenta acabar con la pareja antes de que se den cuenta de quién es realmente.
Toy Booth Vendor (uncredited)
Brigadoon es una pequeña aldea escocesa, víctima de un encantamiento que mantiene dormidos a sus habitantes durante un siglo. Cumplido este plazo, se despiertan y vuelven a la vida, pero sólo por un día. De esta forma, se preserva de la corrupción y maldad exterior y mantiene su encanto y armonía original. Dos turistas americanos (Gene Kelly y Van Johnson) van a parar a Brigadoon justo el día en que la ciudad despierta y se quedan maravillados de la magia y el misterio que la envuelve. Allí conocen a Fiona Campbell (Cyd Charisse), una dulce muchacha de la que Tommy se enamora.
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Gladys es una joven modelo que se traslada desde su pueblo a Nueva York para conseguir fama y popularidad. No tiene dinero, pero sí mucha ambición. Cuando, por puro azar, consigue hacerse famosa, un ejecutivo del espectáculo se fijará en ella. Un director de documentales también se enamora de Gladys, pero no está de acuerdo en cómo vive su nueva e inmerecida fama.
Stagehand (uncredited)
Bill (Deam Martin) utiliza a un cómico colocado entre el público (Jerry Lewis) para mejorar su espectáculo, el cual es su socio Ted. Los problemas inician cuando él sobresale más que Bill quien no puede soportarlo.
Un misterioso forajido llamado "Sidewinder", es el líder fantasma de una tribu de indios Utah renegados, que tiene aterrorizado a todo el territorio de Arizona en 1870. (FILMAFFINITY)
Man Outside Newgate Prison
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Un obrero se ve envuelto en una historia entre dos mujeres de distinta clase social, una aristócrata y una trabajadora. Cuando la segunda queda embarazada, el destino del joven da un vuelco inesperado.
Buster's shenanigans running a sporting goods store and his antics in a local theatre group.
Counterman (uncredited)
Un operador de teléfonos de Los Ángeles utiliza sus conocimientos en electrónica para ayudar a un apostador en sus operaciones. Cuando el apostador es asesinado, decide tomar el mando del negocio. Los gánster de la Costa Este intentarán coger una parte del pastel.
A crooked boxing promoter tries to shake down Joe's manager by setting up a rigged fight in Humphrey Pennyworth's hometown.
Saloon Waiter / Barfly (uncredited)
Un U.S. Marshall intenta recuperar un cargamento de oro robado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pedestrian Bystander (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
Comic Chef
Una joven deja su trabajo como dependienta de una tienda de Nueva York y emprende una nueva vida dentro de una compañía teatral que recorre el país. Pero su verdadero éxito llega con el cine mudo, donde alcanzará la fama y adoración del público con su interpretación de la heroína en "Los peligros de Paulina".
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Un detective privado y su secretaria investigan un crimen y se encuentran con una espía internacional.
Photographer at Marriage License Office (uncredited)
Un crítico teatral que acaba de casarse decide visitar a sus ancianas tías antes de marcharse de luna de miel. Durante la visita descubrirá que las encantadoras viejecitas tienen una manera muy peculiar de practicar la caridad.
Keystone Kop
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Roger Porley
Los ciudadanos de una aldea de Cornualles se ven atormentados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial por un fantasma decapitado que ha embrujado una mina cercana.
Backstage Janitor (Uncredited)
La ambiciosa Helen Chernen (Ida Lupino) empuja a su joven hermana Katherine (Joan Leslie) a casarse con el frustrado artista de variedades Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) y, de esta forma, las dos mujeres pueden abandonar la sucia ciudad donde viven. El socio de Runkel, Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), sin embargo, intuye el plan de Helen. Helen continúa conduciendo la carrera de su hermana y finalmente Katherine se convierte en una estrella de Broadway, mientras que las actuaciones de Runkel y Collins se tambalean. Pronto el éxito se le sube a la cabeza a Katherine y se convierte en una chica de vida fiestera. El tiempo pasa y Helen y Katherine se tropiezan con Paul, ahora el líder de una exitosa banda. Katherine y Paul se enamoran. Las dos hermanas tienen finalmente un enfrentamiento en el estreno del último espectáculo de Katherine, cuando ésta descubre que Helen también está enamorada de Paul.
