Arthur Natorp

Nacimiento : 1890-04-22, Stockholm, Sweden

Muerte : 1943-01-19


Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen
Pettersson, Organist
"And If I Marry the Pastor" - Eva Örn is a newly graduated teacher, who becomes a school teacher in rural Vikarlunda. She is a beautiful young woman with firm opinions and she does not live up to the locals' picture of the ideal female teacher. She has an affair with the priest, Ingvar Hagson, but they have to keep their love a secret. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Anders i Lilltorpet
About the Swedish trickster and thief Lars "Lasse-Maja" Molin. He often disguised himself and lived as a woman in 1800s. He takes place as a kitchen boy for a bailiff and manages to prevent him from taking over the cottage where his beloved lives. His true identity will, however, be disclosed and he is forced to become an outlaw.
Då länkarna smiddes
A story about the cooperative trade in Sweden.
A story spanning four generations.
Kärlek och monopol
Campaign film for the Swedish Högern party in 1936.
The Hell Ship
A naval adventure that focuses on the rivalry among the crew, particularly the indignation wrought by the behavior of inplacable Captain Steen. Dick, one of the sailors, is one of the most rebellious and draws up plans to exact vengeance. The opportunity arises, but an incident that may sink the ship changes the focus of attention. The lighting for the film and the composition of the scenes are regarded as the highlights of the movie.
En vildfågel
A woman searches for the child she gave up at birth.
A Fortune Hunter
Andreas Anundi
Historical drama which features Gösta Ekman as the dashing rogue who steals the heart of the ethereal Mary Johnson.
La carreta fantasma
Salvation Army Soldier (uncredited)
Es Nochevieja. Tres borrachos evocan una leyenda según la cual si un gran pecador es la última persona que muere al terminar el año, entonces tendrá que conducir durante un año entero la Carreta Fantasma que recoge las almas de los muertos. David Holm, uno de los tres borrachos, muere cuando suena la última campanada de la medianoche...
Spectator at the Opera
Erotikon is a 1920 Swedish romantic comedy film directed by Mauritz Stiller, starring Tora Teje, Karin Molander, Anders de Wahl and Lars Hanson. It is based on the 1917 play A kék róka by Ferenc Herczeg. The story revolves around an entomology professor obsessed with the sexual life of bugs, and his easygoing wife who is courted by two suitors.