Ninkey Dalton


Body Language
Production Design
The ambitious Betsy is happy: she gets promoted to a leading management position. Her happiness is spoiled only a little by problems with a boyfriend who feels neglected and an harassing boss. She realizes much too late that her secretary Norma is after her job and step by step tries to ruin her career and private life.
Se ha perdido una diosa
Production Design
Desde el Olimpo, la diosa Venus es enviada por su padre Zeus a la ciudad de Los Angeles para que pruebe su capacidad de conocer el verdadero amor. De lo contrario, será una estatua de piedra durante la eternidad.
Strange Voices
Production Design
A family begins to fall apart when their eldest daughter is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Reto al destino
Set Decoration
Melodrama deportivo que narra la historia de Bob Champion, un jockey que consiguió ganar el Grand National pese a sufrir un grave cáncer.
Nuestros maravillosos invasores
Production Design
Una expedición alienígena sufre una avería en su nave, y tiene que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso en un pequeño pueblo, donde se está celebrando un festival de rock. Los extraterrestres desafían a los grupos que se presentan con su curiosa forma de hacer música.
The City Girl
Art Direction
A female photographer who is engaged to a businessman investigates a cult in the local club scene. By living out some of her sexual fantasies, she faces the truth about her life and helps one of the cult's victims escape.
Fieras radiactivas
Art Direction
Una jauría de ratas se ha comido unos granos que habían sido tratados con esteroides. El resultado: ratas hiperdesarrolladas atacan a los humanos.
Improper Channels
Art Direction
A father brings a young child to an emergency room to get treatment for a minor injury occurring in an innocent accident, but he gets accused of child abuse. Child welfare agencies commit grossly unfair over-reactions to remove the child forcibly from the Father, who must brave the arcane system to reclaim his daughter.