An ex-con becomes a daredevil photojournalist.
Storekeeper (uncredited)
A propaganda film, made in the early months of World War II, dramatizing a new group of U.S. Army Air Force pilots receiving their wings from Lt. General H.H. Arnold. An off-screen narrator introduces four of them to us; we see them before the war, during flight training, and in their first assignments as pilots.
News Office Worker
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
A reporter runs from charges by a corrupt politician only to face them years later.
Truck Driver (uncredited)
A man is pardoned from prison and returns to Santa Rita, CA to be with his family, but discovers his children have been told he's dead and his wife is in love with another man.
Reporter (uncredited)
Los miembros del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Midwestern han expulsado a tres profesores por sospechar que puedan ser comunistas. El consejero Ed Keller (Eugene Pallette) también ha amenazado con la expulsión a Tommy Turner (Henry Fonda), el profesor de literatura, que tiene previsto leer en su clase un texto que puede resultar sospechoso. Pero no es eso lo que más molesta al profesor Turner, sino el hecho de que su propia esposa, Ellen (Olivia De Havilland) también opine que no debe de leer el controvertido texto. Mientras tanto, Joe Ferguson (Jack Carson), un antiguo novio de Ellen se ha presentado a hacerles una visita durante el fin de semana, lo que ha causado cierta preocupación a Tommy...
Gilly, lodge gate guard
Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.
Salesman on Train
The Western hero takes on a ruthless land baron whose henchmen killed his best friend.
Expressman (uncredited)
El famoso escritor Sheridan Whiteside tiene una lengua viperina y un cerebro que puede resolver el crucigrama del New York Times en cuatro minutos. En un viaje a Ohio para dar una conferencia, sufre un accidente a causa del hielo y se ve obligado a permanecer recluido en la casa de un matrimonio burgués. Su comportamiento en la casa es tiránico, la gobierna como un zar y, por si fuera poco, se entromete en la vida amorosa de todo el mundo.
Officers Brendel and Kennedy are dispatched to a house where scientists are conducting experiments to revive the dead.
Worker Who Lived in Missouri (uncredited)
Steel-worker brothers compete for the same woman.
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Sam (uncredited)
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Reporter (uncredited)
Un detective privado es abordado por una misteriosa mujer, que dice estar amenazada. Pero tanto el perseguidor como el hombre encargado de su protección aparecen muertos. Todo parece girar alrededor de una estatua de un halcón de valor incalculable.
Man Robbed on Trail
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
A detective courts a gangster's ex-wife to lure him into a trap.
Eddie (uncredited)
Cuando un magnate compra un periódico y despide a casi todo el personal, una intrépida periodista decide publicar en su último artículo una falsa e incendiaria carta que lleva la firma de Juan Nadie. En ella se anuncia el suicidio de uno de los empleados despedidos. El éxito del artículo es tal que el periódico decide crear un Juan Nadie y, con este fin, contrata a un vagabundo que acaba convirtiéndose en un personaje extraordinariamente popular.
Drunk (uncredited)
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short takes a look at the origins of North American slang.
Bachelor, Sadies Hawkins Day Race
Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.
Storm Trooper Stealing Fruit
Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de la nación Tomania, que promete sacar adelante y que culpa a los judíos de la situación del país. El dictador ataca al país fronterizo, pero es confundido con el barbero por sus propios guardias, siendo ingresado en un campo de concentración. Simultáneamente, el pobre barbero es confundido con el dictador...
Butch's Dad (uncredited)
To impress Darla, Alfalfa drinks a concoction of Butch's "dynamite" brew.
Sam (uncredited)
Irene O'Dare, empleada de un tapicero, conoce al rico Don Marshall mientras mide las sillas de la señora Herman Vincent en su finca de Long Island. Encantado por la jovencita, Don compra anónimamente Madame Lucy, una exclusiva boutique de Manhattan, e instruye al nuevo encargado, el Sr. Smith, para que ofrezca a Irene un trabajo como modelo. Ella pronto llama la atención de Bob Vincent, un famoso cuya madre organiza un baile en la mansión familiar. Con el fin de promover la línea de vestir de Madame Lucy, el Sr. Smith se las arregla para que sus modelos sean invitadas a la fiesta.
