Vítor Norte

Vítor Norte

Nacimiento : 1951-01-29, Borba, Portugal


Vítor Norte


Casa Flutuante
Years after her son's disappearance, a mother keeps trying to find him after an abduction that justice cannot solve while she is moving in a universe that wants to force her to mourn a child that she believes is still alive.
Before the Mountains
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
Terra Nova
Ti João
Inspired by Bernardo Santareno's “The Lugger” and “In the Seas of the End of the World”, this is the story of a captain of a codfish lugger, fishing in the banks of the Newfoundland who decide to risk sailing to Greenland in search of more fish. Along the way, he has to face storms, crew revolt and deal with the best and the worst of humanity when tested in extreme circumstances.
Un camión, una carretera y un destino impredecible, todos ellos intersecciones en una red de tráfico humano. Atrapada en esta red, Viktoriya solo tiene una opción: luchar para sobrevivir.
This is the story of a young Mozambican footballer called Eusébio, a gifted athlete destined to great achievements, coveted by rival clubs, Sporting and Benfica, which ends up hiring him. Blackmail, kidnapping attempts, ministers involved, press hysteria and huge money offers make the story of this football transfer into a saga evolving between the two continents. It ends up when the legend begins: with Eusébio’s first match at the Benfica Stadium.
Pai do João
Segundo Pescador
A perfect day, blue skies and perfect weather. Zé is going fishing. On a desert lake a strange and charismatic character rents boats using an old semi abandoned trailer. Both of them are part of an infernal cycle that will end up transforming the prey into the hunter. The one who dies kills and the one who kills is already dead.
Histórias de Alice
O Leão da Estrela
The story revolves around Anastácio, a supporter of Leões de Alcochete and Mr. Barata, a supporter of Inferno Futebol Clube. One day, the two teams face each other. Which team will win?
Famel Top Secret
New Jorge Monte Real movie
Eclipse em Portugal
Tó-Quim is a seemingly ordinary teenager, until the day he joins a band of black metal, the hand of a friend and Anita knows the drummer for who ends up falling in love.
O Cônsul de Bordéus
Aristides Sousa Mendes
This is the story of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a man of conviction who saved 30,000 lives during WWII, in June 1940. Among them were10,000 Jews. As the Portuguese General Consul stationed in Bordeaux, France, he issued 30,000 visas for safe passage to Portugal. He defied the direct orders of his government and exhibited courage, moral rectitude, unselfishness, and self-sacrifice by issuing visas to all refugees regardless of nationality, race, religion or political opinions.This narrative film expresses his heroic actions towards humanity, which will perpetuate his legacy of justice for a new generation. In 1966, Yad Vashem named him Righteous Among the Nations. He is considered to have achieved the largest single rescue operation of World War II.
Asalto al Santa María
Tenente-Coronel Alfredo Enes
Zé es un joven portugués que emigra a Venezuela en la década de los sesenta. Él está pasando por un momento difícil – los empleos son escasos y las perspectivas son muy bajas para tantos sueños. De casualidad se encuentra con el capitán Henrique Galvão, uno de los opositores más activos del régimen de Salazar. Fascinado por Galvão, Zé se une al grupo de exiliados políticos portugueses y gallegos que bajo el mando militar portugués, prepara la acción de protesta más espectacular que se llevó a cabo hasta ese momento: el asalto y la ocupación de la nave “Santa María”, joya de la corona de los portugueses.
Peter McShade is a hitman. A job goes wrong when he kills the nephew of a Mafia Boss in Morocco.
A Ilha dos Escravos
Manuel Sampaio
After a violent civil war, D. Miguel, the last Portuguese absolutist king, is defeated by the liberals, led by his brother D. Pedro. In 1834 D. Miguel left for exile. His supporters don't give up on returning him to the throne. Willing to do anything they even try to use the slaves of the colonies. A mysterious emissary is sent to Cape Verde to prepare an uprising. But other reasons were behind his visit to the archipelago ....
The Fascination
Lino Paes Rodrigues
An intriguing story about a family and a manor house (where some terrible crimes were committed in the past by a member of that family) adapted from a novel with the same title by Tabajara Ruas.
The Policewoman
A young woman and her son runaway from their hometown to escape civil war. Nothing is left from the world they knew and the only thing they have is each other.
Sans elle...
