Marcos Pimentel


Faith and Fury
The documentary starts from the religious conflicts that exist in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte's favelas and suburbs to analyze the growing conservative wave that hovers over the country.
Faith and Fury
The documentary starts from the religious conflicts that exist in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte's favelas and suburbs to analyze the growing conservative wave that hovers over the country.
Os Ossos da Saudade
A film about absence, narrated from the experiences of people who experience feelings of absence and distance, spread across Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. The body, landscape, memory and time. Stories and places built with remembrance, oblivion and invention. A journey through the territories of memory, representation and belonging.
Os Ossos da Saudade
A film about absence, narrated from the experiences of people who experience feelings of absence and distance, spread across Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. The body, landscape, memory and time. Stories and places built with remembrance, oblivion and invention. A journey through the territories of memory, representation and belonging.
Three Tidy Tigers Tied a Tie Tighter
Executive Producer
São Paulo, un futuro distópico no muy lejano al presente. Un virus que ataca principalmente el cerebro y la capacidad de recordar se ha esparcido por el mundo. Tres jóvenes queer vagan por una ciudad desgarrada por la pandemia y el capitalismo desenfrenado, recordando antiguos amantes, compartiendo sus experiencias con el sida o recibiendo consejos de maquillaje.
The walls in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte are inundated with painted pictures and words, from stunning murals to old-school graffiti, and from enigmatic cries from the heart to furious cursing. Marcos Pimentel uses his mostly static camera to capture an impressive number of these public statements.
The Part of the World That Belongs to Me
Documentary about dreams and desires of ordinary people, about fuels that move us daily: happiness, recognition, financial stability, marriage, health, fun, a few pounds less, enjoyment, overcoming or even a simple and humble kite.
The Part of the World That Belongs to Me
Documentary about dreams and desires of ordinary people, about fuels that move us daily: happiness, recognition, financial stability, marriage, health, fun, a few pounds less, enjoyment, overcoming or even a simple and humble kite.
The Part of the World That Belongs to Me
Documentary about dreams and desires of ordinary people, about fuels that move us daily: happiness, recognition, financial stability, marriage, health, fun, a few pounds less, enjoyment, overcoming or even a simple and humble kite.
Dia de Reis
El hombre que cuida
Juan se ha convertido en el hazmerreír del pequeño pueblo de pescadores, a raíz de que su mujer le fue infiel y se embarazó de otro hombre. Él ha dejado la pesca y cuida obsesivamente una ostentosa mansión de una familia adinerada de la capital. Un día, el joven hijo del dueño se aparece en la casa, sin permiso de su padre y cargado de alcohol, junto a un amigo extranjero y una chica del pueblo que acaban de conocer. Durante el transcurso del fin de semana, Juan se verá obligado a tomar decisiones que afectarán el resto de su vida.
El hombre que cuida
Juan se ha convertido en el hazmerreír del pequeño pueblo de pescadores, a raíz de que su mujer le fue infiel y se embarazó de otro hombre. Él ha dejado la pesca y cuida obsesivamente una ostentosa mansión de una familia adinerada de la capital. Un día, el joven hijo del dueño se aparece en la casa, sin permiso de su padre y cargado de alcohol, junto a un amigo extranjero y una chica del pueblo que acaban de conocer. Durante el transcurso del fin de semana, Juan se verá obligado a tomar decisiones que afectarán el resto de su vida.
Breath is a creative documentary about human existence and the mysteries of life and death, seen in the everyday life of a small village in the middle of nowhere, in the countryside of Brazil, where families have lived for years, almost completely isolated from contact with the outside world. Wind, dust, mountains, silence and time… Man and nature live together there in both harmony and conflict, amidst what is and what could be, in the vastness of a landscape grander than vision can grasp.
Breath is a creative documentary about human existence and the mysteries of life and death, seen in the everyday life of a small village in the middle of nowhere, in the countryside of Brazil, where families have lived for years, almost completely isolated from contact with the outside world. Wind, dust, mountains, silence and time… Man and nature live together there in both harmony and conflict, amidst what is and what could be, in the vastness of a landscape grander than vision can grasp.
An albino boy named Sanã lives on the island of Lençóis, an untouched paradise in northeastern Maranhão state. Surrounded by dunes, he is mimicked in a very white landscape, under a scalding sun from which he cannot escape. In this microcosm ruled by wind and the tides, Sanã builds his own private world.
An albino boy named Sanã lives on the island of Lençóis, an untouched paradise in northeastern Maranhão state. Surrounded by dunes, he is mimicked in a very white landscape, under a scalding sun from which he cannot escape. In this microcosm ruled by wind and the tides, Sanã builds his own private world.
Horizontes Mínimos
A documentary about the dreams and wishes of common people. Small stories from the everyday lives of different people who have simple, anonymous routines and who develop their stories far removed from the traditional postal cards of a city. The protagonists are heroes of the domestic scene, who deploy their days with much patience and no tears. With no great victories or large defeats... and without desisting from fighting for their small accomplishments. A subjective essay about private minimal spheres.
Over the rubble and debris of contemporary cities, the new urban warriors improvise daily on streets and ruins.
The horror and sublime of the urban environment are in constant change, in a time where nothing is finished or definite. Construction and destruction, systole and diastole are expressed in the poetics of the contemporary polis.
The horror and sublime of the urban environment are in constant change, in a time where nothing is finished or definite. Construction and destruction, systole and diastole are expressed in the poetics of the contemporary polis.
The horror and sublime of the urban environment are in constant change, in a time where nothing is finished or definite. Construction and destruction, systole and diastole are expressed in the poetics of the contemporary polis.
The Body's Architecture
The dancers and their forms. Their pains. Their dreams.
The Body's Architecture
The dancers and their forms. Their pains. Their dreams.
Biografia do Tempo
Memories Graveyard
Documentary built with homemade pictures about everyday life in the twentieth century.
Memories Graveyard
Documentary built with homemade pictures about everyday life in the twentieth century.
Memories Graveyard
Documentary built with homemade pictures about everyday life in the twentieth century.