Fritz Kampers

Fritz Kampers

Nacimiento : 1891-07-14, Munich, Germany

Muerte : 1950-09-01


Fritz Kampers


Die Sterne lügen nicht
Bürgermeister Karl Krambac
Sensation im Savoy
The Black Forest Girl
The painter Hans Hauser falls head over heels in love with the "Black Forest girl" Bärbele Riederle. He travels to her home village and soon the two realize that they are made for each other.
Des Lebens Überfluß
Two young students, a man and a woman, rent the same appartment without knowing it. They have to arrange with their upcoming feelings, strange neighbours and poverty.
Die Kreuzlschreiber
Das Geheimnis des Hohen Falken
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Vera’s father
Freitag, der 13
Rapp, der Schloßherr
Nichts als Zufälle
August Danzer
Übers Jahr, wenn die Kornblumen blühen
Gastwirt Paust
Peter Voss, der Millionendieb
Fritz Mohr
Adaptation of Seeliger's novel, starting production in 1943, finished by DEFA studios after the war.
Wir beide liebten Katharina
Bürgermeister Doll
Der Scheiterhaufen
Jagdaufseher Büttner
Das Konzert
A concert pianist, the romantic idol of many women, is seduced away from his wife. The seductress's husband takes in the pianist's wife, and all four pretend to be happy with the new arrangement.
Die Zaubergeige
Metzgermeister Pröhle
Gabriele Dambrone
Prof. Muhry
The Viennese seamstress Gabi Berghofer wants to marry an innkeeper. But he marries someone else. Gabi then becomes a model for a painter, who falls in love with her. She spends some wonderful time with him, but he, too, leaves Gabi to return to his family. Desperate and deserted, Gabi stands before the gravestone of the young artist Gabriele Dambrone, who took her life due to heartache. Then she decides to once more take her life in her own hands and to make her old dream of becoming an actress come true.
Akrobat schö-ö-ö-n
Charlie, a very gifted, young acrobat, cannot find employment. A dancer and colleague, whom he trained, has gotten him a job as a stagehand at a vaudeville theatre. After a number of chaotic events and some highs and lows - none of which ever discourage him - his hour arrives: an act can't go on and "Akrobat schööön" can finally make his grand entrance.
Kollege kommt gleich
Der zweite Schuß
Kohlhiesels Töchter
Schmied Unterhuber
Der Ochsenkrieg
The Dismissal
Dr. Ernst Schweninger
German chancellor Otto von Bismarck promises the dying emperor Wilhelm I. to be loyal to his grandson. But the gap between young Kaiser Wilhelm II. and old Bismarck is rapidly widening. It soon appears that an era is coming to an end.
Anschlag auf Baku
Mathias Ert
Anschlag auf Baku
Feldwebel Mathias Ertl
Immer nur Du
Wachtmeister Zabl
The two stars of an upcoming operetta performance quarrel constantly. but they also fall in love with each other.
Über alles in der Welt
Fritz Möbius
Nazi cinema produced numerous WW2 military epics, one of the most impressive of which is Ufa's first-rate 1941 production, Uber Alles in der Welt,directed by Karl Ritter (Stukas). Ritter customarily produced morale-building propaganda pictures, and this, his first propaganda film to deal with the war, as well as his finest effort, was one of the highest-grossing pictures of the Third Reich. Set largely in France, England, and Spain, the film chronicles the plight of Germans caught by the outbreak of war and their frantic attempts to return to the Fatherland to join the battle. All of Germany's enemies receive equal disdain. The British, the French, the Poles, and the Jews are portrayed respectively as warmongers, profiteers and cowards. In the end, all that is important is returning to Germany.