Photographer (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
Keystone Cop
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Second Taxicab Driver
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
'Injured' Con Man / Casino Extra
Mary Whitman has gone to Reno to obtain a divorce. While there she is arrested on suspicion of murdering a fellow guest at her hotel (which specializes in divorcers). There are many others at the hotel who wanted the victim out of the way. Charlie comes from his home in Honolulu to solve the murder.
Sam Garrison
A quiet cowboy on a white horse saves a gal from cattle rustlers.
Charlie, Stagehand (uncredited)
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Las manicuras Sally, Irene y Mary ansían triunfar en Broadway. Cuando Mary hereda un viejo transbordador, lo convierten en un club de éxito.
Taxi Driver
Social butterfly marries Park Avenue doctor and learns that his nurse is in love with him.
Cab Driver
Starving playwright Judith Wells meets playboy writer of musicals, George Macrae, over a plate of stolen spaghetti. He persuades producer Sam Gordon to buy her ridiculous play "North Winds" just to improve his romantic chances, and even persuades her to sing in the sort of show she pretends to despise. But just when their romance is going well, Gordon's former flame Lulu reveals the ace up her sleeve...
Hotel Employee
In California's Death Valley a chemistry whiz-kid helps a sheriff track the man who murdered a wealthy mine owner who had been staying at a fancy winter resort.
A girl escapes marriage and hitchhikes with a young man in whose car a jewel thief has planted his loot.
Actor Lee Tracy presides as ringmaster over a show that combines the best elements of cinema with the circus, what he calls a Cinema Circus. Tracy introduces a number of professional circus acts, plus a cavalcade of movie stars who have side shows under the open air big tent. There is as much action in the audience as Tracy identifies a number of movie stars watching the proceedings incognito, having their own fun in the stands, and sometimes interacting with the circus acts.
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
Hoppy returns to find Johnny in trouble. Buck Peters has been shot by Porter who made it look like Johnny did it. When Johnny flees he runs into Linda. He takes a liking to her only to learn her father Shanghai is one of Porter's gang. Going after Shanghai, he gets captured by the gang and Porter now plans to kill him. But Hoppy is near by and Johnny will get unexpected help from Shanghai.
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Extenuado por el frenético ritmo de la cadena de montaje, un obrero metalúrgico acaba perdiendo la razón. Después de recuperarse en un hospital, sale y es encarcelado por participar en una manifestación en la que se encontraba por casualidad. En la cárcel, también sin pretenderlo, ayuda a controlar un motín, gracias a lo cual queda en libertad. Una vez fuera, reemprende la lucha por la supervivencia en compañía de una joven huérfana a la que conoce en la calle.
Laughing Stagehand (uncredited)
Teenage orphan Jenny Yates becomes starstruck when a revival of an old Victorian melodrama passes through her small New England town, to the disapproval of her stern grandfather, Uriah. Stowing away in the car of Philip Greene, a wealthy young man working with the theater troupe, Jenny talks her way into the play's lead role. But director Archie Fisher doesn't tell her that the new version of the play is meant as a spoof.
House Detective
The Keystone Hotel hosts a very prestigeous beauty contest. When the cross-eyed judge presents the first prize to an elderly cleaning woman, angry members of the audience respond by hurling custard pies. The Keystone Kops are summoned, and arrive just in time to get plastered with pastry.
Foreman on Snowbound Train (uncredited)
España, 1890. Durante las fiestas de Carnaval, Antonio Galván, un joven oficial, conoce a Concha Pérez, una misteriosa mujer que trabaja en una fábrica de tabacos y que rápidamente cae en sus redes. A su vez, Concha seduce y ridiculiza a Don Pascual, un oficial de la Guardia Civil que intentará convencer a Galván de que Concha es una mujer muy peligrosa. Otro éxito de la pareja Sternberg- Dietrich.
Clothier (Uncredited)
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
Glass Door Man
The stooges are three doctors who graduated medical school by being in it for too many years. They come across such problems as an overly chirpy nurse, a mental patient, and a combination to a safe swallowed by the hospital superintendent in the course of their attempt to get through the day.
