Andrea Malavasi


Rita Levi-Montalcini
Sound Mixer
Rainbow: A Private Affair
Sound Mixer
Extraído de la novela de Beppe Fenoglio, Un asunto privado sigue la historia del joven partidista Milton (Luca Marinelli), enamorado de la bella Fulvia, perdiendo el hilo durante la guerra de resistencia en las Langhe. En el contexto de la batalla partidista, el protagonista emprende un viaje heroico en busca del amor perdido y de la verdad que gira en torno a él. Gracias a la complicidad de la encargada de la villa (Anna Ferruzzo), donde los dos amantes pasaron sus noches, Milton descubre el terrible secreto que vagará por su camino: contorsionado y peligroso, salpicado de enemigos y desafíos insuperables.
Cinecittà Babylon
Sound Mixer
The story of Italian cinema under Fascism, a sophisticated film industry built around the founding of the Cinecittà studios and the successful birth of a domestic star system, populated by very peculiar artists among whom stood out several beautiful, magnetic, special actresses; a dark story of war, drugs, sex, censorship and tragedy.
La fabbrica fantasma - Verità sulla mia Bambola
Sound Mix Technician
Maravilloso Boccaccio
Sound Mixer
Ambientada en la Florencia azotada por la Peste Negra entre 1348 y 1349. Huyendo de la epidemia, diez jóvenes se refugian en el campo y pasan el tiempo contando breves historias. Ya sean trágicos o ingeniosos, eróticos o grotescos, todos los relatos tienen un único protagonista, el amor en sus múltiples formas. Y el amor acabará siendo, para estos jóvenes, el mejor antídoto contra el sufrimiento y las incertidumbres de la época.
The Dinner
Sound Mixer
Story about two brothers and their wives, and the interactions between them and their two high school age children. When the kids get into serious trouble together, how will the parents relationships change with and among each other? Will the parents protect the kids or force them to face the consequences of their actions?
Black Beast
Sound mixer
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
Después de medianoche
Sound Mixer
La mágica Mole Antonelliana (el cavernoso Museo de Cine de Turín, Italia) es el escenario de una historia de amor muy poco probable. Una noche fatídica, el tímido vigilante nocturno del museo, acude en ayuda de un encantador joven cocinero de comida rápida que huye de la policía. El ensueño reino del museo de personajes de películas mudas se convierte en un santuario para ella mientras espera el rescate de su novio diabólico.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The characters include a dirty-dealing 80-year-old mayor with a troubling Fascist past and a bloodthirsty middle-aged writer - also an ex-Fascist, who has now turned Marxist-Leninist and is ready to settle his accounts with history. There is a young leftist idealist, a city councilperson who is fighting real estate speculation. This is the portrait of Latina and its inhabitants. This province is certainly an anomaly, but is not so far from the present-day times that all of Italy is going through now.