Der laufende Berg
Anton Purtscheller
Das Fräulein von Barnhelm
Wachtmeister Werner
Links der Isar – rechts der Spree
Xaver Spöckmeier
Bal paré
Xaver Aigner
The Star of Rio
Pieter Jonken
Der Feuerteufel
Kapitän Münzer
Weltrekord im Seitensprung
Josef Burgsteller
Die goldene Maske
Robert Berteen
The Grouch
August Weichert
Robert and Bertram
Strambach, Gefängnisverwalter
After the two vagabonds Robert and Bertram flee from prison, they get to know the innkeeper’s daughter Lenchen at the “Silver Swan” Inn. Because her father is in desperate need of money, Lenchen is to marry the creditor Biedermeier instead of her beloved military recruit Michel. In order to prevent that, Robert and Bertram travel to the capital and, under false names, manage to make their way into the house of the Jewish commercial advisor Ipelmeyer, to whom Biedermeier is deep in debt. During an evening costume ball, the bums steal the family jewels and give them to Lenchen’s father. Lenchen and Michael get married and Robert and Bertram flee in a balloon into the sky.
Im Namen des Volkes
Fritz Hartmann
Bürgermeister Eberhorn
Legion Condor
Oberfeldwebel Moebius
Verdacht auf Ursula
Kriminalkommissar Weigelt
Pour le Mérite
Kaufmann Sörelund
Furlough on Parole
Heini Hartmann, Gefreiter
Four soldiers on leave from the German army refuse to participate in the leftist October 1918 revolution in Berlin.
Spiel auf der Tenne
Gustav 'Gustl' Moser
Sebastian Huber, Gastwirt
Old Meiseken, a gingerbread baker, has been dead for three years, but his bosses don’t know that. They’ve been paying him his pension all this time, unaware that his former landlords have been cashing the checks. When, one day, the assistant head of the bakery, Tony, pays a visit to Meiseken’s place to get a hold of an old recipe, someone’s got to play the part of Meiseken! The fraud blows up in the landlords’ faces; but in the end, Tony gets the recipe book and even a new bride.
White Slaves
Russia, 1917. Revolution is in the air. The Sevastopol anchors In Saint Petersburg. The sailors are thirsty for women and celebration. The ship becomes a dancehall. Bloodbath, pillage and kidnapping follows. A Nazi/Germany propaganda film.
Das Veilchen vom Potsdamer Platz
Otto Schnöcker
Stadt Anatol
The Beggar Student
Gouverneur Oberst Ollendorf
To take a revenge on countess Laura, who slapped him at his proposal, the Governor of the occupied Poland gets her fall in love with a poor student, and exposes him during wedding banquet.
Die Drei um Christine
Bachmoser - Bürgermeister
At the start of the 18th century, British Queen Anne, inspired by her German born lady in waiting, emancipates the country's farmers and peasants.
Leichte Kavallerie
Zirkusdirektor Cherubini
Rosika, a girl from Genoa, fled her innkeeper stepfather after he tried to abuse her. She finds refuge - and a job as well - in a traveling circus. Cherubini, the owner of the big top, falls in love with the lovely young woman and makes her the star of the show 'Light Cavalry'. But unfortunately for him Rosika's heart beats for Geza, the stable boy.
The Gypsy Baron
Koloman Zsupan
Love and the First Railroad
Paul Kluthammer, sein Faktotum
'Love and the First Railway' is what this movie's title would mean in English. This is one of those films that depicts fictional characters participating in an historic incident. The actual first railway was built in England, of course. But according to this movie, the first railway (in Germany, at least) was built from Berlin to Potsdam, in 1838. I haven't the faintest idea if that's correct, but the people who made this movie do seem to take a great deal of interest in historical accuracy, so I'll take their word for it. Anyway, a title at the beginning establishes that this movie is set in 1838.
La Paloma. Ein Lied der Kameradschaft
Alfredo, Aufseher in einem Steinbruch
Der Herr Senator
Dr. Fritz Göricke
Ich sing' mich in dein Herz hinein
Die vier Musketiere
Musketier Schlumberger aus Bayern
Die Sonne geht auf
Film by Reiber.
Der Jäger aus Kurpfalz
Jakob Haringer
Three Bluejackets and a Blonde
Hannes Butenschön
While out dancing, two sailors fall for the same girl.
Kleiner Mann – was nun?
First adaptation of Hans Fallada's novel of the same name.
Die Fahrt ins Grüne
Willy Krause
1933 German film.
Schüsse an der Grenze
Der Schmuggler-Führer
Der Meisterdetektiv
Paul Krause
Film by Seitz.