Rodeo star forms a strong bond with the noble horse he took from the wilds and trained. Unfortunately, they end up on different life paths and are separated. When at last they are reunited, the cowboy is appalled to discover that Smoky has become a broken down cart horse with an appointment at the local abattoir. Fortunately the cowboy intervenes and saves the horse from death
Gangsters try to get a boxer to throw an important fight.
Ukelele Player
U.S. sailor Jimmy Harrigan, on shore leave in San Pedro, meets and falls for Sally Brent She promises to wait for him when he ships out to San Francisco, but Jimmy becomes jealous and tells her off when he learns Sally has entered a marathon dance contest sponsored by a lecherous snake named Baron Portola. Along with several of his Navy pals, Jimmy goes to the ballroom the night of the dance marathon, to try to change Sally's mind and win her back.
A Warner Bros Vitaphone short that promoted "Girls...Songs....Laughs." No full print exists but the Library of Congress has acquired one musical sequence.
Harley, a Reporter (uncredited)
Tras ser abandonada por el hombre que la ilusionó con un futuro respetable, Molly Louvain (Ann Dvorak) cae en las garras de Nicky Grant (Leslie Fenton), un truhán al que se apega para poder sostener a la pequeña hija de un padre cuyo nombre nunca confesará. Entre tanto, Jimmy Cook (Richard Cromwell), un decente botones que la ama sinceramente, es leal y constante con ella, pero, Molly se convertirá en personaje de primera plana y el reportero Scotty Cornell (Lee Tracy), irrumpirá en su vida.
Stag Party Janitor (uncredited)
Tony Camonte (Paul Muni), un pistolero de origen italiano, ignorante y sin escrúpulos, es el lugarteniente de Johnny Lovo (Osgood Perkins), el hampón más poderoso del South End de Chicago. Ambicioso y cruel, Camonte, que por una cicatriz que le cruza el rostro recibe el apelativo de Cara cortada, elimina poco a poco a los rivales de su jefe hasta que, con la ayuda de su amigo Gino Rinaldo (George Raft), le arrebata el poder también a él y se convierte en el amo de la ciudad. Tras un mes de vacaciones en Florida, descubre que su hermana Cesca (Ann Dvorak), por la que siente un amor confuso y arrebatado, es la amante de Gino.
Radio station sound effects man
WBLA is on the air, presenting the live music, the sudsy dramas and the sell-sell-sell of commercial interludes that keep consumers buying and sponsors smiling. But one sponsor, a producer of plumbing supplies, isn’t happy. So WBLA scriptwriter Bill Grimes is bounced from his job, setting in motion this movie’s turn from comedic to darkly tragic. William Haines, two years removed from being Tinseltown’s top male star, plays Grimes in a melodrama noted for its glimpses of live radio production and for a Depression-era ethos that includes peroxide cuties eager to land a job, a sugar daddy or both.
Pete - The Drunk
More a romantic melodrama than a true Western, this Buck Jones vehicle from Columbia starred Jones as Buck Randall, a carefree cowboy whose popularity with the local saloon girls becomes the talk of the town.
Hotel Detective
In the third of Pathe's Gay Girls comedy series, Harry Myers is a married man who strings one of them along until his wife Isabel Withers, comes along. Later one of them gets a job as a co-respondent in a divorce suit, and Myers is the divorce-seeking husband.
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands is a 1931 short comedy film directed by Bryan Foy. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 1932 for Best Short Subject (Comedy), but was disqualified.
A Prizefighter
Un pobre vagabundo (Charles Chaplin) pasa mil y un avatares para conseguir dinero y ayudar a una pobre chica ciega (Virginia Cherill) de la que se ha enamorado.
Dissension arises between cattlemen in Osage County, Texas, and sheepherders who have settled there and use the same watering stream. Mart Dalton, son of a wealthy cattleman, quarrels with and kills one of the settlers, thus placing sheriff Larry Williams in a delicate position; for he is Mart's best friend and is engaged to Mart's sister June. However, sworn to do his duty, he arrests Mart, incensing the cattlemen, who help Mart escape, leaving Larry wounded.
