David Brill


The Path
A lone rambler has a terrifying encounter when he travels a lonely path in a forgotten wood
Muhammad Ali: El hombre detrás de la leyenda
Sound mixer
Una mirada íntima y alentadora al hombre tras la leyenda, descubriremos a Ali como jamás se le había visto. I Am Ali se narra a través de un material exclusivo y sin precedentes del archivo personal de Ali de audiodiarios, combinado con emocionantes entrevistas y testimonios de su círculo más íntimo de familiares y amigos, incluyendo a sus hijas, hijo, exmujer y hermano, además de leyendas del boxeo como Mike Tyson, George Foreman y Gene Kilroy.
Dive to Bermuda Triangle
There is a mystery there and the answer lies somewhere between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared in the ocean with little or no trace at all. Most of these cases can be explained quite easily by human error or bad weather. But there are some that defy all explanation. Theories abound on these causes: Aliens, massive gas eruptions and freak waves. The documentary reveals that the boats and planes face a real danger in a triangle, but the true threat is often as strange as the wildest theory.