La brigada policial SCAR, un cuerpo especial de seguridad, tiene carta blanca hasta el punto que incluso el fiscal del distrito hace la vista gorda ante sus peculiares tácticas. John Trace, un agente investigado por disparar con demasiada frecuencia, acaba de incorporarse a la misma tras superar una dura prueba de iniciación.
Ziggy Sinclair
When 25-year-old New Yorker Eric Traber gets fired from his job and kicked out of his apartment, he fears the worst. But his best friend, Ziggy, shows up A.W.O.L. from the Peace Corps and leads him out to the swank Hamptons for Easter weekend in search of betterment and understanding. Once there, they confront the adult roles of life for the first time; fraud, attempted murder, two-faced disloyalty and well-catered cocktail parties!