Ma Delano runs a penny arcade in Coney Island, living upstairs with her sons and daughter. Story involves rum-running, accidental murder and a frame-up.
Ship's Passenger (uncredited)
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
Bartender Bill
The Arizona Kid (Warner Baxter) carries out his mission as a Robin Hood-type bandit while posing as a wealthy and carefree miner. He falls for an eastern girl, Virginia Hoyt (Carole Lombard), accompanied by presumably her brother, Dick Hoyt (Theodore von Eltz), actually her husband. The Kid's mine is raided and two of his friends are killed and he learns that Dick and Virginia are the culprits...
Dr. Lindsey
Jack Donovan (John Roche), un jugador empedernido, es amenazado de muerte por sus acreedores. Además, una criada (Virginia Browne Faire) lo acusa de haberla abandonado por Lydia Rankin (Agnes Ayres). Donovan se gana además la enemistad de Cornish (William Collier Jr.), el pretendiente de la hija de Lydia (Dorothy Revier).
Stage Manager
Última película muda de Buster Keaton. La actriz Trilby Drew se casa con Elmer, quien está locamente enamorado de ella. Pero ella no parece sentir lo mismo...
Dan Claibourne refuses to fight against his state when Tennessee secedes during the Civil War preliminaries. His sweetheart brands him a traitor. Dan joins Morgan's raiders of the Confederate Army and gets an opportunity to rescue the girl during a raid.
Ali - the Eunuch
An Arab prince born and raised in the desert and a beautiful Frenchwoman from Paris fall in love and marry, but the tremendous differences in their backgrounds and the cultural differences between their two different societies put strains on their marriage that may well prove irreparable.
The Patent Leather Kid is a 1927 silent film which tells the story of a boxer who scoffs at fighting outside the ring... particularly for the United States once it enters World War I. Eventually, he is drafted, is shipped overseas, and performs a heroic act, which results in his being severely wounded.
An American banker goes to a small Balkan country looking to invest his bank's money and shore up the country's weak economy in order to maximize the return on their investment. Towards that end he befriends the country's king and they come up with a scheme to get the Crown Prince married, a prospect not particularly appealing to the Crown Prince--until he sees the beautiful cabaret dancer the pair has picked for him to marry.
German Soldier Tying Up Horse (uncredited)
El soldado William 'Old Bill' Busby (Syd Chaplin) es un veterano fumador de pipa con treinta años al servicio de su majestad y con bigote de morsa. Nos encontramos con él en las trincheras durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, haciendo todo lo posible para evitar las bombas y las balas y en espera del mejor momento para que pueda regresar a un entorno más tranquilo.
Newton Carey
Mark Winton is a wanderer who takes up the cause of a band of ragamuffin's bullied by nasty loan shark Bert Ridley. In between buying the youngsters Boy Scout uniforms, the irrepressible Winton comes to the aid of lovely rancher June Savary , whose father is in financial trouble because of Ridley.
The Village Soda Clerk
To impress the girl he loves, a naive country boy tries to capture a group of local bootleggers.
Jimmie's Valet
When wild horse Emma (Trixie the Horse) keeps opening the gates and freeing horses, ranch owner Molly (Molly Malone) hires Jimmie (Jimmie Adams) to deal with the problem. When he tames Emma, however, jealous ranch hands tie him up and kidnap Molly, so it's Emma to the rescue! (IMDb)
Carlos' Valet
Familiar story of spoiled heiress, Blanche Sweet, who dabbles in romance with commoner Ronald Colman. They roam the highlands together hunting since this is Sweet's "sport." They seem to have an idyllic affair going when into the mix comes an impoverished prince (Lew Cody). He determines to steal away the heiress and pay off his creditors. Indeed, this is the plan he shares with them.
Spring Water Man
Claire Endicott throws a wild party and her father walks in to find her flirting with the very married Milt Bisnet. In an attempt to straighten her out, Endicott sends Claire to the Canadian northwoods, where his field engineer, Grimshaw, is working. While fishing, Claire is swept over the rapids and Grimshaw tries to rescue her. Both of them wind up in a remote gorge, and Grimshaw goes about building a hut as a shelter.