A Song Goes Round the World
A Song Goes Round the World is a 1933 German drama film directed by Richard Oswald and starring Joseph Schmidt, Viktor de Kowa and Charlotte Ander.
Manolescu, der Fürst der Diebe
Max Krause, ehemaliger Rennfahrer
Eine Frau wie Du
Zwei gute Kameraden
Paul Hanke
Crook's Honor
Georg, "Artistenorje"
Big City Night
Young French student Madeleine Duchanel wants to go to the theater and therefore pulls out of the well-protected environment of her school. In Paris she hopes to make a career, but in her naivety she ends up on the street.
Dr. Scharfinger
Eine Stadt steht kopf
Herr Güterinspektor
The Rebel
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
The Blue from the Sky
Out of unlikely circumstances an underground ticket vending girl and a mail pilot fall in love.
Love in Uniform
On the eve of the Great War, a cavalry captain who despises the opposite sex falls in love with a wealthy young lady.
Strich durch die Rechnung
Fritz Wagmüller
The Heath Is Green
A forest ranger, after spending years tracking down a poacher, is taken aback to learn the man is the father of his beloved.
Number Three Cavalryman
Paul, ein Ulan
A town's business begins to suffer, when a military outfit is confined to quarters for three weeks because they have been harassing the local women.
Strafsache van Geldern
Paulus van Geldern is a lawyer who has made a name for himself as a criminal defense attorney, but is notoriously short of funds due to his unbridled passion for gambling. His gambling causes problems with his marriage to Martha who is thriving.
Mrs. Lehmann's Daughters
Chauffeur Köster
Skandal in der Parkstraße
Three from the stamp office
Fritz Wenneis, Arbeitsloser
The Pride of Company Three
Feldwebel Krause
The adventures of smart soldier Gustav Diestelbeck include managing his superior officer, competing for the canteneer's daughter, evading punishment for discipline faults and hosting Prinz Willibald during his visit to the regiment.
Tras el final de la I Guerra Mundial, el clima en la frontera franco-alemana es de resentimiento y todo es propicio a la tensión y la hostilidad. Una mina, antiguamente alemana, es repartida a partir de 1918 entre Francia y Alemania. Hay un accidente en túneles del sector francés y se desata un incendio. Por supuesto, las partidas de ayuda no se movilizan con la misma celeridad sabiendo que las víctimas no son alemanas. Un grupo de tres viejos mineros alemanes, que la noche anterior habían sido tratados poco amigablemente en una posada francesa, inician su propia incursión de rescate, utilizando para ello un camino en plena línea limítrofe entre ambas naciones.
Shooting festival in Schilda
Reserve hat Ruh
Paule Zapp
Jonny Belling
This is the German version of Gloria with Gustav Fröhlich & Brigitte Helm in the leads. A French version was filmed simultaneously with André Luguet & Brigitte Helm in the leads.
The bridegroom's widow
Bill Huber, genannt "Athleten-Bill"
The night before his wedding George gets drunk and marries a chorus girl. Her boyfriend appears, they fight and are believed dead, so she is now "the bridegroom's widow" (die Bräutigamswitwe). When they both come back one after another they must hide from the Police as they believe they have murdered each other, while the inspector believes there are ghosts in the house.
Schubert's Dream of Spring
A love story about composer Franz Schubert based in 1827, Vienna.
Gretel and Liesel
Remake of an Ernst Lubitsch silent comedy about a farm boy who is fond of two sisters, one of whom is beautiful, the other, not so much.
The funny musicians
Franz Selbinger
Different kinds of Berliners, the well to do along with the ordinary shopkeepers, enjoy their weekends in the city's suburban garden colonies.
The Three from the Filling Station
Konsul Cossmann
Die Drei von der Tankstelle, meaning The Three from the Gas Station, was advertised as a German operetta when release and with it’s star studded cast would become the forerunner of Musical films. Even today the soundtrack of the comic harmonists is popular in Germany.
The Corvette Captain
A heroic young captain in the German Navy finds romance.
