Erica Kim


John Wick: Pacto de sangre
El legendario asesino John Wick (Keanu Reeves) se ve obligado a salir del retiro por un ex-asociado que planea obtener el control de un misterioso grupo internacional de asesinos. Obligado a ayudarlo por un juramento de sangre, John emprende un viaje a Roma lleno de adrenalina estremecedora para pelear contra los asesinos más peligrosos del mundo.
To the Night
Tyler spends his time trawling for girls on the Internet and being a general misfit with little regard for others. Through social media he reconnects with Jenny Kramer, an old flame, and embarks on a night that will change his ways forever. Or maybe not. 'To The Night' explores the disconnect of this post-post modern age, and the ease with which one can go through life disregarding not only the feelings of others, but of oneself.