A couple (Hank Mann and Gale Henry) head to the beach. She spends her time with her friends and he spends time with a group of bathing beauties. Complications arise.
Comedy star Lige Conley plays a uneducated farm boy who decided to go to college.
Star boarder
Elliot Worthington falls in love with Myra, the maid in his sister's household. Myra is dismissed; Elliot finds her, proposes marriage, and returns home with his new bride. She is snubbed by his relatives and shocked by the hypocrisy of his wealthy friends. Disillusioned, she runs away: Elliot follows and saves her from being hit by a train when her foot gets caught in a switch.
Notorious crooks "Hairpin" Annie and Sea Bass steal a suitcase on the train and discover that it is filled with scenarios. Its owner, Egbert Winslow, agrees to write a screenplay about the underworld with Sea Bass's help. Sea Bass, seeing a chance to expose a pal who has double-crossed him, describes "High-Shine" Joe and some of his underworld activities. Joe sees the film in a South American theater and recognizes himself. He goes to the motion picture studio determined to kill Egbert Winslow, but bank president Peyton, who has been robbed by Joe, appears simultaneously with the police and saves Winslow.
An explorer
Don't Marry for Money is a 1923 silent drama
Ben Bates
Quincy Adams Sawyer is a young attorney who one day meets a girl in the park and is immediately smitten with her.
A Hank Mann Arrow comedy.
A Hank Mann Arrow comedy.
Born in Russia, vaudeville acrobat Hank Mann acrobat accustomed without efforts towards American film comedy to become a star comic for several studios. Like Ben Turpin, his trademark was a brush moustache, too large, even for comedy standards.
The Junk Dealer's Helper
A Hank Mann slapstick comedy where he plays a Junk Dealer's Helper.
A poor chap, with only fifty cents, hesitates whether to buy a meal with it or visit a fortune teller. He chooses the latter, and gazing into a crystal globe, he is told to follow the horses. He is then shown working around a racing stable, and, of course, rides the heroine's horse to victory. That night they decide to celebrate in a cabaret, where several amusing complications ensue.
A poor chap, with only fifty cents, hesitates whether to buy a meal with it or visit a fortune teller. He chooses the latter, and gazing into a crystal globe, he is told to follow the horses. He is then shown working around a racing stable, and, of course, rides the heroine's horse to victory. That night they decide to celebrate in a cabaret, where several amusing complications ensue.
Hank Mann in a 1920 comedy, set in a district messenger's office. And even that is a place for slapstick mayhem.
Mystic Mush silent comedy
Way Out West silent comedy
Hank Mann is the conductor of a horse-drawn trolley that carries a motley assortment of passengers to the beach at Venice in California, where the plot becomes involved with a bank robbery.
A 1920 Silent comedy
The action takes place in a gum factory. By a peculiar accident, a bootlegger attempting to avoid the keen eye of an officer of the law, holds a bottle of liquor so that its contents drop into a vat in which the gum is being prepared. It is when the gum is finished and ready to chew that the riot starts.
The Janitor
A mild-mannered, well-meaning but bumbling janitor gets unwittingly involved in a battle between two opposing political groups, with each side trying to use him to destroy the other, and the secret police--who have already thrown him out of their office when he worked there--watching all of them.
A flirt
Two guys flirt with women at a hotel.
The misadventures of a hotel bell hop played by Hank Man
The Artist
It hasn't rained for week and there are no symptoms of coming rain to be found. An itinerant artist carrying a huge canvas rambles along a country road. He reaches the hut of a hermit inventor who is dying of thirst. The artist paints a picture of a reservoir so realistically that the water overflows and fills a cup which he holds in his hand.
The Bridegroom-to-Be
The will of T.W. Glutz provides that his bashful nephew, Hank, will inherit the entire estate if married by 2 P.M. of a certain date. Hank loves a girl who lives fifty miles away, but his uncle's executor, a lawyer, arranges a marriage with a somewhat antiquated home product. At 1 P.M. on the appointed day, Hank is sleeping off the effects of the night before. He wakens with a fever, a raging thirst, and an awful taste, when the lawyer enters and tells him the bride is waiting. "And my heart is fifty miles away," sadly muses Hank.
