El Muchacho
Una joven sordomuda que vive y tiene relaciones carnales con un ciego mucho mayor que ella, atrae irremisiblemente a un timido instructor de manejo a un submundo extraño, alucinante, poblado por todos aquellos seres cuyas mutilaciones, impedimentos o diferencias fisicas, los han convertido en rechazados de la sociedad
Octavio "Pachuli"
Two single women share an apartment, work together, and sometimes swap boyfriends. None of their romantic attachments seem quite as stable or enduring as their friendship.
Crónica de la guerra de castas que tuvo lugar en Yucatán en el siglo XIX, donde la tierra y las personas eran propiedad de los hacendados, quienes se autonombraban "casta divina". Por un lado, el general Salvador Alvarado organiza la revolución; por otro, los hacendados arman al coronel Ortiz Argumedo para defender su autonomía. Don Wilfrido, uno de los amos, no vacila en enviar a su hijo varón a luchar para conservar sus riquezas y prebendas, entre ellas el derecho de pernada...
Rogelio’s story, a young man of humble origin in the neighborhood of Tepito, who falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy grocer, Michelle, but his marriage to her will be a failure and he will end up as a one more drunk.
David (adolescente)
Mexico is in the midst of Revolution when the protagonist returns after studying in Paris to find his native town in Chihuahua occupied by Francisco Villa’s revolutionary forces. He visits his deserted home and remembers people and events from his adolescence that provide glimpses of pre-Revolutionary society under dictatorship: his uncle, the chief of police; his sister’s involvement with a liberal political association; bathing with the girls from a local brothel; a labor strike that ended in a massacre. Returning to the present he discovers that his father has been assassinated and, in the company of his father’s former servant, joins the revolutionary movement.