Lai Chi-Wai


La torre del infierno
En el día más caluroso en los últimos 50 años, un grave incendio asola una gigantesca torre comercial. El cuerpo de bomberos entra rápidamente en acción, con el objetivo inquebrantable de salvar vidas.
Legendary Assassin
An assassin who is fresh from his latest kill becomes stranded in an island, when he inadvertently befriends a female police officer. As the night progresses, the unspoken truth honored by the two sides of the law is broken. After the remains of a body that belonged to a drug lord and syndicate crime leader are found, chaos ensues and criminals ravage the once peaceful streets in a race against time to find the mysterious murderer that's loose and out for blood.
Tactical Unit - Human Nature
Cuatro ladrones de China continental se encuentran con las unidades PTU de Sam y May mientras cometen un robo, pero consiguen escapar. Mientras, Fatty se refugia en un motel para escaparse de su deudor. Más tarde se encuentra allí con los cuatro ladrones quienes le invitan a unirse a su proyecto criminal. Fatty se siente abandonado por sus familiares y amigos y su conciencia comienza a volverse oscura.
Hidden Track
Patron of fish store
Pu Pu is dumped by her boyfriend whom she loves. Before she moves out, she asks to listen to "their song" just one more time, that is the hidden track by Jay Chou. Then she leaves him and goes to her sister's place in Hong Kong. All the while she is there, she searches for the same song, the "hidden track", and from this it leads her onto a journey of discovering love and a new beginning. Despite the whole movie revolving around Jay Chou's song, Jay Chou plays only a cameo part.
Juego sucio (Infernal Affairs)
Sam's Follower
Ming es un topo infiltrado en el departamento de policía. Se hizo policía a los 18 años siguiendo las órdenes del jefe de una sociedad secreta de carácter criminal. Por su parte, Yan es un topo de la policía infiltrado en la banda desde hace ya diez años. Ambos se sienten cada vez más atrapados en esos mundos a los que no pertenecen.
Perfect Education 3
A lonely young Japanese student, Ai Narushima (Kana Ito) goes on a field trip with her school. At night she decides to take a taxi into the city. The Chinese taxi driver, Bo Tony Ho, is also a lonely soul and on a whim, decides to kidnap the young student. He takes her to the countryside and confines her in a room for days. The taxi driver doesn't abuse the student, but at night attempts to cuddle next to her. Eventually the lonely young Japanese student realizes he is as lonely as she is.
Devil Face, Angel Heart
Lon is an assassin who is deformed. The only man he can trust is his brother, Kwan. When Lon kills a police officer, the officer's partner tries to go after him, but lets him go after seeing his face. Meanwhile, Lon falls for Wendy, the girlfriend of Lon's sadistic boss, Dragon. When Lon agrees to kill Dragon for Wendy, it's a setup. After the kill, Lon is hit by a car and plunges into the river. A year passes by. A new man named Michael arrives, working for Wendy. Meanwhile, the partner of the cop Lon killed is still on the case. He notices a resemblance of the new man to Lon. Is Michael the same person as Lon? If so, what is the motive?
Experimento letal
Una compañía americana fabricante de armamento ha diseñado un robot capaz de sustituir a las personas en la guerra y evitar así la pérdida de más vidas humanas. Pero el test de funcionamiento no sale como todos esperaban, y el robot pierde el control. A pesar de las dudas que esto genera, se envía el robot a Hong Kong, donde ha de participar en una exhibición. Dos frentes velarán por su seguridad. Por una parte, un grupo de jóvenes policías de Hong Kong, y por otra, un agente americano del FBI. El choque entre ambos será inminente y hará que el trabajo, aparentemente sencillo, se complique hasta límites extremos llegando a poner en peligro sus vidas ante el arma mortal más peligrosa jamás diseñada. Secuela de la película dirigida por Benny Chan en 1999, "Gen-X Cops". (FILMAFINITY)
Needing You...
Andy's Staff
Wah and Kinki both working at the same department of a computer company. Both of them are not getting on very well initially, but friendship develops when they get to know each other after a while. When Wah starts to realize his emergent fondness for Kinki, his ex-girlfriend reappears and plans to gain back his affection. In addition, he notices that his ex-girlfriend arranges a guy to pair up with Kinki. At the same time, his supervisor would like to lay him off at work.
Play with Strangers
Mr. Fong
After being murdered by a masked killer, Rain, Snow and Romeo find Roy, a conman, and ask him to find the killer for them.