Diamantino Vieira
Johnny, aged 20, can't live without Fanfan, his twin sister. There is a very particular intimacy between them. They walk together everywhere, share the same room, the same tastes, the same bike, the same camping tent. But also a conflict principle sets in. Oppressed by his overbearing need, she decides to head for the south of Portugal, the country of their parents. His dreams are shattered; he feels deeply betrayed by his sister. Caught between his father who is preparing to retire to Portugal and his mother who refuses to leave France, he tries to work out his own identity. His passion for rock music gets him involved with his sister's former lover. By following this charismatic leader preaching dubious ideology, he risks losing his "gentle half" forever. Meanwhile in Portugal, she becomes disillusioned. Will they manage to grow up without each other?
Gotas de luz
Un jeep se desplaza lentamente a través del mercado, en el centro de Maputo. Al volante se encuentra Rui Pedro, un hombre de mediana edad que no parece muy preocupado por lo que ocurre en torno a él. Conduce a través de la ciudad, pasa por los suburbios y alcanza un camino solitario que lo conduce a un caserío abandonado. En ese paraje mozambiqueño, a la vera de un río misterioso, Rui Pedro había pasado sus primeros años cuando la dominación colonial estaba llegando a su fin y se enfrentó con la trágica e inevitable destrucción de su infancia. Hijo de colonizadores portugueses, su mejor amiga era Ana, una niña negra ahijada de su madre. Allí, por desgracia, tuvo que aprender a reconocer y a convivir con dos realidades bien diferentes –la europea y la africana–, a primera vista irreconciliables. (FILMAFFINITY)
Anjo Caído
Desde pequeña, Lena (Marta Larralde) se acostumbró a valerse por sí misma: perdió a su madre muy pronto, y su padre (Manuel Manquiña), un parado metido en trapicheos de todo tipo, se pasa el día bebiendo. Tiene 18 años, vive en Vigo, en el barrio portuario de Bouzas, una zona donde el paro juvenil es una auténtica lacra. Pero, a pesar de todas las dificultades de su vida, es una chica madura y responsable que adora a su progenitor y le perdona todos sus errores. Cuando éste le dice que, por fin, ha encontrado un trabajo, Lena cree que su suerte cambiará; pero todo es un espejismo; en realidad, su padre se ha asociado con la mafia local, a la que le debe una importante suma de dinero. Lena tendrá entonces que hacer frente a esa situación para evitar que su padre acabe en el fondo de la ría. (FILMAFFINITY)
En el siglo pasado, una joven campesina, Bernadette, se despierta y se siente atraída hacia una cueva. En la actualidad, Bernard Guillaumet es un joven fotógrefo que está haciendo fotografías en Lourdes. Cuando vuelve a su casa, ve que Natalie, su mujer, le ha dejado un paquete. Lo abre y ve que es un viejo manuscrito, titulado Lourdes, de su viejo bisabuelo, Henri Guillaumet, el cual conoció a Bernadette. Bernard ya conocía ese manuscrito, por su padre, pero nunca lo había leído porque él no cree en esas cosas. Cuando Bernard va a revelar las fotos ve que no hay nada. A Natalie le dan dolores de vientre. Resulta que está embarazada de dos meses y puede abortar. Bernard comienza a leer el manuscrito, que resulta ser el diario de Henri, en el que se relata el encuentro con Bernadette. Bernard decide volver a Lourdes porque su jefe le está presionando, y deja a Natalie en el hospital.
Two sons dream of the return of their father who left fifteen years earlier, and all this time without any sign of life...
Tarde Demais
A touching and tragic real life story about a group of Portuguese fishermen who get caught in the middle of a storm in the Tejo river (Lisbon) and struggle to survive.
Breathing Under Water
What stops two people from being together? A third one. What stops one person from fighting for another? Nothing. Pedro lives in the suburbs, where he works with his father in a garage. Everyday he takes the bus downtown where he goes to school and meets his friends. It's summertime and they all go down to the river where they spend their free time or even their school time. Among joints, motorbike riding and swimming, everything seems to go well with this group of friends, until the moment when Pedro and his best friend find out that both of them like the same girl. Pedro finds himself inside a downward spiral, where everything around him seems to fall apart. Like a magnet attracts the iron, Pedro seems to attract problems, from the school until his relationship with his parents. This is the story of Pedro, who by having his head being pushed down so much learned how to breathe under water.
Rui Sequeira
Rui Sequeira, a former fighter in the Colonial War, resident of a small village of Alentejo, celebrates another anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in the company of his wife and her daughter, the young Sara, with which he has a not so good relationship. On the night of the celebrations, the death of a friend forever alters his live, waking up a whole past long dormant.
A Hora da Liberdade
Major Comando Jaime Neves
Based on the events which took place the night of April 24th, 1999 in Portugal. This is the story of the Coup d'État which put an end to the Dictatorship and reinstated the Democracy.
