Arthur Donaldson


Old Lace
Old Lace is a 1931 Musical short.
Love 'Em and Leave 'Em
Mr. McGonigle
Mame Walsh promised their mother on her deathbed to look after little sister Janie. But Janie helps herself to everything of her sister's, be it her clothes or her men - even the money entrusted to her by fellow employees at the store they work at. Regardless, Mame can't break her promise. So when it comes to getting Janie out of trouble, big sister comes to the rescue.
Grand Duke Popovitch
Shortly after his marriage, a millionaire begins an affair with another woman. His wife tries to win him back by starting an affair herself.
The Swan
Franz, the Court Chamberlain
The Swan (1925) is a silent film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film is based on Melville Baker's 1923 Broadway play adaptation, The Swan, of Ferenc Molnar's play A Hattyu Vigjatek Harom Felvonasbarn. This film was directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki, a recent Russian immigrant working for Famous Players-Lasky. Buchowetzki had directed pictures in Russia, Sweden, and Germany. The story of this film was remade in 1930 as One Romantic Night, an early talkie for Lillian Gish, and in Technicolor as a 1956 vehicle for Grace Kelly.
Lord Bishop
The backdrop is fifteenth century France, and Charles, Duke of Burgundy has promised his daughter, Princess Mary, that she can marry the man she loves, Prince Maximilian of Styria. But when the Swiss threaten war, the duke is compelled to take back his word and he arranges for Mary to wed the half-witted dauphin of France's King Louis XI .
For Woman's Favor
The Brother
A modern love story is the framework for a costume love story, based on Boccaccio's "The Falcon."
King George III
The story of a family caught up in the American Revolutionary War.
When Knighthood Was in Flower
Sir Henry Brandon
Mary Tudor falls in love with a new arrival to court, Charles Brandon. She convinces her brother King Henry VIII to make him his Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, Henry is determined to marry her off to the aging King Louis XII of France as part of a peace agreement.
Find the Woman
Morris Beiner
This whodunit bears no relation to the 1918 picture of the same name, but both films coincidentally had the same director, Tom Terriss. When sleazy theatrical agent Maurice Beiner (Arthur Donaldson) is found stabbed to death in his office, just about everybody is a suspect -- there's aspiring actress Clancy Deane (Eileen Huban), who was one of the last people to see him alive, and Sophie Carey (Alma Rubens) who knows he has some love letters she wrote to Judge Walbrough (George MacQuarrie) before she married her alcoholic husband, Don (Henry Sedley). Or is it Marc Weber (Norman Kerry), who had a falling out with Beiner, or Weber's devoted wife, Fay (Ethel Duray)?
The Passionate Pilgrim
Mothers of Men
Gen. De La Motte
Young Austrian girl Marie Helmar, is left penniless by the death of her father and disgraced by Prussian officer Captain Von Pfaffen, she flees to the safety of her French cousins, the De La Mottes. There she falls in love with their eldest son Gerome. On the night before their wedding, Marie sends a letter to Gerome confessing her indiscretion with the Prussian, but the letter is returned unopened. Soon after, she recognizes a new household servant to be Von Pfaffen, who demands that Marie disclose war secrets in return for his silence about her past. Torn, she passes on false information, which disgraces the Prussian. In revenge, he attempts to kill Marie, but she shoots him in self-defense. Shaken by remorse, Marie presents Gerome with her confession, which, he then reveals, he had read the night of their wedding. Their life thus unclouded, Marie announces she is expecting Gerome's child.
The ABC of Love
Prof. George Collins
Romance between the playwright Harry Bryant and the homeless and illiterate Kate.
Miss Dulcie from Dixie
Uncle John
To receive the $5,000 promised in her Uncle Stephen's will, Dulcie Culpepper must live with her Uncle John in New York for six months so that her father, a Confederate colonel, will be reconciled with his brother whose marriage to a Northern woman long ago caused a breach.
Over the Top
Friederich von Emden
The film is based on a book of the same name by Arthur Guy Empey, detailing his service as an American volunteer with the British Army on the Western Front.
Who Goes There?
Gen. Von Reiter
During World War I, Kervyn Guild, an American citizen who was born in Belgium, is captured with other Belgian refugees by the Germans. Brought before the commanding officer, General Von Reiter, Guild is offered his own freedom as well as that of the other refugees if he goes to London and returns with the officer's daughter, Karen Girard, who actually is his mistress.