Cuatro de infantería (Westfront 1918)
Der Bayer
A finales de la I Guerra Mundial, en las trincheras alemanas atacadas por el ejército francés, cuatro soldados germanos luchan mientras en la retaguardia aumentan las dificultades por el hambre y la falta de perspectivas. (FILMAFFINITY)
O girl, my girl, how I love you!
The widow's ball
Fritz Petzold
The Doncossack Song
If you still have a home
Peter Amsel
The Mistress and Her Servant
Oberst Sassin
Ehe in Not
Die fidele Herrenpartie
Fritz Köster
Autobus Nr. 2
Fritz Marunge
The Brandenburg Arch
Franz Müller
In the year 1914: The assistants of cobbler Lehmann compete for the affections of his daughter Frieda. Actually she’s in love with her ambitious cousin Fritz, but the cunning Franz knows how to string her along. When Fritz gets drafted, Frieda gives in and marries Franz. Soon Fritz is declared missing and the old cobbler dies of grief. Along the way Franz, who dodged the military service, earns his money with large-scale racketeering. Frieda is miserable. But then Fritz returns from Soviet captivity, prompting Frieda to divorce Franz. Finally Frieda accepts an inheritance from the USA and marries Fritz. With the money they open up a shoe store.
Das närrische Glück
Die Frau, die jeder liebt, bist du!
Die Zirkusprinzessin
Fräulein Fähnrich
Vom Täter fehlt jede Spur
Katharina Knie
Ignaz Scheel, Trapezkünstler
Katharina Knie is a 1929 German silent drama film directed by Karl Grune and starring Eugen Klöpfer, Carmen Boni and Adele Sandrock. It is based on the 1928 play of the same title by Carl Zuckmayer.
Tempo! Tempo!
Jolly Baker
The Somnambulist
Originally named "The Clairvoyant" presenting the many talents of parapsychologist Elsbeth Günther-Geffers. First banned, later extensively reworked.
Drei Tage auf Leben und Tod - aus dem Logbuch der U.C.1
Der Obermaat
a silent war movie by Heinz Paul
Seppl Häusinger
Mary Lou
Robert und Bertram
Bertram Engelke
A Better Master
Der Staatsanwalt klagt an
Die Dame und ihr Chauffeur
Fräulein Chauffeur
Heywoldts Gärtner
Herbstzeit am Rhein
Peter Holm
Almenrausch und Edelweiss
Der Kriegelhofer Quasi
Heut tanzt Mariett
Der Piccolo vom Goldenen Löwen
Fritz Leplow
Lemkes sel. Witwe
Der Weiberkrieg
Der Gelbhofbauer
Petronella - Das Geheimnis der Berge
Wenn Menschen reif zur Liebe werden
Karl Eichinger
Ein Mädel aus dem Volke
Der Geselle
Leichte Kavallerie
Wachtmeister Farkas
Radio Magic
Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom
Steffens, Chauffeur
An international gang of thieves and swindlers decide to move their criminal operation to the Teutonic city of Cologne, but Tom Wilkens, one of the best agents of the international police, is not far behind and leads an investigation to unmask the criminals.
Ich habe im Mai von der Liebe geträumt
Findelkind des Dorfes
Frühere Verhältnisse
The Imaginary Baron
The film follows the comic (mis)adventures of a poor street musician, who is roped into posing as an eccentric nobleman. He and his antics are rapturously received by the members of a bourgeois family desperate to mingle with the aristocracy. The daughter of the family takes a fancy to the baron (in reality, merely a “joke baron”), assuming him to be immensely wealthy.
Das rosa Pantöffelchen
German Women - German Faithfulness
Max Hühnerbein
In der Heimat, da gibt's ein Wiedersehn!