Jaime es un muchacho de 13 años que vive en Oporto con su madre, quien ha dejado a su padre, y el amante de ésta. El niño está haciendo todo lo posible para que sus padres arreglen sus problemas y vuelvan a estar juntos. Piensa que la separación fue causada por el robo de la motocicleta de su padre, lo que provocó que éste perdiera su trabajo. Por tanto, Jaime comienza a trabajar para conseguir dinero con la intención de comprar una nueva motocicleta.
A Sombra dos Abutres
Two simple, unassuming, apolitical men have their lives changed forever when they find themselves hunted by agents of the ruling dictatorship.
Black Shoes
In today's Alentejo, a story of love and death based in a real criminal case.
Five Days, Five Nights
Portugal, late 1940's. André must leave the country after running away from prison. In Oporto some friends get him a guide, Lambaça, a smuggler who knows very well the Trás-os-Montes border from Portugal to Spain.
Ao Sul
Twenty years ago, Henrique left Portugal for the peaceful Netherlands. A colonial war veteran, he desperately wanted to get away from his country which still defended a doomed African empire and from his traditional, landowning family. He’s back now. Everything is different. «Europe» knocked on the door and sprawled itself fast. Even the South had to face wrenching changes. And Henrique himself will have to face many events. Love affairs and dangerous threats. And the chalenge of his future.
Uma Vida Normal
Miguel has his life falling apart, but in one last push of hope, he tries to change that and start living a normal life.
Até Amanhã, Mário
Mário, eight years old, a kid who begs in the tourist paradise of Madeira island. One day in his life, from morning to evening.
Amor e Dedinhos de Pé
Macau 1897. Life is easy for Portuguese settlers. Young reveler Francisco Frontaria is deemed as irresponsible for all his partying and boozing. Shunned and exiled for crossing a line by insulting the daughter of a prominent family, he finds himself penniless and vagrant.
O Miradouro da Lua
A young theater student receives an invitation from his unknown father to go to Angola with him. On the trip, he meets an Angolan student who returns to his country. When he goes to his father's address, he has a big surprise and his life will change ...
No Dia dos Meus Anos
This Portuguese movie directed by João Botelho, is part of The Four Elements series. This is the second episode, The Air.
Os Cornos de Cronos
Álvaro's Neighbor
A passion between a 42 years old man and a young girl.
El invierno en Lisboa
En verano, Jim Biralbo toca la batería con Billy Swann, un músico negro de gran prestigio, en un club de San Sebastián, propiedad de su amigo Floro. Allí conoce a la esposa de un mafioso, que tiene amistades poco recomendables, especialmente un individuo que está implicado en un golpe de estado para acabar con la democracia en Portugal. En busca de la mujer y también de la que puede ser la última actuación de Swann, Jim decide viajar a Lisboa.
Coming from Fundão to Lisboa where he did conscription service, Matias found that the reality of the big city is not exactly how he remembers
Jaz Morto e Arrefece
Are the Portuguese afraid of the changes after the Estado Novo dictatorship?
Your Neighbour's Wife
Two lovers meet again in strange circumstances, when she is a recent widow not particularly grieving, and he is a divorcée mourning his daughter. They reunite, only to break again - this time for good.
Steel Mask Versus Blue Abyss
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
A world of strong colours between documentary and fiction, centered on the life and work of modernist painter Amadeo de Souza Cardoso.
Guard GNR
Summer of 1964. The professor Carlos and the couple Dário and Alda spend time together in the beach during vacations. Away from the colonial war, everything seems lost in time.
Meia Noite
Duma Vez Por Todas
Jorge Trancoso, receptionist
Lisbon by night, through the eyes of a young woman who lives freely, and a neighbour who follows her everywhere, from a distance.
Era Uma Vez Um Alferes
Colonial war in Africa. During a patrol, in the woods, a Portuguese soldier steps on a mine, that will explode when he raises his foot...
Chico Fininho
Chico Fininho
Porto (Portugal), beginning of the 80s. A film crew seeks to understand if there's really the figure of Chico Fininho, immortalized in the popular song of the same name. A bunch of people are interviewed taking us to Boavista - where we find him in a club. After a brief hesitation, the interview happens and we're taken to everyday situations, that can happen to any "freak" of the city...
A Vida É Bela?!
Luís da Silveira
Hipólito is a self-made man, who went up in life in devious ways, and used for profit the social turmoil when Portugal changed from a monarchy into a republic, and then to a military regime. Finally, he is forced into exile. Back in 1935 to family, friends, and lovers, he is in a mix-mesh of lies, and scheming, again.
O Caso Coutinho
A new film from Bruno Gascon.