Babbling Tongues
Joseph Moreau
When elderly Joseph Moreau and his young wife Therese offer refuge to starving young dramatist Paul Savary, gossips begin to spread rumors of a love affair between the wife and the writer. For the good of all concerned, Paul moves into separate quarters. One day Paul overhears the gossip again at a café and challenges the purveyor of the lie to a duel. Moreau, for his own satisfaction, takes Paul's place in combat and is mortally wounded. Moreau staggers to Paul's apartment where he discovers Therese, who has come to beg the writer to refuse to fight.
Danger Trail
Pierre Thoreau
John Howland travels to the frozen North to build a branch of the Hudson Bay Railroad. There he meets and falls in love with Meleese Thoreau who warns him that her three bloodthirsty brothers, Max, Pierre and François, have sworn vengeance against a man named John Howland, the son of a man who killed their mother, and that torture and death await him along the route to his station.
Enlighten Thy Daughter
The Faded Flower
Wilbur Mason
Lillian Hill, a poor stenographer, sacrifices her romance with an equally poor playwright, Henry Parker, to marry her boss Wilbur Mason. She does this only so that she will have the means to pay for surgery to restore her mother's sight. But the surgery is unsuccessful, and her coldness towards Mason arouses his jealousy.
The Salamander
The Ghost of Twisted Oaks
Mary Randall, who has just lost her job, is taking care of her widowed mother. Mary learns that her late uncle has left her part of his estate. She and her mother move to Florida to live on the Twisted Oaks Plantation. Mary meets her neighbor, Jack Carleton, and the two fall in love. The workers on the plantation believe in voodoo. The Voodoo Priest incites the superstitious workers. Mary orders him off the plantation, and he vows revenge.
The Land of the Lost
Baron de Coverly
John R. Bradley, a wealthy ship builder, seeks a title for his daughter, Miriam. Mr. Bradley introduces Baron de Coverly, a fortune hunter to Miriam. The baron becomes an ardent suitor and after a short courtship Miriam consents to be his wife. They start for a long cruise on Mr. Bradley's new schooner, Carpathia. Captain Hastings is taking his son, Gilbert, a rising young artist, on the cruise. Miriam and Gilbert become friends and the jealousy of the baron is aroused. During a drunken frenzy the baron sets fire to the schooner.
Wolfe or the Conquest of Quebec
Marquis de Montcalm
General Wolfe, appointed commander of the expedition against Quebec, comes to bid his mother goodbye. Before sailing, the general calls upon his sweetheart, Katherine Lowther. She presents him with a locket containing a miniature of herself. Wolfe places the jewel on a chain about his neck. Mignon Mars and her brother, Hubert, of a Canadian family, are captured by a body of men attached to the Royal Americans. Lieutenant Arleigh, the officer in charge, secures their release. Mignon loses her heart to the young officer. General Montcalm arrives at Quebec and takes command of the French forces.
The Padrone's Plot
The Padrone
Tony Vallenci, just over from Italy, is offered a job by Pietro Valli, an unscrupulous padrone. Ignorant of American money, Tony signs a contract calling for a wage of sixty cents a day. He goes to work in a quarry owned by Dodge. The following day Tony is knocked down by an auto containing Mrs. Dodge. He is uninjured, but the kind lady takes him to his home.
The Bribe
Higby - a Political Rival
John Dickson, millionaire candidate for mayor, is in love with Dora Malcom, a society girl. He finds, however, that she is engaged to marry Frank Stevens. He hides his grief and promises to be best man at the wedding.
The Blind Basket Weaver
Dr. Arnold
Paul, a blind basket weaver, plies his trade at a small seaside village. Anna, a cripple, is madly in love with the handsome young man. He does not know of her deformity and Dolly, who also loves him, is too tender-hearted to tell.
His Mother
The Priest
An Irish mother uses her life savings to pay for her son, a talented musician, to study in America.
The Colleen Bawn
Father Tom
A young Irish boy has fallen in love with a poor girl and wants to marry her, but his mother will stop at nothing, including murder, to see that he marries his rich cousin.
Rory O'More
Father O'Brien
Based on the story of the real-life 17th Century Irish rebel and the eighteen century ballad about him, this one-reeler is one of the Kalem pictures shot by Olcott and his company on their second trip to the Emerald Isle.
A Lad from Old Ireland
Parish Priest
A young man leaves Ireland for America, but doesn't forget home.