Lemke, Unteroffizier
Die Flucht in den Zirkus
Iwanoff - Anarchist
Gente innecesaria
Ben Span
La primera coproducción germano-soviética procesó once cuentos de Chejov. En los créditos iniciales se lee: "Antes de la guerra, la gente de Rusia vivía en el interior de Rusia. Las 'bendiciones' de la civilización no les habían llegado. De esas personas superfluas que viven en una pequeña ciudad rusa habla esta película". Se trata de una farsa provincial idílica con acentos trágicamente conmovedores, exageraciones grotescas y humor grosero, caracterizada por una humanidad conciliadora. La película se creyó perdida durante mucho tiempo y se reconstruyó en 1978. (Eddie Constanti)
Die Kleine und ihr Kavalier
Kubinke, der Barbier, und die drei Dienstmädchen
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick
Der Provinzonkel
Der Prinz und die Tänzerin
Nanette macht alles
Unser täglich Brot
Der Stolz der Kompagnie
Unteroffizier Müller
Der Mann ohne Schlaf
Marriage Announcement
Grüß mir das blonde Kind am Rhein
Paul Körner/Hart
Götz von Berlichingen zubenannt mit der eisernen Hand
Wallenstein, 1. Teil - Wallensteins Macht
Historical drama about the life of Albrecht von Wallenstein.
Reveille, das große Wecken
Der erste Held
"Comedians" - Axel Swinborne is a celebrated stage star. Although much in demand, he now wants to recover and travel by train on vacation. He leans out of the window at full speed, as happens a momentous mishap: his jacket gets tangled on the window lever so unhappy that it ejects the suction force out of the window.
Aufstieg der kleinen Lilian
Menschen am Meer
In the Valleys of the Southern Rhine
Oetz Honwerth
Die Stimme des Herzens
Arne Mikkelsen
Ein Traum vom Glück
In den Krallen der Schuld
Wilhelm Tell
William Tell (German: Wilhelm Tell) is a 1923 German silent adventure film directed by Rudolf Dworsky and Rudolf Walther-Fein and starring Hans Marr, Conrad Veidt and Erich Kaiser-Titz. The film portrays the story of the legendary Swiss national hero William Tell.
The Stone Rider
In a distant Teutonic village, people dance and drink merrily celebrating a wedding feast. However, an elderly man tells the villagers that the valley where they live wasn't always happy but sorrowful. This was due to the tyranny of the master of the mountains who ruled the valley despotically.
Schlagende Wetter
After the revelation that Georg has seduced her, Maria is driven away by her father. Georg, fearing the wrath of Maria's father, has swiftly abandoned the girl and left for the mining town of Sankt Anton, where he expects to hide easily amongst the large population of colliers. Maria must care for herself, and ends up in Sankt Anton, where she attempts to rebuild her life. There, she gets to know Thomas, and soon the young people are engaged. When Georg and Maria meet again, drama ensues. The film originally ran 97 minutes.
Hallig Hooge
Marne Rieckmers
Der Müllerbursche
Lola Montez, the King’s Dancer
Lieutenant Nussbaum
Deviating from the historical facts, Lola is introduced as a young Spanish “Gypsy” who becomes involuntarily embroiled in an attempt to poison the Infante of Spain (a short but splendid cameo by Heinrich George). As a result, she has to flee the country, arriving first in Italy, where she is taught how to act like a lady. Later, in Paris, she is invited to dance at the city’s prestigious opera house, becoming a worldwide sensation. She then becomes secretly involved in a revolutionary plot by Louis Napoléon, the future emperor of France. When the plot fails, Lola is once again forced to flee, this time to Munich, where she captures the attention of Ludwig I. Their ensuing affair arouses a great deal of hatred among the people and the establishment, however. In the end, Lola has no choice but to leave again, and vanishes into the night mist.
Monna Vanna
The Circle of Death
Leo Maximow
This anti-communist propaganda film discusses the revolutionary curse of communism in the Soviet-Union shortly before and after the fall of czardom in Russia, told from the point of view of Belarusians in exile. Anti-communist copy in color which has been discovered, restored and printed by the Royal Belgian Filmarchive.
Die Kartenlegerin
Was der Totenkopf erzählt
Der Teufel und die Circe
Die Diamantenkonkurrenz
Der Ochsenkrieg
Berchtesgaden in the 15th century: A power struggle between mountain peasants who have been raising milk cows on common land and a village bailiff trying to gain power driving them off the land. Both have a ducal documents that states the opposite.
Das Milliardentestament
Der schwarze Jack
Die sterbende Salome
Das rosa Pantöffelchen
Directed by Franz Hofer.
Der Volkstyrann
Der Volkstyrann
Iwan Kostalow