The Moneylender
Hearts and Sparks is a 1916 American silent comedy film directed by Charles Parrott (Charley Chase) and starring Gloria Swanson. When Mack Sennett first saw Gloria Swanson, he felt that she would be right as a romantic lead for Bobby Vernon because they were both small in stature. This was their first film together and they proved to be a big hit with the public.
A 1916 short starring Jack Cooper, Hank Mann & Bobby Dunn.
The Jealous Waiter
After arranging for wifey to land a job as the café's cashier, Mann warns her not to reveal that they're married, lest proprietor Slim Summerville fire them both. The trouble begins when both Summerville and headwaiter Bobby Dunn fall for Pierce, driving Mann into paroxysms of insane jealousy.
Keystone Performer
Fatty and the Broadway Stars is a 1915 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.
A comic one-act film in which affairs of the heart lead to a duel, and a chase. Amorous entanglements between Billy Ritchie and the wife of an overweight man, who himself has been flirting. In a restaurant, this all comes to a denouement that leads to a duel and a chase.
The Doctor
A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.
Mr. Walrus needs a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner with his in-laws but his plans keep going awry.
The Keystone "Kops" / Waiter in movie (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
A Brand New Hero is a 1914 silent Comedy short.
Un pintor, abrumado por la pérdida de la mujer que había estado cortejando termina en un bar donde pinta en el piso el rostro de su amada y relata su tragedia en una escena memorable. Cuando ve a la mujer acompañada por media docena de niños su pena disminuye.
Tough in Bar
Mabel llega a casa después de haber sido humillada por un matón al que su esposo no peleará. El marido va a emborracharse a un bar. Mabel entretanto consigue un maniquí para que su marido se entrene en el boxeo. Al retornar a casa, el esposo ebrio la confunde e invita a salir.
Tramp in Eyepatch / Cop (uncredited)
Un par de vagabundos deciden fingir una pelea de exhibición de boxeo para un promotor. En tanto Pug, un tipo de buen corazón pero alborotador, enfrenta un grupo de atrevidos que molesta a su novia. Impresionados por sus habilidades deciden hacerlo pasar por Cyclone Flynn, el campeón, y hacerlo participar de un encuentro de boxeo.
A Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle & Mabel Normand comedy short. The film is considered lost.
Cabaret Patron (uncredited)
Mientras atraviesa un parque Charlot encuentra a Mabel, una joven de alta sociedad, y a dos malandrines que la están asaltando y logra ponerlos en fuga. En agradecimiento la joven lo invita a una fiesta. Charlot, que era camarero en un café de un barrio pobre, se hace pasar por un conde y concurre a la misma. Sus barrabasadas y su vulgaridad llaman la atención pero no lo delatan. Charlot regresa a su trabajo y justo allí concurre el festejante de Mabel, y rival de Charlot, con algunos amigos en tren de visitar un lugar para ellos desusado. Finaliza la película con un alboroto final al ser descubierta su impostura.
Charlot camina entre las parejas románticas en el parque. Una joven le pide un recuerdo de amor a su acompañante y éste le roba un reloj de bolsillo a un hombre dormido. Charlot a su vez se lo quita y se lo da a la joven. Luego lo obtiene de vuelta y trata de vendérselo a su dueño original, quien llama a un policía. Siguen luego las correrías que harán que todos caigan al lago salvo el hábil Charlot, que se las arregla para irse con la joven. Originalmente duró 20 minutos, pero en su versión restaurada se duplicaron los cuadros por segundo reduciéndolo a la mitad, 10 minutos.
Roscoe is a family man at the seaside, lumbered with a shrewish wife and an extremely annoying young son. He meets up with a charming young lady in a bathing costume, and the two of them break into a charming and delightful dance. Unfortunately, the bathing beauty has a husband with pistols...
Guest in Overalls (uncredited)
La joven bonita provoca una rivalidad amorosa que desemboca en los habituales corridas, choques, etc...
Prop Boy in Overalls (uncredited)
Después de ver en el cinematógrafo una película de los Estudios Keystone, Charlot intenta colarse en los estudios mezclado entre los actores famosos, como Roscoe Arbuckle y Ford Sterling, y lo logra, pese a la oposición del portero. Una vez dentro, se acerca al plató donde filman una película e inadvertidamente causa y desconcierto.
