Old Crier
Estamos ante una prometedora producción repleta de aventuras, no exentas de humor, en la que el popular cowboy enmascarado, que nació como un relato radiofónico, tomará un rostro y una apariencia renovada por completo. Tonto, es un nativo americano, curtido en mil batallas, que narra los increíbles relatos que convirtieron a John Reid, en el brazo ejecutor de la ley, toda una leyenda de los Estados Unidos. Esta insólita pareja se verá obligada a trabajar unida y a luchar contra la codicia y el crimen en una época en la que todavía prima la ley del más fuerte.
Guy with Camera Phone
Después del asesinato de su hija y del secuestro de su nieto, Milton (Nicolas Cage), cegado por la ira, se convierte en un hombre vengativo que persigue implacablemente a los culpables. En su desesperado afán de venganza lo acompaña una sexy camarera (Amber Heard), al tiempo que es perseguido por la mano derecha del mismísimo diablo (William Fichtner).
Stephen y Michelle son dos padres divorciados que inician una frenética búsqueda para encontrar a su hija pequeña en un mundo desolado que ha sido invadido por unos fantasmas que han surgido a través de las redes inalámbricas de Internet. Las ciudades están desiertas, la tecnología ha sido destruida y los pocos humanos rehúsan utilizar cualquier cosa eléctrica para evitar un nuevo enfrentamiento con los fantasmas que deambulan por el planeta. Secuela del remake de 2006 de la película japonesa de culto Kairo de Kiyoshi Kurosawa.
Sneed (Greed)
What if there was no one left on Earth but two lovers trapped in the hyper-dimension of a barren Texas Landscape? On a quest to chase the light, Will and Mia travel across vacated urban sprawl and into the country side. But things aren't working out quite right. Gravity seems elusive, shadows chase you and whispers drift in the vacant winds. One evening, Will's nightmares manifest into the seven rednecks and they begin their imminent arrivals and they answer to only one; The Black Dog. Upon realizing the deadly seven are feeding on their fears, Will and Mia forge their escape, Can these two lovers make it out alive and, if so, is that their destiny?
The Suited Man
It is present day in Arkham Heights, a seemingly desolate town that has decayed much since the eighties. Renny Meeks is a lonely, mentally challenged man with an IQ of 78, who sacks groceries at a small store. He's a simple man, recently released from an institution for a crime he was accused of that rocked the town ten years ago.
Hot Air Balloon Pilot
A detective is assigned to transporting a homeless man to a psyche ward after he was caught tampering with a radio tower to block alien communication to the moon. The man claims he must kill a big-time media mogul whom he believes is an alien leading the extermination of the human race. The detective must decide to either stop this man's insane mission, or to believe him in order to save the planet from the coming invasion.
Jimmy the Elevator Operator
Puede que el trabajo de Joe Tyler (Matthew Perry) sea uno de los peores del mundo, pero no permitirá que nada se interponga en el cumplimiento de su deber. Él es un agente judicial que utiliza tácticas rastreras y los métodos más ingeniosos para entregar documentos legales a toda clase de personas, desde mafiosos a millonarios. Una persona dedicada a hacer la "entrega" a su hombre –o a su mujer– cueste lo que cueste. Sara Moore (Elizabeth Hurley) es la próxima víctima de Joe. Su marido, el intrigante Gordon (Bruce Campbell) –un ganadero adinerado con quien Sara ha conseguido amasar toda una fortuna–, ha contratado a Joe para entregarle a Sara los documentos que amenazan con dejarla sin nada.
Mr. Elroy
A homeless man searches for a key he has lost, finding redemption along the way.
Allison's Lover
A psycho serial killer who videotapes each of his bloody conquests is on the loose, and it's up to alcoholic motorcycle cop Dak and his new tough-as-nails partner, Kristen, to bring him to justice. But as the body count increases, so does the danger.
Steele, a plainclothes Chicago cop, is recruited by the FBI to foil an assassination plot in Dallas, Texas. It seems that Joe Keno, a former nemesis of Steele, is planning to assassinate the Iraqi ambassador to the U.S. Keno is funded by several prominent Texas businessmen. Steele travels to Dallas, where he makes friends with Barnes; Steele is contacted by a Dallas-based FBI agent who sets him up with his contact, "Peacekeeper." Joe Keno has abandoned previous ways and methods; the assassin is now also a serial killer. While Keno's victims are found in abandoned warehouses and parks, Steele encounters numerous obstacles. The Chicago cop encounters friendly Texas racists, is ambushed in a redneck saloon, and battles the incompetence and petty jealousy of Dallas police. Meanwhile Steele tries to stop Keno before the Iraqi ambassador becomes his next victim.