A Rival Suitor / Farmhand
Moving Picture World categorized the film as “a nonsense number”, but Normand's Won in a Closet, her second as director, displays her burgeoning talent. Mabel’s father, the country constable, is smitten with the mother of the boy Mabel imagines “her ideal”. The young couple’s romance is disrupted first by two rival “cut-ups” and then by misapprehension that a tramp is hiding in a closet at the mother’s home. In reality, the mother herself takes refuge in the closet to escape the constable’s attentions.
In the Clutches of the Gang is a 1914 movie starring Ford Sterling and George Nichols.
The Sheriff
Count Chicori is perused by a bear whilst visiting at a hunting lodge.
Fatty's Flirtation is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Mabel Normand.
2nd Henchman
Mabel has two suitors - an oily con man, whom she mocks in a very funny scene where she is shown twiddling a fake moustache and making her feelings very clearly felt. Even in this early comedy her natural fun comes through. The one she really loves is clumsy yokel Ford Sterling, who is determined to buy an oil well that the con man has for sale. The conman gets a local fellow to pour oil over the property. Ford falls for it and buys it - Mabel and he are to be married. Then the fellow confesses that it was just a scam - there was no oil.
His Sister's Kids is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Minta Durfee.
Cop at Station House
Fatty rescues the daughter of the police commisioner and is given a job as an officer as a reward, but its not all its cracked up to be!
Land Policeman
Two rivals for Mabel's hand play a series of dirty tricks on each other. Finally, one of them gets Mabel alone and is about to marry her, but his rival comes up with a strange scheme to stop them. Soon the Keystone Kops arrive on the scene, and chaos quickly ensues.
Wedding Guest
The scene is laid for a quiet little wedding. The guests are waiting for Fatty and an ancient maid to be made one. Fatty's rival appears and breaks up the wedding. A lemon meringue pie battle ensues, with the rival the victor. He carries the bride away. A most sensational and ludicrous finish is when he sees Fatty at the foot of a precipitous cliff. In a fit of rage he throws the bride from the top of the cliff at him, who lands unscathed in Fatty's arms.
The Cop
A husband who has spent a convivial night is sleeping off the effects in bed while his devoted wife ministers for him.
Audience Member
A young man falls in love with his mother's kitchen maid, Mabel. But his mother objects strongly, and arranges for him to meet another young woman whom she considers more suitable. Mabel confronts the young woman, and is dismissed from her position. Later, when the young man learns about the new career that Mabel has found, he begins to act in an agitated and unpredictable manner.
Fatty rescues Mabel twice: first, from the unwelcome attentions of a masher, then from a runaway observation balloon.
Man in Pool Hall
When a girl delivering expensive garments loses them to some Irish shanty town kids, her boss, a Jewish clothier, is livid and a fight breaks out. Soon the melee spreads to the whole neighborhood with brick throwing merging into bomb throwing, with the sides on clearly ethnic lines.
Safe in jail is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Edgar Kennedy.
An amusing burlesque of gang fighters. The police go after them, one by one, and each guardian of the peace is caught and despoiled of his clothing and compelled to return to the station.
Comedy Producer
In the prologue Sharon Kimm and Mickey Reid are childhood friends in a tenement neighborhood but are separated when Sharon is placed in an orphanage. In the story we see Sharon as a young Hollywood star whose quick rise to fame leaves her self-centered, superficial, and a spendthrift. Ironically, the film that skyrocketed her to fame was written by Mickey. But her success is brief; and when it comes crashing to earth, Mickey is there to pick up the pieces.
To spite her domineering father, Eastern girl Lucy Fox pursues an unsuitable suitor to a small Western hamlet where she obtains a job as a manicurist. A local rancher (Buck Jones), who has fallen for the girl, does his best to persuade her not too marry the bounder.
The Cook
Rancher Matt Black is willed half of a Nevada gold mine. Arriving there, he learns that the heir of the other half is a young girl named "Bertie." Realizing that there may be some dirty work and theft going on at the mine, he conceals his identity and gets a job as a miner.